Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Green Thing in the Living Room

Reid!  Wake up, Reid, I heard there was a big green thing in the living room!
Cort, this isn't like the time you tried to tell me UFOs were landing, is it?
No, come on Reid, come see!

So the twins, they pointed and they said, "DUM!  DUM, DUM, DUM!!"

Yes, the big green thing was very exciting.
Even if Mommy would only put 1/20th of her ornaments on this year.  Just call me The Grinch.
Even a bare green thing is magical. 

Cort, I love this green thing!  And this stuffed dog.  DOG!  DOG! 

So Reid, now everyday our job is to take off everyone of these ornaments.  Just as soon as Mom gets them up on the tree.  Also, we should carry them all over the house and hide them in random places.  That way, when they're found under the bed next July, we can enjoy Christmas all over again. 


Labay Family said...

How cute! That is exactly what I do... only use a fraction of the ornaments I have! For sure nothing "breakable" and also I only have the top half of the tree decorated. That works out great too! I have the tree in a corner of the room so it seems less tempting and really I haven't had any problems with them messing with it too much. Good luck and I hope your tree survives all those cute little boys tugging and pulling on it! :) Merry Christmas!

Chicken Wrangler said...

Darling post! You captured the moment with your pictures today!

Tiggeriffic said...

Those boys are so cute.. My daughter -in-law used to put up a tree for her children.. (3) they had their own decorations and could take them off and put them back on..
When my kids were little I put my decorations on top and theirs on the bottom.. We had a very strange looking tree until they got older.. But what are Christmas Trees for? to have fun with and enjoy the season...
Glad you are a mom that lets her children explore, touch, and have lots of adventures. This makes memories and that is what life is all about.. Making Memories..
I love the part where you will find something from the tree in July.. Christmas in July~!
ta ta for now from Iowa... 26 degrees, cloudy windy . Love watching the birds at my feeders today.

Andrea said...

Ah, seriously. The joy of childhood!! :>

jennohara said...

So cute! They're at a good age for Christmas this year!

My Mad World said...

Watching the little ones this time of year is the best thing ever!!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness they are so sweet and wide eyed and innocent. sandie

Dawn said...

you have to love that age!!!!!
too cute:)

Myya said...

So this is what I have to look forward to this year. Hmmmmm, maybe it isn't such a bad thing that my husband is a grinch & we hardly ever get our tree any earlier then a few weeks before Christmas. :)

Jeremi said...

smart mommy!
last year when we were decorating our tree i left the room for a phone call and came back to the bottom foot of the tree covered in all of our ornaments -- it was very sweet and funny. little kids and the holiday, so much joy : )

Anonymous said...

You are so brave. We are using a table top tree this year.