Friday, December 2, 2011

A Huge Mailbox Surprise

I always grab the mail when I'm waiting for Pierce to come on the school bus.  Right now we're flooded with catalogs and junk mail.  So recently when I pulled out a long, thin cardboard box, I was just happy to have something that wasn't trying to entice me into spending more money.  The box was from Taste of Home, which seemed weird, since I hadn't ordered anything.  And it had a letter(not the typical bill looking type deal) attached to the front. 

I opened the letter and it brought a smile to my face.  It said that one of my recipes was published in their 2012 Almost Homemade cookbook, so they were sending me a complimentary copy!  The winter that the twins were infants, I spent a lot of my spare time creating new recipes, and I would frequently submit them to Taste of Home.  I'd totally forgotten about it (just like I've forgotten much of what occurred during the first 6 months with the twins!).

What recipe could it be?  I didn't even remember what all I'd sent to them.  Turns out that you will find my recipe for Pear-Blueberry Granola, which is made in the crockpot, on page 174.  It's delicious and fairly healthy, and makes a great dessert in addition to being a wonderful breakfast.  And I'm so excited to be included in Taste of Home - I've been a huge fan of their cookbooks and magazines since 1998!

Now that was a good mailbox surprise!  And now I have a new cookbook to boot!

If you haven't already entered my giveaway from Eco Natural Soaps, please check it out here!


Chris said...

Published recipe? Kudos!

I've tried some of the recipes you've posted here and they are all good.

Trying to cram them all into a muffin tin is often a problem for me though...;-)

Jill said...

That is so exciting! Congratulations!!

Anonymous said...

I am a big fan of Taste of Home as well. Their cookbooks are very nice.
Congratulations to you on your recipe being published!!
How exciting!

E @ Act Fast Chef said...

That is awesome Lisa! Congrats :)

Melodie said...

Congrats! Taste of Home is a great magazine.I subscribed to it for several years when we were first married and I was learning to cook!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I love Taste of Home! I will have to look for your cookbook.

Steve Surratt said...

Congrats! Royalties?

Eat To Live said...

Congratulations Lisa!!! That is fantastic news. You have got to be so proud of yourself. I know I would be carrying the book around and showing everyone I know.

Valerie Boersma said...

Lisa-that is so cool!! The granola sounds delicious, too!

Nancy said...

Congratulations, Lisa! Did you submit this recipe?

Mary said...

That's awesome Lisa! Congrats! What a great surprise. :)

Have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! What a cool surprise in the midst of all the junk mail!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Too cool!

Inger said...

What fun! Congratulations.

Unknown said...

What a great surprise! And I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like there is no real memory during te twins first 6 months :)

Unknown said...

Congrats Lisa! What a treat! I've gotten this magazine for years and I love it! Happy December!

Gone Country said...

That's totally awesome! And such a nice surprise this time of year!

The recipe sounds good!

Off to check out your giveaway...

Have a great weekend!

Dawn said...

Oooh CONGRATS! I love those recipe books! You're famous:)

Michaele said...

Congratulations!! So, are you saying we have to buy the book to get the recipe? : )

Anne said...

That is fabulous! Have a lovely weekend:)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, this is so exciting, now you are in a published cookbook! I LOVE Taste Of Home, and I subscribe to it now and then. I like that it has great pictures and no ads! I really don't know how they can publish with no ads. Anyway, I used to order these cookbooks. How on earth did you have time to do all this recipe experimenting with newborn twins? Most people are exhausted with just one! Must be that you have great stamina and energy from running!

Sandy said...

Awww, Lisa I am so happy for you.

And that recipe sounds so yummy.
Would you share it in blogland?

Sandy said...

Okay I think my previous comment just vanished.
Again, congrats with being published.

That pear recipe sounds yummy.
And crockpot.... is so fun to cook with.
Would you share the recipe with us bloggers?
Have a great weekend.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

WOW! Proud of you as always! You are becoming quite diverse, aren't you?...:)JP

Jen said...

That is SO awesome!!! What a great surprise to find in your mailbox. And, congrats :)

camp and cottage living said...

That's wonderful. I'm not at all surprised. You are one of the most creative meal planning Mama's I know. And very healthy foods to boot!

Andrea said...

OMG! That is absolutely amazing! Congrats! I'm so psyched for you. How very cool. :) And now I want the recipe. Yum. It sounds goooood.

Lindsay said...

Wow, that's awesome!! Congrats!!

Out on the prairie said...

What a lovely gift, I would like that granola.

Texan said...

Congrats! That was certainly a nice find indeed in your mail box!

Cloudia said...

congrats - doesn't that feel cool?


Aloha from Waikiki

Comfort Spiral

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< ° ) } } > <

Angela said...

Wow! Wow! Wow! Now that is very exciting! Congratulations! I love Taste of Home too! My Granny used to get their magazine cookbooks and I found one of the hardback ones at a book sale at the library and bought it. Now you've got me wondering what I did with those magazines that Granny gave me. I hope I didn't toss them!

Liz Mays said...

That is incredibly cool, and if it was good enough to be in Taste of Home, it must be GREAT! They have the best recipes!

Pearl said...

Congratulations! Taste of Home is one of my favorite magazines, and I have four of their books.

Greetings from Mpls!


laughwithusblog said...

Lisa!!! I am so excited for you! I love Taste of Home too!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

My mom actually buys me one of those cookbooks every single year. Though I've never known anyone in them--how cool!

Congratulations on your recipe!

Nancy said...

PS -- definitely dig up the potatoes. You might be pleasantly surprised. :)

trump said...

I'm not surprised that one of your recipes have been published, i think yours are really good and at least you were able to get a cook book from having yours in there. Richard

Kim said...

This is so cool Lisa!!! And the recipe sounds wonderful. I know exactly what you mean about getting the mail, it's often so depressing.

princessmicah said...

that's great! so happy for you!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is very exciting!!!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Wow! this is a great surprise

Rachel said...

That is really exciting! Sure beats finding more bills in your mailbox.

Maybe it's time to think of publishing your own e-cookbook?

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Congratulations! That's definitely something to be proud of!

LB @ Bullets And Biscuits said...

Congrats! I'll have to check you out. I love all their magazine and cook books!