Monday, February 7, 2011

The Results of the Pinkalicious Swap

For my blog swap partner I was assigned Lulu in Los Angeles.  She has a really fun blog and way more decorating sense than I could ever have.  For real.  I've had a lot of fun getting to know her through her blog and email. 

She sent me my package and when I opened it up I couldn't believe all the cute and fabulous pink wrapping.  Have I ever mentioned that I am the world's worst wrapper?  Seriously sorry wrapper here.  The package I sent her?  Like crumpled up pink tissue paper (which I hopefully made up for by sending her stuff she'll love).  Bottom line?  I cannot wrap.  But Lulu can!  She did a beautiful job of it:

So here are all the goodies she sent:
a very cute card with a bonus cookie recipe on it.
knee high pink and gray socks.
a piggy kitchen timer (my favorite thing - and Pierce's too!)
a pink mini bread loaf pan
a mini day planner
a pink notepad and pen
pink and white socks
pink thank you notes (can always use more thank yous!)
pink dish towels 
Isn't it awesome?  Thanks Lulu, for all of the wonderful stuff!  Love it!  :-)

If you want to participate in a blog swap, you should be following Our Dandelion Wishes, because she hosts them frequently and they always have some fun theme.


Anonymous said...

Your house will now have a little pink! Love the items she selected. The loaf pan would be great to make mini meatloaves.

Nancy said...

I agree with JDaniel4's Mom -- with all the testerone in your household, you deserve some pink. And you got it. What a great assortment of girly gifts. :)

Valerie Boersma said...

Fun stuff! And do I spy pink leopard print wrapping paper? I love anything leopard print. I don't know why-I'm not wild:)

Inger said...

Some people are just so talented, I could never put together a package like that. Your house will be pretty in pink this Valentine.--Inger

VandyJ said...

That all looks so fun!

Andrea said...

Oh! I love it!!! I'm jealous. I totally could have used this kind of swap this month. Now I kind of want to host my own. I have to come up with an idea that doesn't just include books. I think we need treats as moms, too!

laughwithusblog said...

How fun! First I've heard about a blog swap--you've been holding out on me! :)

Chatty Crone said...

You just wrote you had no pink there - now you do and it is all so pretty - nice gift.


AiringMyLaundry said...

You got a very nice package. I am impressed with the wrapping.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

So, Baby Girl, see you are the LITTLE GIRL with all those pink accessories! WTG...:)JP

Misty said...

Looks adorable! What a great package to receive!

My Mad World said...

Very pretty wrapping and wonderful gifts!

How you doing with all that pink around!?! lol

Lulu said...

I'm so happy you liked everything. The piggy timer was my fave too! And there was only one at the store ... I'm on the lookout for another, haha! I'm so happy we were paired up to swap, I've had a great time getting to know you and look forward to following along with your blog for a long time.

xxoo Lulu

Mary said...

Oooo Look at all the pink! Looks like a great blog swap. :)

mountain mama said...

looks like fun!!!! always fun to open surprises.

Myya said...

I love that you got to enjoy some pink goodness (especially in your world of blue over there). LOVE that pink piggy timer too, how cute is that!

Red Stethoscope said...

Hey there! I'm a Mamarazzi follower and I came over from your link there. That pig timer is awesome! So cute!

jennykate77 said...

Such cute stuff!!! I LOVE your pink and grey knee high socks!

Cute blog! :)

Miss Angie said...

What an awesome package! That little bread pan is adorable. Cute cute cute!

Jen said...

That wrapping is gorgeous!

I want a piggy timer! How cute is that?!

Wani said...

Who doesn't love getting a package in the mail!?! My son kept saying "happy birthday mommy" while he was helping me open my pink package! ;-)

Mamarazzi said...

looks like a great package...loving all the PINK!! Lulu did a fab job, i just knew y'all would hit it off!! Yay for new bloggy friends AND all things pink!

Unknown said...

Nice! Love the pink and gray socks!

Megan Harmeyer said...

You got some great goodies!! And you're right...she did an awesome job on the wrapping.

Jacquie said...

What a great package i love the socks and the piggy timer is super cute!

Amy said...

Very nice stuff. The loaf pan is so cute!

Janna said...

What cute stuff! Doesn't Mamarazzi just ROCK!

Have a great week!

Impulsive Addict said...

Awww...your boys are cute!

Looks like another great package! I love Thank You cards. I use them A LOT! =)

Mommydom with MS said...

I want those dish towels - so cute!

Aubrey S. said...

I really like those socks. What a fun package!

♥ Noelle ♥ said...

cuteness! love the lil pan:) this was a FUN swap!