Friday, March 4, 2011

For the Love of Science, Memory Lane Friday

Memory Lane Friday is a weekly blog carnival where you can blog about your memories and link up.  Everyone is welcome.  This week's topic is 'A Favorite Subject'.

In my mind, subjects didn't stand out during the grade school years.  You were in the same classroom with the same people all day long.  Although you switched subjects throughout the day, it all kind of blended together.  There was nothing distinctive in it.

So it wasn't until I went to junior high that subjects began to stand individually on their own.  And I fell in love with Ms. Roberts's science class.  It was Natural Science or something of the sort - the standard 7th grade science course.

I loved everything about it.  The black, partnered lab tables.  The aquariums with hamsters holed up in little logs.  The textbook with it's glossy pictures and charts.  Oh, I was smitten.

The first day that really drew me in was when we were studying trees.  Ms. Roberts handed out small tree identification guides to all the students in my class (perhaps 20 or so).  And then we went outside.  It was an early fall day, before the leaves had started to completely turn and tumble.  The temperature was mild as we walked around answering tree questions to discover which tree was what.  It was like a big mystery to be solved, and I was the detective.  I didn't think it could get any better than that, but it did.

The highlight of the year was when we dissected owl pellets.  Each student got their own owl pellet, with a guide for identifying the bones found within.  Yet another mystery to be solved!  I loved extracting the tiny rodent bones from my pellet, lightly brushing off debris with a brush.

(Owl pellet picture courtesy of google images)
With the exception of chemistry (ick) I've always adored science, and I truly think that Ms. Roberts's class paved the way for my appreciation.

Want to join in on Memory Lane Friday?  It's easy!  Just add your webpage to the link up below.  Please take the time to visit others' posts.  Don't forget to come back next week, it's a no theme week.


Nancy said...

Your post reminds me of an environmental earth science class I took in high school. We took many field trips and it was my favorite class. I think, just like you, it was my introduction to loving and appreciating the outdoors. Very nice post, Lisa. :)

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Science! Cool! You know, a good teacher can make all the difference!

Anonymous said...

Owl pellets were interesting! We have Dick and Jane too. I am not into them either. I think I am going to look into the Bob series.

TexWisGirl said...

Too funny on the owl pellets! Great memory!

laughwithusblog said...

I loved choir and lunch....

Anonymous said...

that is one glorious intro to science!

Sandy said...

I loved science all through school, even chemistry. But when I went to college I ended up majoring in Accounting...who would have known?!

Angela said...

Maybe I would have liked science more if I had a cool teacher like you had! I'm not sure how I would have felt about the owl pellets though. Probably would have grossed me out back then. lol

Have a Wonderful Weekend!

Jane said...

It's good to have teachers who get involved with their students,that can make the difference. My favorite subject was reading and math. Blessings jane

Helene said...

My boys would LOVE your sense of adventure!! We went to a pumpkin patch this past fall and the lady who owns the place was showing the kids an owl pellet. They were totally intrigued by it and wanting to touch it. While I dry heaved in the corner.

I am sooooooo not made out to be a mother of boys!!!

Valerie Boersma said...

A great teacher can make such a difference-mine was my 4th grade teacher Mrs. Wingert. She told such interesting stories and made each one of us believe that we were very special. When I observed that pomegranate seeds were heart shaped she told me I was brilliant. I never forgot that:)

jennohara said...

So funny! I was just talking about dissecting owl pellets the other day! :) I dont think I'll ever forget that about grade school

Chatty Crone said...

My grandson did that in Cub Scouts last summer at camp. Sandie

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Baby Girl, my friend Laura @ ForestWalkArt does the "bone" thing...she collects pellets all the time for those tiny ones! You really were a geek!...:)JP

Dawn said...

What a great memory....I wish I could like science like you!!! That's one thing I greatly lack..the love for scientific matter(s;))

Shanae Branham said...

I love the idea of a memory lane Friday! I just became your newest follower! Next week I will have to center my post on a subject that can relate so I can link up with your other friends!

Shell said...

Science was always fun for me, too!

Anonymous said...

I hated science when I was at school, but I hope my kids will have a greater interest in it due to their dad's keen interest in science and math!

Mere said...

i also loved science...which is probably why i have a degree in biology. I never dissected owl pellets tho...never even heard of it! We just dissected animals: frogs, deer legs, cats(that one took a little getting used to)...ah the smell of animals in formaldehyde

Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

Sounds like a great teacher. I don't like finding those owl pellets when we rake the leaves, but our son who loves science has spent hours watching the owls in our trees.