Friday, November 18, 2011

Oh dear. Asthma?

Recently the twins had a cold, and while Reid recovered from his, Cort developed a nagging cough that hung around.  One day, he woke up and the cough was persistent, not giving him a break.  He didn't have a fever, so I scheduled a doctor appointment for the late afternoon, as I had a presentation to do that day for a part time marketing job I do.  Cort went downhill over the course of the day, and quickly.  By late afternoon, when we got to the appointment, he had spiked a fever of 101* and much more disturbing, he was wheezing, little lungs struggling to draw breath.  As we walked into the patient room, the doctor and the nurse both commented over Cort's constant coughing, "That doesn't sound good!".

Indeed, after listening to his lungs, the pediatrician decided to do a breathing treatment right then and there.  Being asthmatic myself, I've had my share of nebulizer treatments, and previously have always associated them with relief.  But previously I have never had to administer one to a two year old.  A two year old who hasn't slept in two nights, hadn't napped, and was infinitely cranky.  At first, he was fascinated by the steam coming out of the holes, and he cooperated with having the mask held over his face.  But 15 minutes is a long time to wait, and that novelty quickly wore off.  What followed was very loooooong minutes of screaming and thrashing while I continued to attempt to hold the mask over his face as he attempted (successfully several times) to destroy this apparatus piece by piece and throw it across the room.  I was glad that at least he didn't permanently destruct the machine itself. 

Cort came home with 3 different prescriptions (he also had an ear infection).  More medication than I am comfortable with, but necessary in this case.  I thought that being so sleep deprived he would crash out.  But he cried.  And he coughed.  And finally, after numerous trips downstairs to ineffectively soothe him, I broke a rule.  I asked if he wanted to come sleep in mommy's bed, and he answered weakly, "yes".  So I carried him upstairs and tucked him in beside me.  He tossed and turned and coughed, but he didn't cry anymore.  And then, as I lay there beside him, I caught the sweet-sticky smell of animal cracker fingers before feeling them brush gently across my face, followed by the satisfied, comforted word in a small hoarse voice, "Mama".  And then, finally, reassured that I was there, he rolled onto his tummy and finally....finally slept.

Sometimes, when your kids are sick, you think that there is nothing you can do.  As it turns out, that is when just being there, and being present, is exactly enough.  It may not feel like much to you, but as Cort showed me, it turns out that it's everything.


Jill said...

I am so sorry for Cort and you. What a terrible day. But what a beatiful, sweet reminder of how much love can heal. I hope he gets better soon!

Steve Surratt said...

Oh man, that stinks. I recall when Adam was young and his glucose was out of whack I let him in the bed. It was as much for me to make sure he was OK as it was for him for comfort. Well, hopefully Cort will soon learn the nebulizer is his friend. Sometimes all you can do is all you can do and you done good :-)

andy said...

lisa oh how I know this Will wheeze only when he has a cold , I hate it, boy do worry as far as the nebulizer goes it will get better we usually do it in front of the tv so he can watch cartoons and it makes it alittle better. Our peditrican says that this kinda of thing could or couldnt be asthma he say 2 and 3 year olds can have wheezing coughing without asthma because there air ways are smaller he says usually they wheeze without a cold but time will tell the nebulizer helps Will alot he will get use to it . I hope he feels better real soon. Hope mama gets some rest as well!! Take care

Anonymous said...

When JDaniel was in the hospital, all he wanted was for me to hold his hand.

Eat To Live said...

It is so hard when kids get sick. They really can't tell you what hurts.

It is also very hard on the parents because they are up all night worringing.

Hoping he gets well soon so you both can sleep.

Melodie said...

I hope the meds kick in fast and Cort is better real soon.What a wonderful mommy moment you had despite all the struggle.

Mary said...

Oh poor guy! I hope he feels better soon. I know what you mean where we bend the rules a little sometimes when they are sick. Anything to make them feel better is worth it. I hope you can get some rest too!

You're an awesome mama :)

I hope you guys have a great weekend

Samantha said...

Poor little fellow... :(

Sugary Flower said...

Oh, you poor thing. The Muffin also has this issue when she has a cold or anything - the cough can hang around for months - but hers isn't nearly as bad. She doesn't wheeze much, it's mainly just the cough. Plus now that she's older, we have been able to teach her to use a spacer (with help). But yes, I too remember holding a mask over my baby's screaming face, so I can totally sympathise - it's horrible. I hope Cort feels lots better very soon.

Texan said...

awwww that was so sweet, not that Cort was sick, but him saying Mama and going to sleep. Poor little fella. Hope he is feeling better!

TexWisGirl said...

oh, this brought tears... i do hope he gets better now!

Shell said...

Oh, the poor thing. Those nebulizer treatments are so hard!

Valerie Boersma said...

I love this post! Just being there is exactly what is needed sometimes, and even though Amy is 15, when she was sick a couple weeks ago, what helped her rest was when I sat next to her and she knew I was right there with her. I miss those animal cracker fingers though:)

Poor little Cort-I hope he is all better soon!

warren said...

Sorry Cort was sick. We never let the kids sleep with us either except when they were means a lot just being near someone warm I think. It's a scary and sweet time I guess...

Slamdunk said...

Nice job mom. Those types of battles can be scary.

Tiggeriffic said...

We have had to use the nebulizer on Ben many times not because of asthma but because of a bad cold.. Usually Tracie (his Mom) and I put in a movie and do it while we watch a movie..
It's so hard when children are so sick they don't get sleep or they don't eat..
This was so sweet that he was in your bed and just felt so comfortable and secure that he went to sleep.. Mama his last words before he went to bed. AWWWW~memories are so precious and will outlast any present anyone could every give you.
You are a tiggeriffic mom ~!
Have a blessed day ~ be praying for you all ~ ta ta for now from Iowa:)

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Poor li'l guy. But a mama is the best kind of comfort!

Helene said...

Aw, poor little guy! Cole has asthma like that too...where a cold turns into a nagging cough that won't go away and eventually it can turn into bronchitis if we don't keep on those nebulizer treatments.

Hope he feels better soon!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Poor little guy. I know how I suffer daily, have had asthma for 40 years now. I have my own nebulizer at home. Praying he is well soon and that asthma stays away from him.

Ginny Hartzler said...

O.K., now I'm crying. Such a sad and sweet story, extremely touching. And I think so reassuring to so many moms out there. I think this should be published somewhere. But now I want to know more about Cort. Did he get a positive diagnosis other than the ear infection? Does he have a virus? Does he have asthma?

Anonymous said...

Poor little guy! Being there beside them does wonders, doesn't it?
I hope he's better soon!
Both my kiddos has had asthma since birth, so I definitely feel for Court & you.

Chris said...

So glad Cort is ok.

That must have been very upsetting for you too Lisa.

Well done for being such a brilliant Mum!x

Anonymous said...

Poor kid.
They actually breathe in the nebulizer steam really deeply when they're crying and screaming, so in a weird way, it works better if they're upset.
That said, I am always thankful none of my boys have asthma like I do.

jennohara said...

Dr. Mom does all the healing every time. :)
Sorry he went through such a rough patch!

Liz Mays said...

Your sweet love and care for your little boy brought tears to my eyes. This was beautiful.

Nancy said...

Oh, I'm so sorry Lisa. I do hope Cort gets better soon. And sometimes Mommy is the best medicine of all. :)

Michaele said...

You are such a good mom and I am SOOOO glad those days are behind me. I suffered so much more than they did. That's just how mom's are. Hope you all get some good rest.

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

This brought tears to my eyes. What a sweet moment, but I'm sorry he's been so sick. Mase had to use a nebulizer last year and hated it. Sending prayers for your little guy.

Angela said...

I hope he is feeling better! Isn't it nice to know that you are his best medicine! I'm glad you broke your rule.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We hope Carl gets better soon too.
It's so sad to see the ones we love be so sick.
I think we can smell the animal crackers now too.
Animal crackers and mommys love makes things better

Misty said...

this made me sad. Bless your hearts... :(

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

Poor guy! I'm sorry mama:( hope he feels better.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, hope that nasty cough and wheezing has hit the road by now. Poor baby just needed a snuggle and the reassurance that you were nearby.

Gumbo Lily said...

I hope your lil guy gets better soon. There's nothing like Mama to make things better.

You're a busy lady -- I've been browsing this morning.


La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

Estupendas las cosas que nos dejas, un placer haberme pasado de nuevo por tu casa. Gracias por compartir.


Kayla said... is so tough when they are sick. But I have had some of those exact moments when they are snuggled in beside us in our bed....the feeling that they know they are okay....just because we are there...nothing like that feeling in the whole wide world!

Michelle said...

I am so sorry to hear that Cort is so sick. My own daughter struggles with asthma, ear problems, and allergy issues. It can be really tough. Hang in there!

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

Oh I am so sorry that that he has felt so badly. I pray that he soon feels as good as new!! It is so true it means everything to our children that we are there. It gives them such a feeling of contentment and peace. This was such a sweet post, you have such a gift writing. You always write with such feeling. Always such a joy to read your posts.

Chicken Wrangler said...

I'm glad I never had to go through neb treatments or anything quite like that myself, or with my boys when they were little! Hope things are looking better now.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh I hate he has asthma like that - I know all about it. But I think sticking him in your bed was a great idea. He needed you. sandie

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

My son outgrew asthma in his teens...but the meds are necessary for breathing...we lived with them for years. I hope Carl is better

Kim said...

Oh this must have a terrible bout.It's true, especially when the scary stuff happens, those high fevers or constant throwing up, you can feel totally powerless. At least you had experienced Asthma to know what to expect a little.

Unknown said...

It makes one's heart ache to read and empathize with distress that any child experiences. The Best part of all is that you were there!

Sandy said...

oH, How sad.
Have of my kids (and myself) have Asthma.
It is horrid and not to be taken lightly at all.
My oldest had a very bad cold a long time ago and it got pushed away as a simple cold, she turned out getting a pneumonia. Since then she has Asthma.
Thanks Doc!

Praying that your little one will heal and be fine soon.
It is a good thing that kids are so forgiving.
Actually at the moment my Benjamin is sick. We all think it was the Milkshake that only he had.

Hope that all be well for thanks giving.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I'm so sorry he was so sick. I sure hope he's feeling better!