After seeing all the cool lists everyone else did, with cute jars and real buckets, I thought for sure that this year I would do something similar. But guess what? I've been busy. So I'm going to be lazy and just type out my list. Because of the current price of gas, our list is heavy on things that we can do at home.
1. Lots of library story hours again (last year I think we went to all but one!)
2. Participate in the library summer reading program again
3. Pierce to participate in at least one track race
4. Family camping trip
5. Set up swimming pool and continue to work on swimming skills with Pierce (and the twins!)
6. Go to the zoo
7. Ice cream and tour at the Homestead Creamery
8. Go to the water park at Green Ridge Rec Center
9. Harvest a garden!
10. Go to a free Friday at the Science Museum
11. Ride the trolley with Daddy and visit the Farmer's market
12. Make mud pies
13. Have a water balloon fight
14. Take a trip to the craft store and let each child pick out one craft kit from the $1 bin to make
15. Have our own Field Day in the horse arena
16. Play in the sprinkler
17. Go on a lightning bug hunt
18. Eat ice cream sundaes for lunch
19. Make a solar hot dog cooker, and cook lunch on it
20. Pierce - Vacation Bible School
21. Pierce - look into a week of soccer camp
22. Children's Museum at Greensboro or Lynchburg

What's on your bucket list for this summer?
We're looking local for summer trips, too!
Our favorite camping spot is hours away..and thinking 3 tanks of gas..ack! Local it is.
Great ideas! We love going to the Children's Museum in Lynchburg, but the gas prices are going to mandate that we stay home more this summer, too. I'm wondering about recreating some of their exhibits using things around the house...
My mom used to live in Lynchburg, VA. My nephews loved going to the children's museum there.
JDaniel would love a hot dog cooker.
i've started my list .... and i'm going to add a few you wrote down too (make mud pies, water balloon fight --- FUN!!!). so happy summer is just around the corner : )
A solar hot dog cooker? Now that sounds a lot more interesting than...oh're NOT putting up that pool again!!!!...:)JP
sounds like a lot of fun mixed into that list. good luck!
Sounds like fun! On my bucket list -- try not to take afternoon naps on Wednesday and Friday. ;)
You have lots of great things to do on your list!
This summer Amy takes Driver's Ed! Big Ack! How can she be that old already???
I may need lots of ice cream to cope:)
That's a great list! I would love to have a garden and grow our own veggies. And a lightning bug hunt sounds like a perfect summer thing. Especially with boys!
Good luck with your list and have fun! :)
Those sound like great fun. Looks like you're letting your kids be kids, which is really wonderful.
We're keeping it local too. Lots of time in the pool to get ready for mid-summer tryouts for our son.
I'm packing a bag and coming to your house for the summer!
You know how to make your own fun! I've always believed you don't have to go too far from home to have fun, and I'm just loving your list. I'm very interested in this Homestead Creamery? Since we both live in the same area, I might like to go. A solar hot dog cooker, really??? I hope you post that one, now I want to make it with the girls!! You guys must have more fun than anyone I know!
:) LOVE YOUR LIST!!!!! I feel old. That was my list from a few years it's more like, "see if oldest can take time off work to go camping with me"......
Oh Life is good and fun!:)
(Be sure to take lots of pictures, especially of the pool:)
We need to make ours--but I want to ride the new Zippin Pippin at Bay Beach!
Just checking in to make sure you got your cook book holder and are enjoying it!! congrats again
Those are fantastic items on your summer bucket list!
Looks like you are going to have a busy Summer! I'm afraid that I just take it day by day. I do hope to do more this Summer than I did last Summer. We'll see!
Have a Great Day!
I've always really loved the library programs, and the reading one is especially good.
The water balloon fight sounds especially fun!
You have a wonderful list! Mine is short - swimming, swimming, boating and uhhhh some more swimming!! LOL.
Sounds like a fun summer!
Sounds like your summer will be filled with fun things!!
You have an amazing list! I love all your ideas. It's going to be hard to pick just one to add to our bucket! Thanks for linking up again this year. Have a fabulous summer!
Lisa - what a wonderful list - and one that looks like it is going to take a lot of hard work from a dedicated mother. Whew. Sounds like a lot of fun though. Sandie
Great list! I like ice cream for lunch idea :)
Love your list!! What neat activities for your kids!!
Here is mine (but it's not just for summer)...
What a fun summer you're planning!
So much fun! HOpe I get invited to some of them. :-)
What a fun list you have working there!!!
I'm your newest follower!
We have a list too:
We definitely need to add mudpies to our list!!
I totally forgot to add the library summer reading program to my list! This is a great list!
Great list! Sundaes for lunch? My kinda girl! Adding myself as a follower. :)
I love the idea of letting each kid pick out a $1 craft kit, I need to add that to my list!
What a great list!! I found your blog through Little Wonders' summer bucket list post. I'm a new follower through facebook!
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