Sunday, July 24, 2011

Oh I'm a Dog, I'm a Working Dog,

Oh I'm a dog,

I'm a working dog,

 I'm a HARD WORKING dog!

Don't even think about coming in this house like that, Scooter!

Psst!  Have you entered my Loveable Labels giveaway to win your little one some Toddler Toes?  If not, go HERE.


Nancy said...

Poor Scooter! He needs a makeover. :)

Jill said...

That is one dirty dog! I hope he likes baths!

TexWisGirl said...

oh, time for the hose (and they love that SO much!) i just look at my tile floor and shake my head some days...

Samantha said...

Some hard workin' fella needed a bath!
Farm dogs..what a life :)

Anonymous said...

Scooter! What have you been up to? Looks like a bath is in your near future!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Oh, my! He IS one hard workin' dog!

Michelle said...

Awww...poor Scooter!

Anonymous said...

HA! Our neighbors in Maryland used to have a dog that looked like that after it rained. Looks like Scooter really had a good time!


Michaele said...

I don't think he minds the deck,
until the mud dries and falls off.

Liz Mays said...

I've never seen such a hard working dog. Man oh man, he's dirty.

Texan said...

yep I see a pooch in need of a shampoo lol... Kota was in the shower earlier with his dad lol...

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my goodness! Where has he BEEN? Is this a regular thing?

Doris Sturm said...

What in the world happened with Scooter? I guess he likes mud wrestling LOL Is it warm enough outside to just take the hose to him or throw a stick in the pond? That's how we bathed our Shepherd in Germany, we threw a stick and she jumped in to fetch it and then rinse her off...nice way to cool down!

Have a lovely Sunday!
Doris and the Gizzy :-)

Misty said...

So cute...
he's looking a dog tired. ha ha... that's the cheesiest thing I could come up with. :)

Angela said...

Oh my! He sure is a working dog! lol I hope the kids don't let him in the house!

Have a Great Day!

Shell said...

Oh, what a messy dog!

jennohara said...

Looks like Koda when she visit's my mom's house!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

That am one dirty doggie.... Hope you had the bath water ready!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ha! Scooter looks like he's ready for a good soak in the bath after all that hard work!

LB @ Bullets And Biscuits said...

Oh my!...and he looks tuckered out too ;)

Jen said...

Haha! That is one dirty dog!! :)

Tiffany said...

Yikes! He is one dirty dog! If my dog looked like that I might pass out. My obsession with cleanliness would go into overdrive.

Kim said...

Love it. I forgot about this part of dogs. Ours passed away four years ago.

Reena said...

It's time to get the hose!

w said...

please tell me you've given scooter a bath.

Anonymous said...

He probably loved getting this dirty!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Wow, poor Scooter! He needs a makeover or a brushing! Funny

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Your dog cracks me up. Scooter may need a vacation. :)

Valerie Boersma said...

This is just like our two pups:) It's hard to see the dogs for the dirt sometimes!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

That's so funny! I think Scooter needs a bath!