Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Possessed Toys

If you have a house full of toys, like us, you've probably been a victim of possessed toys.  One of the disadvantages to toys with batteries is that when the batteries start dying, the toys become possessed.  Often, an inopportune moments like 3:00 am.  Confused and exhausted, you drag yourself downstairs to hunt for the offender, and then it stops making noise.  You stand, bleary-eyed listening to...silence. Slowly you turn and as you reach the top of the stairs, you hear BEEP BEEP!

Recently our McDonald's cash register became possessed.  It started beeping and beeping.  So I turned it off.  I went on about my business and then BEEP BEEP.  I turned it off again.  Double turned it off.  For good measure, triple turned it off.  Left the room and....no lie....BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP.  Seems like someone has abandonment issues.

Remember that scene with the fax machine from the movie Office Space

I only thought it folks, I didn't go there!  Anyone know how to perform a toy exorcism?


Jill said...

So funny! Except for the fact it had you up at 3 a.m.

Steve Surratt said...

I remember my daughter had a baby talks-a-lot or some similar toy that sounded so bizarre when the batteries began to die it used to make us laugh so hard we cried.

andy said...

lisa hahahah do you know this happens all the time in our house . I like when there at the bottom of the toy box and you have to dig for them

Anonymous said...

I think I would need to donate it to charity! Thank you for the treasures we got in the mail.

Eat To Live said...

LOL.... oh my gosh. This reminds me of a cymbal clapping monkey my daughter had. I think it was wind up. But it would just start clapping. Scared the crap out of me so I took it out and burned it.

My daughter and I laugh about it to this day.

trump said...

As a kid i had this robot that after me dropping it would turn on sometimes by itself. I soon got rid of it because it was creeping me out! Richard

Sally said...

Oh yes, can so relate especially since Hunter was born. I have a room set up for her when she visits, and leave the door closed when she's not here 'cause every time I open it something CLANGS! :)

Melodie said...

Oh yeah..many a night have I wandered through the darkened house looking for a mystery beep wondering why I am the only one who hears it!

Laura @ Green Legacy Farm said...

In my experience, Goodwill is very good at toy exorcisms. ;)

Nancy said...

My youngest went through phase of throwing his toys down the basement steps. Total distruction.

Maybe the cash register could find itself the victim of a similar accident? ;)

Samantha said...

Electronic toys scare me...I think they have Evil Intent!

Slamdunk said...

I have experienced this, and it always seems to be the toy hidden at the bottom of the basket.

Michelle said...

LOL! I love the comment about how Goodwill is very good at toy exorcisms! I have to go along with that one.

TexWisGirl said...

LOL! perfect!

Mary said...

Ah yes we have had a couple of those. The most recent is a burner on Haileys kitchen. When you put her little pan on it, it will make a sizzling noise. For some reason now, it will just keep going. It will also start up at random times. Very weird and annoying!

Have a great day Lisa :)

Weekend Cowgirl said...

Even big toys go crazy at our house. Got up at 2 other night and took batteries out of smoke alarm but kept hearing beeping. It was the carbon monoxide alarm instead!!

Valerie Boersma said...

Why does it always happen in the middle of the night? That's what I want to know.

I'm thinking the baseball bat idea looks pretty good to me...

GardenOfDaisies said...

You remove the batteries.

Andrea said...

This is why I so totally despised that danged Fisher Price Puppy! I even blogged about it ages ago. ;) Thanks for the laugh! :P

Anonymous said...

My secret: never, NEVER buy any toy requiring a battery. Guaranteed peace and quiet.
I still curse when I accidentally bump into one of those damn kung zhu hamsters--they go on for ever.

laughwithusblog said...

Oh I HATE it when that happens! lol

Helene said...

We had a toy that used to do that and it drove me freakin' crazy!!! The only way to solve the problem was to drive the possessed toy over to Goodwill and let them deal with it!

Cascia Talbert said...

I sure can relate! When this happens in our house I just remove the batteries. It works every time!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is just what happened to us recently!!! And of course we were on our way out, and running late for an event. The beeping started. We did not know if it was a toy or the smoke alarm or an appliance. So we felt we couldn't leave the house before we found the source. Panic ensued as we ran around in our dress up clothes rummaging through baskets and pulling things out of the wall!!! We finally discovered it was an old cell phone of mine that I had given the kids! Like your story, why do these things never happen at an opportune time??

Chris said...

Typically, a toy or electrical device exorcism is performed with a large hammer. Don't stop bashing until it is dust. You can say a prayer whilst doing it if it helps.x

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Possessed toys, huh???? How funny... Luckily, when my sons were little, there weren't too many things which required batteries.... These days, it seems like everything requires batteries...Imagine the money the battery companies make from all of those toys??????

Sorry you were awakened at 3 a.m. though... That is NO FUN.

Tatiana said...

I know! It's so weird and it always freaks me out. And yes, I keep on playing that scene over and over again in my head too.

PS: Thanks for stopping by today and for your sweet comment :-)

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Oh, I've been there!

Anonymous said...

*Really laughing hard right now!

We had a possessed Barney, Blues Clues and Furby at one time once...they all talked to each other in the toy box. We were so weired out by it, I finally set them outside on the porch in the middle of the night when I couldn't get them to stop.

Tiggeriffic said...

Ben has toy story toys, that talk to each other.. I was awakened one night to Woody talking to Buzz light year.. that was so scary. I told Ben he could take them to his house.. he was so excited.. Couple days later Ben's mom, Tracie called me and said "Do you know what happened the other night?".. I just chuckled ~ "What?"..
She said in the middle of the night Buzz and Woody were talking to each other.. I just laughed...
She took the batteries out of them..she said it scared her so much.
Have a great day. ta ta for now from Iowa:)
Have some corn bread with that delicious supper you are going to have..:)

Debbie said...

hahaha...been there also!! but it was a very long time ago!!

Shell said...

Some of those have made their way to our trash can! ;)

Unknown said...

Hi! You are now 142! The cat is Ollie, a Maine Coon mix from a shelter. Well past his prime, but he was once 17 lbs of gorgeous!

Liz Mays said...

Oh my gosh, that's freaky! Does that happen with tv's too? I had a tv that used to turn itself back on every time I left the room!

Dawn said...

Ahhh...good for you for only thinking it! I never had that much self control;))

Buttons Thoughts said...

Too funny my sister was staying over at my Mom one night. My mom collects all things fuzzy and noisy. I guess about 3 am this toy kept saying I'm sleepy over and over my sister could not figure out how to get the batteries out so she eventually put it outside. My 83 yr old Mom gets up in the morning and says to Ernie the puppet bad boy how did you get out here? the Ernie answered I'm Sleepy. My Mom says I bet you are. True story very weird. B

Aubrey said...

Too funny! You show so much more self control than I would...especially at 3am...although, at that hour, I send in my husband. We had a cookie monster doll go off a couple of months ago. It said, "num, num, num, excuse me" as I walked past the playroom door. Needless to say, I ran. :)

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Funny! 3am is not funny

Chatty Crone said...

Andy's will go out and he wants it fixed right then - whenever - where ever! Sandie

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Haha! We have a possessed toy phone, though it does actually turn off. I would be tempted to take a bat on a toy like yours. :)

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

So, I had to come back and post another comment. It made me laugh when our crazy toy phone was going off tonight.

PlayDrMom said...

Ha! Visiting from MomLoop Friday Follow. This post made me giggle. We've all been there! (... and also loved the Office Space reference)

Anonymous said...

I could've written this, too funny.
Tickle me Elmo became possessed early early one morning and scared my daughter - he now resides in the basement, in a cardboard box, battery-less.