Sunday, June 26, 2011

Reid Got Scared

This picture was taken at the Transportation Museum.  The boys were sitting on an old trolley from the 50s.  A train went by outside and Reid got scared.  So Cort had to step in.  Have I mentioned lately how much I love having twins?

This was my first attempt to use Picnik to do some "fun" editing.
Let me know what you think.

Linking up today with Your Sunday Best over at A Rural Journal.

On a side note, if you've ever wanted to wish me a Happy Birthday, today would be an appropriate day to do so.  The big 3-6.  ;-)


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Hope the guys spoil you rotten! I think that picture is the cutest ever.

Mere said...

Reid is lucky to have such a caring and tough brother to watch out for him :)

Happy Birthday!!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad they have each other. Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

How about Happy Birthday? Love the picture too. I did Photoshop Lesson #4 on Abraham Lincoln's Blog. Not sure you are interested as you are already using Picnik.

Jeremi said...

that's a really cute photo : ) i love having twins too, even the odd comments i've gotten over the years don't bug me : )

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Happy Birthday, cute pic of the boys!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Awww, poor li'l guy. Glad Cort was there to help him out!

Happy Birthday, by the way!

Texan said...

Now that is just sweet..."here brother I will hug you its okay" to cute!

Happy Birthday!!!!

and before you know it, you will say its the 46 LOL that is where I am. Zoom time flies.

Valerie Boersma said...

Happy birthday Lisa!

All three of your boys are so cute-your picture today is priceless!!

Have a great day today, and a safe drive home:)

TexWisGirl said...

such cute boys!

Super Single Mom and Her Side Kids said...

This is so cute!
xoxo Crystal Lynn

Jill said...

This picture is priceless! HAPPY, HAPPY Birthday, Lisa. I hope you have a wonderful day!

Cat said...

Awwwwww. Email this picture to me pleeeeeze :-) At my verizon email.

Sally said...

Awwww, now that photo is indeed worth a thousand words.

Happy Birthday, Lisa, I hope all your guys treat you like Princess today!! :)

Nancy Grossi ~ Churned In Cali ~ The Wife of a Dairyman said...

Adorable and sweet! I love using picnik, isn't it fun?!

Nancy said...

Happy Birthday, Momma! Oh, to be 36again. Oh, scratch that. I was not in my right mind back then! But that's another show, as Oprah would say.

First, I think you did great on the photo editing. Did you enjoy it?

Second, I can't tell if Cort is hugging or choking Reid. ;)

Hope you are having a marvelous Sunday and thanks so much for linking up at YSB today. I truly appreciate your participation! :)

QB @ Tales from Domestic Obscurity said...

Happy Birthday!!

Two of Jackson's good friends are twin girls...age 4. We were together on Wednesday and one fell pretty hard. I think her twin cried even harder for her because she was worried about her and the mention of her going to the hospital. It was the sweetest thing ever.

Melodie said...

Oh ,that is precious!What a good brother!

Steve Surratt said...

Happy Birthday!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This has to be the cutest picture I have ever SEEN!!!!! Even with his paci, he is still comforting his brother! It really needs framed and put somewhere. Hey, did you hear about the new big butterfly exhibit at Natural Bridge? They get hundreds of new ones each week, and have a rare African blue one. It is an almost 2,000 foot habitat with a waterfall and pond plus a farmhouse facade where you can watch them transform. It is right down by the toy museum. I think you are maybe closer to there than we are, not sure.

Chatty Crone said...

I guess it is your birthday - happy birthday - those boys are just so sweet!

Doris Sturm said...

Well, happy 36th Birthday - another June Baby ;-) Mine was the 16th, but I wish I were 36 again! Have a wonderful day with your boys!

That photo is so adorable with one comforting the other...very sweet!

Again, Happy Birthday to you and from Gizzy tooooooo (woof!)

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

Oh they look adorable! This is such a sweet picture and you did an excellent job editing it!! Also Hope you had a wonderfully blessed birthday!!

Fun Frugal Mommy said...

Cute boys!! : ) I am your latest follower from 400 bloggers club. Looks like you are almost there congrats!! Please come follow me at

laughwithusblog said...

Happy Birthday! I've always heard of that amazing bond between twins. What a gift!

Pat said...

What a sweet moment to capture. Happy Birthday!

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday!!! That is such a cute pic!!! Twins are awesome!!!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

The picture came out great! I've got to learn to use Picnik!...:)JP

Rachel said...

Happy Birthday!!! That picture is adorable!!

Sandra said...

haha! You know that picture can be viewed in two ways: adoration or strangulation! Super cute!

jennohara said...

Oh my gosh, LOVE it!!

Tiffany said...

Happy Birthday!

This is a precious photo of the twins. It's so cute how you captured the tenderness and closeness of twins. Love it!

Rambling said...

Happy Birthday!

My Mad World said...

Love that picture! The boys are too cute!

Great editing too! Haven't been to picnik in a long time! Might have to start using that more now! :)

Happy Birthday!! I'll be joining you on the 4th.

Michelle said...

They are sweet! I love to use picnik. Their features are a lot of fun to play around with. Your shot turned out great.

Crow said...

Oh my gosh I adore this photo. It speaks more than a thousand words.

Andrea said...

It looks perfect! I love it and the editing looks great! Yay!! Remind me to send you my other blog link and you can see me play w/loads of picnick stuff, too!

Tipper said...

So sweet : ) My twins were like that-and actually they still are-even as teenagers they comfort one another!

Leontien said...

hahaha hoooooooo that looks pretty scared to me yes!


and yes this is happy birthday in Dutch!!!


Dawn said...

Oh my goodness! I melted when I looked at this picture. SO sweet!

And Yahoo for your Birthday....I saw it on facebook...but I will say it again...and I hope you had a wonderful day!!

My training is going ok. I thought of you today...I used one of the packets you sent me- think it was the Almond/ good.
I have to pick up my pace Sprint tri was yesterday- next up is the Olympic Tri. 3 weeks to go:)

Hope you're having a really super day/evening. Boy I have a lot of catching up to do!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love this photo. What a precious moment. Won't it be fun to show them when the become adults. Carol

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Oh my goodness, that is so sweet!

Myya said...

I am IN LOVE with that picture of the boys. That is the sweetest thing ever!! I love how he is taking care of his brother. He is soooo going to be holding that over his head one day. LOL

Happy Happy Birthday to YOU!!!

Irish Italian Blessings said...

Happy Birthday (Sorry I'm late eek!)

I LOOOOOVE this picture!