Friday, August 19, 2011

Candy Cane Beets and the Mid August Garden

 Our garden continues to do well, although it's a little messy what with the watermelon vines everywhere and in dire need of some weeding.  Our watermelon is sweet and huge!  

You may remember from earlier this summer how much I love beets.  After pickling all my other beets, I decided to replant.  I grabbed a random packet of beets - I can't remember what they were called now - maybe Italian beets?  Anyhow, they are ready for harvest and to my surprise, look how amazing they are:
 Isn't that cool?  It makes me think of candy canes.  If they came in beet format.  Which might not be such a good thing.  Wanna know how they taste?  
They taste like beets.

In my harvest basket this week - tomatoes, tomatillos, the last of the yellow squash, and striped beets.  The watermelon was too big to fit in my basket.  Almost ready are green peppers - they've been slow to come around, as well as serrano peppers (they may be ready now - anyone know how big they get?)
How does your garden grow?


Meredith said...

"Wanna know how they taste?
They taste like beets."

I love it!
You are silly.

Those are awesome, though! :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I am so glad that you ventured into the "gardening" endeavor this year!!!...:)JP

Cat said...

serrano peppers stay small, about the size of jalapenos.
We had the most wonderful beet salad in British Columbia. You might google a recipe. It had golden beets in it, but they also tasted just like beets.

Liz Mays said...

That is a pretty looking beet. I'm not sure if I like those or not.

I've never had a garden, but you're making me jealous!

PS. Is it just me or is your site design missing because photobucket bandwidths were exceeded?

Anonymous said...

Your candy cane beets look so cool. JDaniel would love the watermelon.

Nancy said...

How pretty! Amazing what they can do with hybrids these days.

Anonymous said...

You grew a watermelon! I am impressed.
Our beets are plain, but so yummy. Those are super cute.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I like these colors of these beets...and the taste of pickled beets! I really do like them

Samantha said...


Our garden is doing well..still peppers and tomatoes all over the place.

Melodie said...

Those beets are on my list to grow next time around,if it ever starts raining that is!

Texan said...

What a nice harvest! I have not had a lot of luck growing beets here. Those look very good. Your watermelon is huge! and I see Tomatillo in your basket!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

I love your harvest photos! That watermelon looks sooooo tasty! It's a perfect treat for a summer day. And those beets? Too cool!

TexWisGirl said...

peppermint swirls! who knew?

Anonymous said...

Mmm! That watermelon looks so good!

Cami said...

That beet IS really neat!

Those watermelons look delicious, too :o) YUM!

<3-Cami from First Day of My Life

Penelope said...

I love food from the garden, and those watermelon look to juicy.

Ann Jones said...

Your beets look beautiful! This has been a good year for gardens around here, I have so many canned goods that my pantry cupboard is full :)

OneMommy said...

I've never heard of beets that look like that! They're beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Those beets look yummy and fun. Next year I'll garden again. Took of this summer with the baby.
I've never done beets because I don't know "how to eat them", raw? Cooked? Any recipes you recommend?

Ginny Hartzler said...

Tie-dyed beets!!!!

Chatty Crone said...

Pinwheel beets!

Jen said...

Oh my goodness. Those watermelon are to die for!! We LOVE watermelon!! I'm not so much of a beet fan, although, they are really pretty :)

Angela said...

I want some watermelon now! It is so hard to find the ones with the seeds in them at the store. I did find one early summer and it was so good. Then I bought one without the seeds thinking it would be alright. It was terrible. Thew it away!

Those beets sure are interesting looking. I'm going to have to go to a Farmer's Market to see what I can find there. Our garden is gone....

Tanya (a Taste of T) said...

Ha! Makes me think of candy canes too!

Giveaway Time!

Tiggeriffic said...

Your beets look so good.. I love beets but have never tried growing them. Maybe next year.. This year I have purple striped green beans ~ they are so cool looking and taste good.
I have yellow tomatoes along with the red.. green peppers, cucumbers. I have pumpkins that are overtaking the garden.
Keep up the good work~! have a blessed day, ta ta for now from Iowa:)

Eat To Live said...

We love beets!!! Unfortunately, we ordered beets from a local farmer. They called us last week and told us their beet crop did not do well... so no beets for us.

What pretty pickled eggs those candy cane beets would make.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Lisa you had a great harvest of veggies this year. Your watermelon is really nice. I have never grown watermelon. Your rocky soil wasn't so bad after all. I think you must have a green thumb. Carol

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Those are the cutest beets! And your watermelon looks so good. I'm hoping mine will turn out this year. Last year they were not so tastey.