Friday, May 27, 2016

Pallet Fence Update

I hope you're not sick of garden posts yet.  Because I'm pretty sure you'll keep seeing them this summer.  All of my spare time is in the garden lately!

I wanted to share an update on our pallet fence, which is coming along.  It's about half done, and my husband made some little planters in the tops for me to put herbs.  I love them! 
Once things start blooming, I'll have to share another picture.  I have been searching everywhere for peppermint seed packets, but there seems to be a shortage this year.  I can't find it anywhere!  I am planting herbs in hopes of doing more medicinal tinctures this fall. 

Readers, do you have any herbs planted? 


  1. I never get tired of garden posts! Your fence is looking nice and what a great idea to plant your herbs in the top. So far, I have oregano and lemon thyme planted in pots. I heard that oregano can take over a spot and I don't have the room for that, so for now I'll keep them in pots.

  2. This idea is getting better and better.I have to put up even more security for deer and of course rabbits.

  3. Oh, my gosh, I love the planters on top of the pallets! Such a neat idea. I am showing this to Larry. No, I"m not tired of your garden posts. I like to watch the progress! We have tomatoes and onions only, at least so far.

  4. Pallet-sade!!!! With planters even :)

  5. I cannot seem to get myself out to weed. I do have some cute bunnies that are enjoying the clover though. Looks like you have room to go big with your garden. If you have too much you can donate for the poor;

  6. We are looking into exploring herbs this year, both cultivated and 'wild'. Haven't try making tinctures yet, so hopefully you will post a blog up at sometime in the future about how to make a tincture! Lovely pallet fence, and good idea about using the top as a planter for herbs. Looking forward to seeing how this progresses.

  7. Not only does the fence look nice, such a great idea to plant your herbs 'up there'. You and Paul constantly amaze me. Yes, please take more pics as time goes by! :)


  8. I'd forgotten about this project! Well done.
    We inherited a 30-year garden with all sorts of things in it. The oregano has self-seeded, and has created its own garden!
    I have planted a veggie garden for the first time in 2 years. I am NOT confident, however! Butch raccoon is such a pain in the butt!

  9. I have never grown any fresh herbs. But the little kits I see in the stores are very tempting. The fence is just great, that was a fabulous idea. Now triple that idea with the herb boxes on top!! You should both win some kind of prize! Going to Lexington this year?

  10. What a clever use of pallets!!... For herbs I just have basil and oregano in the garden this year. the rabbits eat the parsley as fast as we get it to grow.

  11. My husband does most of that due to my allergies. I help when he wants help. Otherwise I'm doing more of the house stuff. I think he has some herbs planted, but I'm not sure what.

  12. Looking good, I sent you an email that I have 11 more pallets for you guys! Closing the gap.

  13. We do have lots of herbs planted, but I have to say that I love the way you've made planters on the top of that fence. Great idea!

  14. I have some parsley that survived the winter.

  15. What a great idea! I love gardening and have been getting mine into shape. The pallets are so smart! I hope you find some peppermint seeds. Wish I had some to send you. :)

  16. Are you going to stain it with something to keep it from rotting. I used to use creosote but I don't think they sell it anymore.

  17. I love your garden ideas; I won't ever get tired of them. I think it's awesome that you plan to make some medicinal tinctures for the winter...

  18. It looks great and I love pallet projects!

  19. We love seeing your garden photos,, and storys, And the fence is cool! Perfect idea about the little planters on top
    We are trying to keep basil plant alive.


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