Monday, May 3, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday - Cinco de Mayo

Ah, is there anything more appetizing than Mexican food?  Really?  Anything?  So hooray for today's MTM theme!
Salsa for dipping, a star shaped avocado and some tortilla chips, 2 triangle quesadillas w/ refried beans, cheese, and green olives, black eyed peas with a few green beans mixed in, and corn.

What's missing from the picture though?
Oh yes.
That would be this:

Wouldn't that just hit the spot right now?

I'd also like to take a moment to introduce you to Henrietta:

She likes to roll in the dirt a lot.  And the grass.  She's a bird who likes to roll.

Want to join in on the fiesta that is Muffin Tin Monday?
Grab the button:
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

And hey, if you like to knit, please check out my giveaway from yesterday!  It benefits pediatric cancer and runs through the 8th.


Anonymous said...

What a great meal! The quesadilla look and sound wonderful.

w said...

nice tin. very festive. good job... on not including a margarita for the kids.

henrietta looks like a big cookie jar.

if i don't see elvis at least once/week, i get worried.

Robbins Zoo said...

Hi Henrietta!
I'm with you on the Margarita.. maybe tonight :o)

Andrea said...

Happy MTM, and YUM on everything! This would have been my fave theme, I'm just so slack I'm not up to speed yet. I am going to try to participate today, tho! ;) Cheers!

Jamie said...

Yummm! Love the tin!

Unknown said...

looks yummy. and really there is nothing more appetizing than some mexican food. that quesadilla is making me hungry.

Michelle said...

I was thinking we needed some sort of fun drink too! What a great lunch :0)

Kim said...

I'm glad you mentioned Cinco de Mayo, because I would have totally forgotten—so now I know what we're having for dinner on Wednesday!

Unknown said...

yes, margarita is missing but I love what you made, can I eat lunch at your house, LOL
I found you from the muffin tin monday I am your newest follower, come by and visit me if you have time.

Unknown said...

I am SOOOOOOO in love with Mexican food!

(The flatulence afterward, not so much...good thing my family doesn't mind!)

joeandbridge said...

Hi there! I'm participating in the Tuesday Blog Party too! I wanted to follow all the blogs participating, so now I follow you :)
Feel free to visit mine. Have a great week!

Bridgette Groschen
The Groschen Goblins

In The Kitchen With AUdrey said...

Yeah, I am to take snacks to a moms group tomorrow and they all asked if I was bringing margaritas. At 10am. At a church. I think I will.

Rachael said...

Looks like a great meal. Your twins are cute, my son has started actively crawling too and it's great fun!!!