You know how important fitness, particularly running, is to me on a day to day basis. It is my mental pacifier. But even the enthusiastic exerciser can get caught in a rut and lose mojo. In January, I skipped a couple of key workouts. Yes, me! I skipped a track workout because it was bitterly cold and pouring rain out one Saturday. And I skipped another track workout plus a long run because of the stomach flu. The stomach flu couldn't be helped, but I should've run that workout in the rain. So I'm starting February afresh and with new inspiration by joining in on Quaker's Nourish What Counts challenge which supports good health and lifestyle choices.
This challenge is open to anyone, and it's as easy as adding a 5 minute activity to your day. I know when I post my monthly fitness recaps each month, so many of you comment that you'd love to find some motivation - well here's the perfect chance! You could go for a 5 minute walk, toss a frisbee with your kids, download a free 7 minute abs workout from Itunes, or choose a healthier and more balanced snack. When you join in on the challenge, Quaker will give you the inspiration you need with workout tips, recipes, and more.
Last month I ran 100 miles, lifted weights 8 times, and did 3 sessions of yoga. A pretty well-balanced month for me, but there is always room for improvement. As part of the challenge, I have signed up for a 10 mile race this month. Weather permitting, I'll be there at the starting line, and will run my best. I already workout 4-5 days a week, but this month I'm going to commit to doing some stretching every other day - which will help prevent injuries. I am also commiting to doing the lunges that keep my IT band strong - I have slacked off on those lately. Injury prevention is the focus in these new activities - I want to be well prepared to have a fun and excellent racing season this spring!
So come on readers! Rally together with me this month to create a healthier lifestyle and put yourself, your heart, and your health as a priority by joining this challenge. You need only complete 15 activities in the next 30 days, and I know that you can do this!
Joining the Quaker Heart Health Challenge is my first step towards becoming healthier and more balanced. I'd love to to know - what motivates you to stay healthy?
For your chance to win $750 complete these two steps:
1.Share the Challenge with your friends
2.Tell us that you’ve invited your friends to join the Challenge AND share what motivates you to stay healthy below
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Quaker Oats Company. The opinions and text are all mine. Official Sweepstakes Rules.