Thursday, February 9, 2012

February Weeding - Rural Thursday

I keep saying that I'm going to go straighten up the garden.  I've been saying this since October.  Last week we had a fairly mild day (mid 50s) and the twins and I ventured out to see what we could do about this garden situation.

I got in the garden and did some weeding.  The twins chased Henrietta.  Lucky for Henrietta, she was faster than Cort and Reid.

The the twins fought over the lawn mower.  I pulled more weeds.  I found the potatoes I never bothered to dig up last fall.  They were gross.

I also found two rooster feathers.  Are people still wearing these things in their hair as some sort of fashion statement?

Then the twins and I went out in the horse pasture and I scooped some manure for the garden.  I'm glad I didn't fill the wheelbarrow any more full, as it was hard to push it back, uphill, with all the bumps!
Are you thinking about your garden yet?  I hope yours is in better shape than mine.  After a couple of hours of work, I don't think I made much of a dent. 

I hope you'll link up with Rural Thursday today!  Just add your actual link to your post below.  It would also be great if you'd copy and paste the code for the button into your blog.  Be sure to take a minute to visit co-host Nancy at A Rural Journal and at least 3-5 other folks who link up.  The visiting is what makes blog hops so fun!  Remember, you don't have to be rural to join in - just have a rural mindset.  Posts about crafts, canning, your best pie recipe, your Sunday hike, your pet goat - we want to see them all!


Tracie said...

What a beautiful area you live in! I wish my garden looked half as good as yours. We still have snow on the ground here but I am so excited to begin again this year!

Myya said...

Wonder if I will get around to doing a garden this year? I hope so, I think my girls would LOVE it!

Chris said...

Looks pretty tidy to me Lisa.

I try not to look at my garden until at least the end of March and just pretend it's ok.

andy said...

Yes I have been thinking for weeks now. I guess its this crazy mild weather we have been having! Have a great day!!

Clint Baker said...

Great pics! Looks like the twins are gonna get the chickens!

Nancy said...

If it weren't for my hubby, our garden would be a disaster. I still need to rake leaves though. Will have to wait for the snow to melt. :)

E @ Act Fast Chef said...

Yes, I am totally thinking about my garden! I was out there weeding the other day. In fact I think that the weeds keep growing since we are having such a mild winter! Such a bummer.

Anonymous said...

We don't have a garden, but hoping that Hubby will decide to put one in and putter in it once he retires. He does grow tomatoes in pots on the back deck each year though.... no weeding necessary that way. :-)) Happy Rural Thursday!

Tanya Breese said...

i love that shot of the boys chasing henrietta! ah yes, i need to get cracking on a garden plan...saw a neat raised garden on pinterest that i want to try out....supposed to be SOOOO cold this weekend though, blah!

Jill said...

You accomplished alot, Lisa. Way to go!

That picture of the twins chasing Henrietta is priceless. Love it!

Anonymous said...

We spent time in our yard yesterday too. Glad your hen is a sprinter!

Melodie said...

This left me laughing! Why is it little boys love to scoop poop?! My son would scoop all day when he was little,lol but now that he is a teen ,forget it!

Mrs. Sullivan said...

Love your site! We haven't gotten out in the garden area this month yet-too much snow and cold. It was warm enough last month I at least got the border laid out. Ordering seeds this month!

Laura @ Green Legacy Farm said...

This mild winter is driving me crazy with the weeds that keep coming! It took me a couple months, but I finally got all the rows weeded and re-applied compost to the rows. I think in the spring you'll be thankful for the work you do now!

Kim said...

what fun that the twins have around your parts - chasing around a chicken! As usual I am completely unorganized with my blogging so of course don't have a relevant post to link up here.

Barbara said...

I have to admit that I'm a little jealous that you are out in your garden in February! The weather is absolutely freezing here!

Liz Mays said...

I'll bet you made more progress than you think you did!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Unfortunately, we don't have a garden. I miss the floral garden I had in the Boston area.

Sounds like a productive day for you and the twins. Well, more productive for you since they didn't catch Henrietta, LOL.

TexWisGirl said...

no gardening here. texas seasons are so different than what i grew up w/ in wis, the couple of times i tried very small plots, i failed miserably (and the veggies fried in the sun). :)

Anonymous said...

It has crossed my mind to start working out there--with no snow, even though it's very cold still.
Bet your boys slept well after a day in the fresh air!

Sally said...

You live in the perfect place to raise those three precious boys. I love seeing them outside and playing! I don't have a garden, but last year my neighbor did, and I stole cucumbers that were growing through my fence. LOL

Have a wonderful day, Lisa!

In My Wild Eden said...

You are ahead of me! I am working on our garden but all my work so far has been on paper. I have to figure out where to rotate everything to so the squash and all will be in different spots than last year. It's hard when the squash covers so much area and the zinnias have to be in the front.

camp and cottage living said...

Good for you for getting out and doing some garden work. It may not look like much, but it all adds up, and you'll have it licked before you know it.
I imagine w/two little helpers, it takes a wee bot longer to accomplish the job.
I love your new rural Thurs. party.
I'll have to try to remember it next week!

Tina´s PicStory said...

welcome to tina´s picstory! nice pics :)

Tracy said...

Awww, that was such fun! It reminded me of my grandparent's farm when I was growing up! Just a special place the country is...

Inger said...

I've been looking at our yard too now that we have no snow and spring weather. Nothing has been done yet, but your post may just inspire me. Your boys are growing and so cute.

Eat To Live said...

My garden too is feeling very neglected. I told the Hubs last week he is going to have to get out and help me get rid of the weeds. Don't know when that is going to happen.

gtyyup said...

Twins...oh my! For someone who's never had children, it's an overwhelming thought! They're lovely lil' ones though!

I did get my garden cleaned out last fall, but I need to add more soil to the raised beds...along with some manure fertilizer! We won't be planting here until June :( Even then it'll be questionable.

Valerie Boersma said...

I dream about my garden, and wonder what it is up to under 6" of snow. Someday I'd really like to live where the growing season is longer than it is here!

As always, it's fun to see your little corner of the world:)

Anonymous said...

How wonderful to be actually THINKING about your garden! Way too early for us to do that.

Debbie said...

i love seeing myself here and pretending like i fit in!!

i have been saying the same thing about my gardens, so far i got zippo done!!

oooohhhhh and when my boys were little, i never got anything done. i was always chasing them!!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Good for you, Baby Girl, that you got an early start. I hope you cut the potatoes so you can root the pieces (about the 3rd wk of March Joe said)...:)JP

Lin said...

I'm not thinking about the garden--'cuz it is thinkin' all by itself! I see little shoots coming up, even though it is a tad too early. Hold on snowdrops!!!

Anne Payne said...

I need to get in on this blog hop seeing as we live out in the country :) I have plenty of photos!

Your garden is coming along. Soon it will beautiful and full of bounty!

Chatty Crone said...

Gosh you look like you are working so hard to me. The twins just stay with you when you work? And how do you get the pictures - you just bring the camera with you? I bet you don't need a lot of sleep.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

You have a beautiful garden spot.
Our garden spot is too wet and gooey
to do anything with it yet. The leaves did not decompose- they just turned to icky slime!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Lisa, Looks like you --and especially the twins-- had a fun day outside, in this 'mild' weather... Speaking of weather, the freezer door is going to open up here this weekend. Temps are supposed to go down to about 13 degrees on Sat. night. I'm worried that we'll lose alot of our spring growth. Sigh!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

I love the rural idea! The picture of your two boys chasing the chicken made me laugh--adorable! I have so much to do outside, I just try not to think about it. :)

Betty Manousos said...

oh, your little ones are so cute, lisa!! i love seeing them playing.

my garden has been neglected lately...i thin it's time to do something about that.

Amy said...

I need to do a garden this year of some kind with our huge family. Tried to last year but couldn't get the hubs in gear to go rent me a roadatiller (if that is how you spell it??). I know my big girls would love helping with pick beans and things.

Unknown said...

Oh yeah, it's gardening time. Come valentines day, it's time to plant the taters.
Your twins are so cute chasing that chicken.
Beautiful blog.

Jen said...

Ooo I cant wait for garden season... my honey & I will be out there workin together. Looks like you & the boys had a nice productive day :)

OneMommy said...

Looking at the weeds growing all over the garden here, I'm starting to feel a little lasy now.... The weather has been plenty warm enough to take care of them, but I just can't get the motivation.

Sandy said...

I miss being able to have a garden. It is virtually impossible in the desert. On an unrelated note: You horse trailer looks like the one TJ & I used to have...4 horse stock trailer?

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

What a beautiful area you live in! This year, I am finally going to plant my own garden.

Katie said...

Lisa, I'm so behind on reading blogs lately and absolutely love the Rural Thursday Blog hop. I'll feature it with the Rockin' Rural Women on Facebook and Twitter and definitely participate myself in the future. Our chat on Feb 23 is on gardening also! Your garden clean up is inspiring me although we are colder. Love seeing the boys chase Henrietta!

Michelle said...

Good job on getting started with your gardening. We're moving our garden this year, so I'm hesitating because I'm not sure where I want to put it.

Your boys are adorable!!! I like your blog...I believe I'll be your newest follower.

GardenOfDaisies said...

Your two little helpers are so adorable! I can imagine that a big garden would be a LOT of work. I should get outside there next time we have a little warm up and pull some of last year's leftover mess. There are no wasps now, so I have no excuse.