Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Fitness Recap July 2011 - Running and More Running

I pretty much ran to my heart's desire this month.  My IT band mostly did okay - it did flare up a bit after the race I ran at the beginning of the month, but it's hanging in there.  You can read my race report, if you missed it, here.  The most exciting thing about July was that I woke up super early (4:50 am) three mornings and dragged myself out of bed and to the track so I could get in a speed workout, and get home and showered, all before Paul went to work.  Boy, am I ever proud of myself (ha ha).  The alternative was running in the upper 90 degree heat in the evenings, so yeah, mornings it was!  I generally did a one mile warmup followed by 3 mile repeats, with 1/2 mile jogs in between.  I'm not exactly seeing any improvement in my times, but I hope that at some fast twitch muscular level, they are happening.

I confess that I was bad about cross training again this month (yes, again).  I did do lots of lunges to work on my IT band, as prescribed by my doctor.  I also threw in a few push ups here and there, and some core.  I went hiking once and walking for an hour with my friend Tiffany.  I did the Marta Montenegro Strength Training workout once, and Daily Yoga with Tara Stiles once.  That's it for cross training (insert guilty face here).

Total running mileage for the month = 110 miles.

I am not looking to increase that number at this time, and will likely try to cut that back just a bit - I overshot my goal some.  For August, my biggest focus is a race I'll be running - it's very hilly and will be hot, so wish me luck.  I know that I will not have a PR in this race, as I ran it a few summers ago when I was much faster, but if I have a good day it won't be a personal worst either.  I also hope to keep dragging myself to the track early mornings, and getting in a 10 mile run at least every other week.  I also desperately need to get to my ART (active release therapy) doctor for a tune up!

Do you have any goals for August?


Michelle said...

I am impressed by your fitness routine, even if you are not!!!!

TexWisGirl said...

you are a dynamo. ;)

trump said...

I never could really run far, even when i was 14. So im not about to do it now,lol. But i do enjoy getting in a bike ride here and there.Richard

Samantha said...

My goal is to survive the next 6 weeks with another bootcamp & a 6 week class in increased contact self defense. It's fun, but OW.

I am so impressed with your mileage. I'm not running 110 miles unless someone is chasing me with a taser..and bears.

Katie said...

Seriously IMPRESSIVE and inspiring!

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you. I would have trouble getting up that early.

Texan said...

You had a great running month!, you ran twice as many miles this month as I got in! I did 55 and some change :O). But I did have a couple of outstanding runs this month!

Glad to hear your IT band is holding up so well for you! A race in August, whew hot girly! I will do it in spirit with ya LOL.

I ordered a new running book, will let ya know what I think of it.

Nancy Grossi ~ Churned In Cali ~ The Wife of a Dairyman said...

Wow 110 miles for the month! That's great! My goal is to get back to the gym after taking 5 weeks off during the summer....but not until after I attend BlogHer:)

Jill said...

Wow! It has been a while since I have gotten up at 4:50 am. Oh wait...that is when Zippy has to go out every morning. Ha ha..I have a lot of respect for you running at that time of morning! I bet is great for mind clearing and getting ready for your day. You would like my friends at Zap Fitness! Google them. They are a running and training camp.

Chris said...

You are one dedicated lass, Lisa.

I feel fitter just reading your blog (which is a great excuse to keep watching the tv with my potato chips...)

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

110 miles is awesome! I'm not able to run much right now, but I miss it and hope to be able to again soon. Though, my running pace is about as slow as most people walk!

Sandy said...

I am really impressed by your dedication! My physical therapist has told me that the recent studies being done recommend stretching after muscles are warmed up instead of before. You might want to Google that and see what you think.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

110 miles, I would cut back and rest some!

Doris Sturm said...

Just reading about all your running makes me tired - between my age, health, heat and humidity, there's not much energy left for me to even think of running, but good for you! Just don't over-do it ;-)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow! Your goals leave all of us behind in the dust! You must be the most fit person I know! It does make me very sleepy just reading about your plans, way to GO!!!!

Valerie Boersma said...

I'm proud-and impressed too! My goal is to keep up with your progress;)

Jill said...


Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I'm really impressed by your running mileage! Way to go!

camp and cottage living said...

You are really dedicated to running! You must be in great shape. I wish you luck with your race!
My goal for August is to enjoy the grandkids visits here on the lake and make it a memorable time for them.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Talk about making me feel guilty! I didn't walk at all for two weeks, but I did make it all the way to the tippy top this morning with the kids! Keep up the good work!..:)JP

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I am proud of you keeping so fit, Lisa, and getting so much great exercise...

Jenny @ Practically Perfect... said...

Oh man, this reminds me of running in the early mornings in Indiana. So tough to get out of bed, but soooo much nicer than doing it in the afternoons/evenings when it was hot, humid, and sticky! Good for you!

My goal for this month is to get out with Joe in the jogging stroller 5 days a week. I'm 2 for 2 this week - hopefully I will be able to keep it up :-)

Sandra said...

OMG Lisa, please tell me that with a wake up time of 4:50am, you at least grab a nap?...if not, then you're my effin hero and I worship you...then again, based on the fact that I'm not a runner, I'm pretty envious of those of you who are!

Anonymous said...

It makes me tired/sore to read all that you have accomplished. Way to Go!!!

Chatty Crone said...

I don't know if i am brave enough to tell you any of my goals! Yours are way bigger and better then mine!

Debbie @ Swampbilly Ranch said...

Holy Cow! Your making my excercise routine of walking to the pantry and back to the computer several times a day look really lame. Thanks.

Steve Surratt said...

Congratulations on an excellent month; especially the track work!

Angela said...

The only time I ever get up that early is when I need to pee! lol And then I go back to sleep! hahaha You truly are dedicated to your sport girl!

le Chef said...

Yoga. I'll say it again, YOGA. I used to think it was total hippy garbage, but it works. Find someone who does a brisk workout and knows their stuff and you'll find your time improve because your core will strengthen.
I've had a lot of trainers in my life, a lot of coaches, and so on .. so forth. Best thing I ever did was start yoga. Less injuries, better breathing, more stamina.
Best advice I ever got was: increase the distance between your thighs, not so much your feet (think scissors .. not jumping jacks. lol) When you need to kick it in for a finish.
Keep at it woman. :)

Myya said...

Man, you are a rockstar!

Marina said...

I don't know you, but even I am proud of you! Please give me some inspiration! :)

Liz Mays said...

I can see why you'd need to get up early to do the running. It's so blazing hot out right now. Good luck with all of this activity!

Nancy said...

Great month for you Lisa. With the heat, that's quite an accomplishment.

My goal for August -- eat better and shed some pounds, which I've done (five and counting.)


LB @ Bullets And Biscuits said...

OMG! You are making me tired just reading this... you go girl! Maybe reading this will inspire me to get off my lazy butt ;)

Dawn said...

Wow Lisa! That's GREAT mileage!!!
I have to admit that out of all the things I do- running seems to be my least favorite lately.....:(
I DID run 21.43km on Monday though....all on my own initiative:) Woot!
I get inspired when I see your mileage!!!!!!

Tortoise said...

My goal this month is to increase the number of runs I get in per week from 3 to 5. I'm also adding a mile to my long run each week in preparation for the Denver Rock n Roll Half in October. Right now I'm at 7 miles, and it is feeling great. Thanks for the inspiration on the speedwork... I will have to work in one of those each week as well!