Sunday, June 12, 2011

Always Keep Your Safety Glasses and Paci Handy

Apparently, this is how Cort likes to read books.
Because this is how I found him.
You can never be too prepared, you know.

This post is linked to My Sunday Best.
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Please go enter my giveaway for green environmentally friendly cleaning products HERE.


Mere said...

little boys are so funny :)

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Hahaha! Too cute!

Dawn in DC said...

What a cute photo! Little boys are so funny. I had two of them and a girl, too. But they're all grwon up now and expecting babies of their own. Yay!

Thanks for stopping by my little blog.

TexWisGirl said...

oh my gosh, this is CUTE!!!

Anonymous said...

Love that! Made me laugh this morning!

Debbie @ Swampbilly Ranch said...

This will be such great blackmail material when he is 16.

Lilly's Mom (Desiree) said...

LOL I love this! :)

Michelle said...

My son used to love to wear a pair of goggles just like this! So sweet!

Samantha said...

I had to laugh out loud..funny guy!

Anonymous said...

That boy is prepared! :)

Too cute!

Chatty Crone said...

He is a living doll - and gosh I have those things to read - don't you?

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Now that is adorable!

Sarah said...

LOL...good idea, protecting his eyes!!! So cute!!!

Moments and Impressions said...

This is so cute!! Those eye paper cuts are dangerous things!

Ginny Hartzler said...

How funny!! Do you think one of the boys put them on him?

Elle Belles Bows said...

That is the best!! Cute and funny!!


Cat said...

Ha! When I kept them one day, Cort wore a winter hat, socks on his hands, the safety glasses, and his paci. It was 88 degrees. He was prepared for anything. Bet he will be a Boy Scout :-)

Texan said...

Oh for petes sake, can we say cuteness times 50!!

Anonymous said...

JDaniel wants to wear glasses just like these.

Weekend Cowgirl said...

So cute! My 2 year old kiddo had shark goggles on upside down yesterday at pool and he looked so funny!

Doris Sturm said...

Looking at him made me smile because to me he looks like he's going snorkeling LOL

Joe said...

Looks like he's got everything he needs ;).

Lou Belcher said...

Ahhhh.... photography with a smile. Love it.


Folkways Note Book said...

Lisa -- This boy is going to be a scholar for sure -- barbara

Nancy said...

He's ahead of the curve -- what else would you need if reading a Stephen King book? :)

I'm so glad you linked up to YSB this week Lisa. This photo is just perfect! I hope you will come back next week.

jennohara said...

This made me laugh!! Too too cute!!

Valerie Boersma said...

Too, too cute! I'm glad you got a picture of him!!

Sandy said...

OMG! that is sooo cute. Keep that picture handy for when he starts dating to embarrass him with.

Robin said...

Those are just hilarious...

Anonymous said...

That is now my favorite picture in the world!

Myya said...

Oh my goodness that is THE cutest!