Saturday, January 28, 2012

A new Rural Life Themed Blog Hop - Linky - Meme Starts Thursday!

I am so excited to tell you all about the new blog hop that is starting this week - Rural Thursdays.  Finally, a place you can come to share with other bloggers your adventures in gardening and canning, breadmaking and sewing projects, egg gathering and varmint fighting.  Indeed, it's going to be a great place to meet other like-minded bloggers.  And you don't have to be living the rural life to link up - rural is all a state of mind in living the simple life." target="_blank">" />

Nancy from a Rural Journal was kind enough to invite me to cohost this blog hop.  I've loved Nancy's blog forever (well, it seems that way) and am so excited to be working together on this project.  She takes gorgeous photos (and has mad photo editing skills that leave me envious) and she is also witty and humorous - the type of blogger that leaves you eager to read her daily posts.  She's a committed blogger, and a wonderful commenter as well.  If you're not already following Nancy, I highly recommend you subscribe to her blog.

Now, if you haven't done a blog hop before, it's so easy.  It's one of the most productive ways to meet other bloggers and help your own blog grow.  Basically, you'll do your blog post, then grab the code from the button (you can see it on my sidebar - just copy the jibberish below the button and paste it into your blog post).  Then you can come either here or to Rural Journal on Thursday to link up your post, and visit other blogs as well.  To get the most out of doing a blog hop, I'd recommend you visit and comment on at least 5 other folks that link up (the more the better, if you have the time).  You can get more details by visiting Nancy's page here. 

Looking forward to reading your posts on Thursday!  If you have any questions or need clarification, please don't hesitate to ask.


Nikki (Sarah) said...

boy you make me guys live such a cool life in the outdoors...on a farm....Me...big dgt asked if we could go on a holiday one day to a farm. Makes me smile to read your thoughts.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Now you know I'll be there as I have followed you both since the beginning!...:)JP


Awesome! I can't wait to start spring gardening! I'm not rural...just wish I was. Can I still participate? : )


TexWisGirl said...

i love you both, so i'll certainly join in at some point! wish you'd have picked a different day than Thursday. so many memes, so little blog material... :)

Jane said...

I have never joined a blog hop before,but will try and do this one,thanks for sharing. Blessings Jane

Ginny Hartzler said...

Gosh, though I do live rural, I do none of the things above!! Too old and tired, I guess. But this will be exciting, I look forward to looking, and I will check out her blog!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you! This sounds like it will be wonderful!

Unknown said...

Never have done a blog hop before, but this sounds like fun. Thanks for the invite.

camp and cottage living said...

It sounds like fun!
I'll see you next Thursday.

Eat To Live said...

I will have to try and remember to link up. Thats if I can find something to post about.

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

FUN!! I love doing my blog hop:) Looking forward to reading!

Angela said...

I'll have to check it out. I guess I could link up my something's eating my hens and chicks and scare others with the title! lol

Chatty Crone said...

Nancy has a great blog too - a lot of interesting pictures. sandie

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We have never hopped anywhere yet. For some reason moms thinks its hard!
I believe YOU!

tree said...

The coding on the button isn't working for me. Is it the code or is it me? :) help!

Michaele said...

This should be fun - hope to join in.

Liz Mays said...

That's great that you're cohosting this!

Nancy said...

Looking forward to it, Lisa :)

Laura @ Green Legacy Farm said...

Planning on linking up!

Kim said...

I'm going to have to keep this in mind. It's been so hard for me to keep on any sort of blogging schedule.