Monday, June 28, 2010

The Celebrate Plate and a Carjacking

It's Muffin Tin Monday!  A few weeks ago I went downtown to the pottery painting studio with the Multiples Club.  I painted this alligator plate for Pierce (or the twins) to have on special days.  Pierce had a very nice day of sharing with his brothers, so he got the Celebrate plate.
He had pizza bites, and in honor of July 4th red strawberries, blueberries, and a squirt of whipped cream for dipping.
Want to participate in MTM?
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

Meanwhile, I haven't done a chicken update in a bit.
Look what Priscilla did this past week:
Can you guess where she is?
She hopped in the minivan while I was buckling in Reid.
She's a strange bird, and probably our most friendly of the chickens.
Once she was in she was all, "Take me to McDonald's.  I'll have some fries and a large Diet Coke"


Steve Surratt said...

How about an egg McMuffin? Any eggs yet?

Anonymous said...

I love the Celebrate Plate. What a great idea! I did red, white, and blue too.

Unknown said...

I love that you have chickens. I wish we could....

How cute that she was in your car! I love it!

Jen said...

funny lol. love the plate

Andrea said...

ACCCKKKK! Hilarious!!! No doubt she did not want to go to CFA. (BAD, BAD JOKE. I KNOW. I'm SORRY!)

Love the plate! Too cute! I'm trying to create a MTM today to get up later. We'll see if I can do it.

Melissa said...

Oh my goodness. I have a bird phobia and I would be scared to death if I found a chicken in my van. I got shudders just looking at your pictures!! Eeeeek!!

Cute lunch! I like the alligator on the plate. :)

Robbins Zoo said...

HAHAHA! I love the tin. It looks so yummy! But your little passenger cracked me up! I guess she wouldn't want a chicken nugget happy meal. LOL

Jenny said...

I love your idea for the plate!

Heligirl said...

Man that plate is so cool and you lay out the food so professionally. Ever work for the Cake Boss? Seriously though, I love that you have chickens. I suggested it to my hubby - great thing to have for the kids, learn to care for chickens, have fresh eggs, etc. He laughed and I think he asked if I was high. Yeah, so I live in the city. Sigh. My inner country girl envies you. I'm so glad we met through the Mom Sexy Prom. I'm loving getting to know you in your blog. :)

Shay S. said...

Very cute plate & what a funny chicken!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Baby Girl, I think she wanted to boycott the Chicken Nuggets!

Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

What a great idea for you to create your own plate. It makes it EXTRA special. :-)