Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day - Memory Lane Friday

Memory Lane Friday is a weekly blog carnival where you can link up with your memories.  All are welcome.  This week's theme is Earth Day.  While that might seem like a challenging topic, it really isn't.  You could blog about a nature hike you took, a craft you made using recycled items, a pet frog - anything that celebrates the earth!  Earth Day just happens to be one of my favorite holidays.  I love that it embraces the earth and doesn't involve candy or presents.

My sophomore year of high school I was tormented by a little subject called CHEMISTRY.  Oh how I suffered through that class.  In the spring, when Ms. Bohince gave us an optional extra credit project, I was all over it. I needed all the help I could get.  The challenge was to create a costume out of recycled items for Earth Day. 

I raided old milk cartons, newspapers, cardboard boxes, rope, construction paper, string, an old wooden dowel, and a can of silver spray paint.  Here's what I created:

A knight costume!  Not so bad, eh?  I did get my full extra credit, and I think I managed to pull a B in the class when it was all said and done.

To link up, just add your website to the linky:
Be sure to visit other blogs and leave a comment.
Next week is a 'no theme' week.

Have you entered my GIVEAWAY yet?  It ends tomorrow!


Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Aw, man . . . chemistry tormented me, too! That was my hardest class, ever, in high school.

I love the costume! How creative!

Anonymous said...

I loved chemistry although I couldn't tell you any of the symbols on that crazy chart anymore.



Anonymous said...

What a wonderful outfit! I hate light the burner to do the experiments! Thankfully my lab partner loved to.

Texan said...

I liked the class pretty much. :O). I had a very odd teacher for that class though. LOL

Jenny said...

How cute! I have forgotten my chemistry grade - probably for the best.

Nancy said...

I somehow managed to graduate from high school without having to take the dreaded chemistry class.

I love your outfit. Very creative. :)

TexWisGirl said...

too funny! great job!

Anonymous said...

Brilliant! You look FIERCE! My sons make castles out of old boxes and egg cartons and bottles and yarn. They're of that Renaissance ilk.

Valerie Boersma said...

I had to take chemistry in high school too. I wish Mr Rudd (I still remember the first day of class-he said "Rudd. It rhymes with mud, crud and blood!") had given us an opportunity to do extra credit. Instead, he let me withdraw at the end of the semester with a D--. (About as low as I could go!)

Great job on your costume! It was worth every extra credit point.

Katie said...

I linked up with Family Farm Memories. Thanks so much for hosting! I love your costume picture but I don't want to remember how HORRIBLE I did in Chemistry. Earth Day is a great day to celebrate family farmers who care for our land and grow safe and healthy food which is why I featured farm memories today.

Jane said...

Lisa, you are so talented I love your creation!!! Chemestry is a hard subject. Blessings jane

Leontien said...

oh my gosh, i had a hard time linking up and i coudn't do it with my own logo... but i did it... YEAH!!!

Thank you so much for hosting and i linked up with the memories of me and my husband's love story!


Unknown said...

Great Post. You were a knight in shining armour, and you should have gotten an "A" in CHEMESTRY

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is very clever, and I love the horse! Perfect for Earth Day!

Sandy said...

I loved Chemistry! My high school was college prep and I took 4 years of chemistry. In my Chemistry 101 course in college we used the same text book I had used my senior year of high school, made for an easy A. I love the costume. You were creative even back then it seems.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh GOOD KNIGHT - I hope you got an A!
Love and Blessed Easter. sandie

LBB said...

HA! Great costume!!
Extra credit was my friend too :)

Kim said...

Why, oh why, couldn't my chemistry teacher offered extra credit projects like that? All I remember is having to memorize the periodic chart!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I think I LOVE that outfit! How original and innovative, Baby Girl...:)

Jeremi said...

this is great!!