Monday, September 6, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday - For the Ducks

It's Muffin Tin Monday and guess what I found for $3.99 (for a set of 4) at T.J. Maxx?
Muffin cups with duck feet!
Not only that, but the duck feet have little suction cups on the bottom.
I figure they'll be perfect for when the twins start having Muffin Tin lunches.

We did the ever popular breakfast, since there was no theme this week.
An egg from one of our chickens, some turkey bacon, a duck shaped piece of whole wheat toast with butter, and some pears.
Pierce ate every.single.last.bite!

If you want to participate in Muffin Tin Mondays, click:
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


Anonymous said...

I love the chicken foot cups. The themed breakfast is a great idea.

Alie said...

Wow, thanks for the tip. I see myself heading to TJ Max this week! Those duck feet are so cute!

Jeremi said...

you always come up with the cutest ideas : )

Myya said...

How cute are those!!! I want some for my littlest. With those sucton feet it would be perfect for helping to avoid so muc on the floor. Ok ok she will still throw stuff but a mom can dream right :)

Anonymous said...

I finished the bag of potato chips. I thought I should confess.

My Mad World said...

Those are just so cute!!! Lucky find!