Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Museum of Coastal Carolina (Ocean Isle Beach, NC)

I'm a little late posting this, but we had so much fun that I wanted to make sure I did!

When the weather took a cloudy, cooler turn, we decided it would be a great day to explore the Museum of Coastal Carolina.  Just a short walk from the Ocean Isle Inn, where we stayed, plus they have an incredible playground just outside.

They have many interactive exhibits inside.  Admission is $8 for adults, $4 for preschoolers, and the twins were free.

This is a water table, so kids can study how the currents affect the sand.

Pierce called this room the underwater room. 

With wavey lights playing off the walls, it does feel as though you are underwater. 

I need a tripod.
And 3 boys who will stand still for 5 seconds. 

This is a live salt water exhibit.
Pierce got to touch hermit crabs, sea urchins, and sea stars. 

These are sea anemones, and they aren't touchable.  After my jellyfish fiasco of 2008 I wasn't going anywhere near these guys! 

Downstairs is the "Turtle Room".  It's full of interactive fun.

Displays on sea turtles: 

A boat. 
Hmmm, yes, so much for my idea of a nice shot of all 3 boys sitting in the boat.

An antique helm: 

When you exit the museum, they have this display of a case of Civil War rifles.
They have to protect them by keeping them in water.
I found it interesting. 
This charming museum is a great place to spend a few hours if you need to get out of the sun, or rain, or just want to experience an educational slant to Ocean Isle. 

Have you entered my giveaway for a creativity journal and card set yet?


Anonymous said...

It is wonderful that they have so many hands on activities for the boys.

Jenny said...

What a neat place! The boys look like they really enjoyed their day!

Cat said...

When did Reid start leaving hats on his head?

Karen said...

What a fun place! We have Mystic Aquarium here in CT - one of our favorite summer time visits.

I, too, have had a jellyfish experience. Meat tenderizer and vinegar, the only thing that gave the sting relief. Ugh.

Tanya (a Taste of T) said...

Ah love it! Can't wait to take Maddi to places like this

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I love the shot "sitting" in the boat! It sounds like such a great place...:)JP

TexWisGirl said...

the boat shot is perfect!!! LOL!

Sandy said...

You might get yourself a tripod, but I don't see you getting your 3 boys to all be still at the same time anytime in the near future! Heck even when they are older they will be picking on each other while you are trying to take just isn't going to happen...LOL

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

That's such a great place to take kids! I'm so glad your boys had so much fun!

Tina L. Hook said...

Your boys are so cute. I especially love the boat pic.

Liz Mays said...

I remember seeing that when I was there for the conference. I'm glad you had the chance to go.

I love aquariums, and obviously kids do too!

Nancy said...

I love how you are educating your boys by way of museums, etc...

It's fun for them, but provides something they can take with them after they get home.

Good on you, Lisa! :)

Valerie Boersma said...

I enjoyed this vicarious visit through your photos!

How interesting about the rifles. I wonder why they have to be kept in water?

I can only imagine how hard it would be to photograph three little boys-I just had Amy and she was hard enough, and even when she did stand still, she would always make the silliest faces:)

LBB said...

I love all the hands on thing for the kids to do! Looks like fun:)

Tipper said...

Looks like fun! I was at the museum of Natural Sceince last year-at about this time-it's a cool place too-looks like you all enjoyed it as well : )

Doris Sturm said...

Wow, Lisa! What a great place. They boys looked like they were having a great time. Bet they slept well that night!

I often took my daughter (when she was little) to the Los Angeles Children's Museum where everything is hands-on and educational - even fun for adults...great way to spend the day.

Happy Spring!

Terra said...

Your boys are ABSOLUTELY adorable!!!

Tiffany said...

Awww, that museum looks fun! Places like those are great for hands on learning for kids, much more fun for little ones. They remember it longer-based on personal experience with my two. :)

Shell said...

What fun! We were going to check that out, but the weather cleared up.

Ginny Hartzler said...

But how do you protect rifles by keeping them in water, doesn't that rust and corrode them? Strange.I love the boys in the boat!! Who wants a "nice" picture, that's no fun! Candid shots are much better and they look like they are having so much fun!!!

Unknown said...

Can you believe I grew up on an island but am scared to death of the water!
So that museum looks great, from this side of the blog :-)

Chatty Crone said...

I love the time you take to teach your children -

Myya said...

Love the interactive museums, it makes the whole experience so much more fun for the kids! I'm with you on needing a tripod, I would also like a button that I could push & anytime I said CHEESE they would all freeze with a perfect smile on thier face. LOL.