Monday, October 18, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday - Halloween

This week's theme is Halloween.  I'd hoped to be more creative for this, but Cort had a temp of 102* and was very unhappy when the time rolled around to make this lunch.  So I had to make it speedy.
Grapes with a witch pick, a "finger" roll, water, a pumpkin cookie (he wasn't allowed to eat that until after lunch), some guts spaghetti with a bat pick, and some roasted carrots and mushrooms with a pumpkin pick.

Want to join in on Muffin Tin Monday?  Click the button:
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


Anonymous said...

I would like a finger roll and pumpkins cookie would make you feel better. Hope he is up and ready to run through the day.

Tiggeriffic said...

I look forward to seeing your blog everyday.. I love muffin tin Monday..but I love everyday I see your blog..
Have a great week~!! Good luck on your running.. Have been praying for you...

Island Mom said...

I love the finger roll. Those foods definitely all seem like they would make a little guy feel better.

Meredith said...

love the cookie. I hope your little guy is feeling better!

Tammy said...

Love the finger roll & cookie! Hope your little one is feeling better!

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Aww I hope he is feeling better. Love the finger roll and cookie, very cute!

Andrea said...

Still looks fantastic! :) Hope the lil man is getting better! Fevers are suckky!

Anonymous said...

Love the finger roll. Hope he feels better soon.

Chatty Crone said...

Looks delish - hope y'all get better soon.


~Kris said...

What a great tin!
Hope your lil guy feels well soon!
Happy MTM

Sandy said...

Aww, I hope your little guy is feeling better!