Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January Can Be Boring

January can be boring.  It's dreary and cold.  The days are short.  But you know what's fun, even in January?  Making a mess!
 At first, Reid and Cort weren't too sure about finger painting with the new Melissa and Doug paints that they received for Christmas.  Pierce had no hold backs, though, he dived right in.

 Blue and green and a bit of red and yellow make a lovely teal.

Once the twins realized that if they got the paint completely on their hands they could make hand stamps, they were much more eager to get messy.

Indeed, even gleeful.

And Pierce hand stamped his way across the table.
What are you doing, reader, to keep the dullness of January away, and bring some color into your life?  Do share!

Thanks to all who entered to win a copy of Dr. Nina Shapiro's book Take a Deep Breath. picked lucky #19, Grumpy Grateful Mom.  Congrats to her!


Steve Surratt said...

Oooo, chemistry, astronomy, art, and fun all rolled into one activity! Brings back memories of Roy G. Biv :-)

Jill said...

Oh the memories of fingerpainting! Looks like your darling boys had a great time!

E @ Act Fast Chef said...

Love it!

We are going to be doing a stamp craft - I was going to use a stamp with the Toddler, but your boys inspired me just to use her hands!!

Anonymous said...

They really look like they are having a great time! You were so smart to cover the whole table.

Karen said...

rearranging some furniture and buying a few accents to cheer up the place. I'm splashing reds around!...

...loved and miss those days of fingerpainting and playdough making. Enjoy!

andy said...

Looks like someone is having fun

Nancy said...

Trying to declutter the place, one day at a time. Not very exciting -- but it's necessary! :)

So cute -- whoever thought up fingerpaints must have been a mom! :)

Melodie said...

That is fun!I kind of want to do it too,lol!

Eat To Live said...

My Grandson loves craft time. Looks like your kids do too.

Sally said...

Awww, how fun! This makes my morning. :)

TexWisGirl said...

that looks like a lot of fun!

Anonymous said...

Really, a person never outgrows fun with art supplies;)

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Fun! Can't go wrong with the mix of kids + finger paints + a big piece of blank paper!

louness03 said...

Well right now we are using play-doh and cookie cutters to make animals. Mostly dolphins.. and we are watching Winter (from Dolphin Tale) on her official site. AKA we are filling time... ;)

Andrea said...

Fun! I have to admit sometimes I hate paint ... but the kids love it so we have to give in, right? ;) Looks like yours had a blast!

Unknown said...

Oh the joy of little hands...oh the mess of them too, lol! I really loved this fun activity... long ago! Lying here reading, doing puzzles, and watching movies today!
All very boring too! Hugs

Jane said...

lol,Lisa,not a whole lot to do around here in january,except clean,not much fun but satisfying. The kid's look like they are having fun enough for everyone ! Blessings Jane

Valerie Boersma said...

First of all, I'm proud of you for letting your kids do something messy. Kids need to do stuff like that. When Amy was little, I made a small indoor sandbox for her-and she played for hours. We pretended we were at the beach:)

Tiffany said...

Looks like fun! I love paint, on my walls that I painted. But I am not a fan of finger paint. Your boys make it look less messy. The twins look like it didn't get on their shirts. Awesome. !

Jenny @ Practically Perfect... said...

Looks like so much fun :-) I think that it's important for littlies to get messy every now and then - life isn't always neat!

January on my side of the world is summer, but... it has been RAINY here for quite awhile :-/ On rainy days, Joe and I either take a walk to the library across the street, to the art gallery (very kid-friendly - children can touch some of the exhibits, lie on the floor, there's a kids' area, etc). We also do lots of singing in the house and dancing, lots of hand-games... not too much else you can do with a 6 month old! I'm sure that once our winter arrives in June/July, he'll be up for some messier, slightly more independent stuff!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I never tire of smiling whenever I see your header, it is so cute and never gets old to me, especially the twins on the right. Really cool pictures, will you save the artwork? I am presently taking drugs to entertain myself. And I must say it's working pretty well!!! Had the MRI last night and had to wait three hours for my appointment!!! It made us miss the school board meeting to honor Phil!! But at least it's done now! The entertainment never ends here! Lately just not as fun as yours, I miss my girls! But when I get them back, I will not be quite as brave to bring out the finger paints. I have a flying indoor helicopter planned. Phil managed to knock Mary and the baby Jesus off the table with the chopper in an impromptu attack.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

It is dreary and boring...they make a cute mess.
I watch TV and that is boring

Sandy said...

How fun...I just love seeing the creative things you come up with to do with your kids. They are lucky to have a Mom like you!

Sagittarian said...

This is awesome and fun! so cute babies! :) Actually, i don't have any idea how to bring back the color at January!lol .:) But, I got it now! from you :) Thanks for sharing! I might do the same, ask my kids like yours, for sure they will enjoy it much!:)*smile*

Michaele said...

I do remember that the girls could never grasp the concept right off of making a mess. Even with bathtub paints haha.

Liz Mays said...

That looks fun! Somehow my kids ended up with big smooshy brown spots all the time!

GardenOfDaisies said...

What? No feet? I guess that one is better saved for summer and the outdoors. :-)
Glad you are going to join me in the big clear out. It's just something that needs to be done every once in a while to keep me sane.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Its fun to remember the times years ago- when friends got togther and enjoyed finger paints.
Seeing your boys have so much fun- brings back memories

Myya said...

That looks like SOOO much fun! I need to get my stuff out & let the girls go to town.

GraficWorld said...

Happy day !!

Jenny said...

Oh boy. I'm so glad I came by today. Little kids and of my favorite combinations!

Jen said...

I agree about January...but that looks like a LOT of fun!! Good job, Mama!

Chatty Crone said...

Awe, I love finger painting. They were probably shocked you let them do it! sandie

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

So happy to have won the book! That looks so fun. We used to do finger paints a lot, but the red we had would never come off. I need to get some more. Planning to make an oatmeal "sandbox" for my boys soon. :)

Kim said...

I really quite like January because the craziness of december is over. I always feel rejuvenated and hope to pass that onto the kids. This year we are so busy with me back at work full time, Deaglan at school fulltime that on the weekends, I totally veg out! Love the artwork.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

They are so cute! It looks like they had fun!