Friday, December 9, 2011

The Reid is in Da House

You know what I love about 2 year olds?  How egocentric they are.  It's what earns them the 'terrible twos' moniker, and I find it oftentimes hilarious and endearing.

A couple of months ago Reid starting referring to himself in third person.  Nothing warms my heart more than a toddler referring to himself in third person.  Nothing, that is, except for a toddler referring to himself in third person as though he is, in fact, The Only Person On Earth.  That's right folks, The Reid is in da house.  It's not just Reid anymore.  It's The Reid.  He's titled.  Next thing you know, he'll be knighted.

The Reid want cookies!
The Reid NO WANT dinner!
The Reid want play with trains!
The Reid make house!

The Reid is now signing copies of his official, licensed novelty poster for tweens across the nation.  To order yours, just call 1-800-THE-REID.  Viking warrior helmet not included.


Jill said...

Ha! Very funny. He must have his mom's sense of humor. :)

andy said...

Haha great post I'm going trough the same thing. Oh by the way how many cookies did you eat don't fib either

Cat said...

The REID looks just the Reid's older brother and the Reid's daddy in that picture.

Anonymous said...

Do you get the glasses? With those I would be The JDaniel4's Mom.

Melodie said...

Yes that is such a fun age!

I Am Woody said...

Haha! So funny! I think I will start referring to myself in the third person:)

Anonymous said...

That's awesome. JBird has only done the third person once.

Valerie Boersma said...

I know how Reid gets away with it-he's so darn cute!

And at Amy's high school? There are a few incredibly egocentric teens. Not cute at all!

TexWisGirl said...

LOL! what a character!

Chatty Crone said...

Is that cute or what! sandie

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Hahaha! Very funny! Great photo!

Misty said...

this made me giggle out loud. Tweens is right. I burst Genny's bubble the other day by announcing she isn't the only person on the planet. She seemed shocked initially, and then an expression of disbelief took over...

Eat To Live said...

LOL... so funny!! He is a real cutie pie.

Diana said...

He is too cute!!! :D :D

Sandy said...

How adorable! Whenever I hear someone refer to themselves in third person I always think of Bob Dole....he did that. It drove me nuts to see his ads on TV.

Anonymous said...

The Reid. Love that!
We have the same helmets at our house!

Chris said...

Respect to ma main man The Reid!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am laughing so hard!!!! This is one of the funniest posts I have ever read. And let me say it is no small feat to retain such a joyful sense of humor with three little children running around!! Phil has gone off to his computer now, because I told him to read it. I can already hear him laughing from all the way down the hall!!!

Jen said...

That is SO funny! What a little character you have on your hands :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

THE Reid is ADORABLE... What a cute picture and post, Lisa... Hope you are writing all of the funny/crazy things that your kids are saying.. Might make a good book sometime.


trump said...

Kids can be a trip,lol. Cute post Lisa. Richard

Anonymous said...

Haha! The Reid is a cutie pie!

Michaele said...


Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Reid is too cute...2 year old kids are adorable.

Liz Mays said...

The Reid is too, too funny!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

What does Cort say about "The Reid" bening so egocentric? Love the helmet!!!!...:)JP

camp and cottage living said...

Great job you're doing there; Reid is definitely not lacking in confidence!!
The photo is adorable. Does he by any chance have Viking blood?

Jane said...

So funny - The Reid sounds like quite a character!

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

He is too cute! I love the name Reid too:) Hope you are having a great weekend!

La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

jajaja que carilla de gamberro tiene...

Saludos y feliz fin de semana.

Nancy said...

Reminds of the Seinfeld episode featuring "Jimmy" who always referred to himself in 3rd person... hilarious. Loving this post and your take on it --- toddlers rule! :)

Sugary Flower said...

Hilarious. Let me know if The Reid needs backing dancers - my girl starts ballet next year.... :)

Prairie Girl said...

LOL!!! Too funny!!

jennohara said...

Haha!! Too funny! The Reid is just TOO CUTE!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Totally Cute. Of course I can say that 'cause The Reid lives in your house! -LOL-

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Oh my goodness! I love this! That's truly hysterical and adorable. :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love it! The Reid is adorable.

Kasey said...

That's hilarious!! Is he much more verbal than his twin? You have a way with words that has driven me to be a stalker of your blog. I'm saving myself the trouble of having to hunt you down all the time and just following you. Now I'll be openly stalking you! :)

Kim said...

Oh my gosh, this is soooooo cute. How can you help but love it? I love to see what each of their eccentricities are going to be.

PB&J Adventures said...

That is too funny. Thanks for making me laugh. Great pics.