Wednesday, March 14, 2012

80s Day and Thing 1 and My Wannabe Teenagers

Can I confess that I get excited about theme days at Pierce's school?  I know, I know, I have no life.  But even as a kid I loved getting into costume.  As did my brothers.  I think it runs in my family or something.  We seem to have photo albums stuffed full of us in strange get-ups, arms linked around each other as we cheese for the camera.  I don't seem to have outgrown this, so when Pierce's school sends home little notes that next Friday will be such and such day, I immediately start brainstorming for costumes and run off to the thrift stores.


No sooner did I come up with this Flashdancesque ensemble than it was Dr. Seuss's birthday!  I flipped through our large collection of Seuss books and realized Mr. Brown would be the easiest, although kind of boring.  So instead there was Thing 1:

And here he thought he'd have to wait until he was 14 to dye his hair blue...

Meanwhile, while big brother is off at school, the twins take advantage of the situation to take over Pierce's room:
And here I thought Pierce seemed like a teenager with his blue hair.
Just check out the two of them laying in bed with their laptops.

Yes, they grow up too fast.

Don't forget that this week is Every Day a Get Out and Play Day at Polarn O. Pyret.  They are giving out fabulous prizes all week on Facebook and tomorrow afternoon at 3 pm, you can find me on a Facebook panel chat about getting your kids outdoors to play.  Like them on Facebook here!


Jill said...

Pierce looks great. Super job, Mom!

The twins sure so look like teens. Made me smile!

Anonymous said...

The hair looks great! I am not into theme days either. JDaniel has tropcial day next week. I think I will have to look for a shirt at Goodwill.

The panel sounds like it will be fun!

Eat To Live said...

Pierce looks like he is really getting into that teenager role playing. LOL... he is so cute.

Anonymous said...

Love that grin and blue hair!

Mary said...

That's so cute?, I didnt know they did theme days like that at his age.

andy said...

You gave two cool guys today!!!! Have a great day

Anonymous said...

He makes a great "thing!"

Out on the prairie said...

Nice to encourage others to get those kids outside, it seems a lost art.

Cuby said...

Love the blue hair. Does he like dressing up as much as you? What's next? The twins and their laptops - what comes next?!
How old do you feel?

Ginny Hartzler said...

I LOVE Thing 1, and I can see that Pierce does, too!! Too cool!!! Gosh,the twins are already playing with the kids laptops?? We have a couple of them, but they quickly fell into disuse when we got the DS for the girls. Now they all want iPads!

Jen said...

Oh my goodness...I love the Thing 1 costume!! It's awesome.
Great captures :)

EG CameraGirl said...

Cute kids and it's wonderful that you enjoy them so much!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

You have the best life with 3 little ones...Pierce looks so cute!

Valerie Boersma said...

I always had fun helping Amy come up with crazy outfits too. It even continued on into middle school- there was duct tape day and fake injury day. In high school, from what Amy has told me, it seems like it's dress crazy day, every day!

Pierce is totally cute with blue hair!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Haha! All three of them are so cute!

I Am Woody said...

I love costumes!! I was organizing the attic last week and I have tub upon tub filled with costumes:)

laughwithusblog said...

Is it CST for the chat? I'll try to make it!

TexWisGirl said...

pierce is adorable. :)

Liz Mays said...

I'll bet his costume went over really well at school!

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

I love the thing 1 costume! Seriously, can pierce be cuter:) Also, wanted to let you know-I am switching to wordpress some time very soon. Can you follow me via rss or email so you can still see my posts? Thank you also for your heartfelt response the other day!

Sally said...

I love your imagination, and that you had such fun with your brothers. Pierce; now that's a cool dude! :)

The recipe from yesterday sounds SO good.

Nancy said...

Funny how when I was young, you couldn't get me inside to eat dinner... my how times have changed. :)

Pierce's costume is awesome.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Pierce looks so grown up with his blue hair!!!!! AND seeing the twins with their 'laptops' is just so precious!!!!! Thanks for sharing.

Sagittarian said...

oh, hahaha lovely and cute photo..:) He looks awesome with his blue hair! And his smile was a priceless one..:) thanks for sharing..:)

Michaele said...

Oh Lisa, that last photo is priceless. I like your creativity with his outfits : )

Tiggeriffic said...

I'm feeling better with my leg pain and decided to take a look at all my favorite bloggers. I haven't been here for a month. Could you tell me what "A Quiet Corner" blog is called?I tried finding her tonight and couldn't find her blog.. I thought maybe you knew.
Pierce looks so good with Blue Hair.. Ben my grandson had Dr. Suess week at his school.. It was so fun..
Your boys are growing up so fast.
Have a tiggeriffic Day..ta ta for now from Iowa:)

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Pierce is so adorable anyway, but these photos are priceless!
Flash dance was perfect and blue hair too,

camp and cottage living said...

Pierce made an adorable Thing#1!
I hope it didn't inspire him to truly take on his dress up role!!
I can't believe how smart the twins are to have their own laptops
It reminds me of when our four year old g'son was visiting us years ago and I didn't know how to run the Dvd player. He grabbed it and knew just what buttons to push!

Unknown said...

What a great choice! Takes me back to "The Cat in the Hat"! You really hit a home run here! ;)

Betty Manousos said...

oh my gosh, they are sooo cute!
those lovely photos made my heart melt..


Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Pierce looked so cute!!!

le Chef said...

Oh hon, you are so sunk. Laptops at this age? LOL! You are NEVER going to get them off the computer once they get older ;)
Speaking from experience here.

Love Thing1. And how did you get his hair that blue? My daughter would sell a limb for hair that blue.
But then, she's going on 16.

I am so sunk.

Chatty Crone said...

These are the days you will remember! sandie

Lindsay said...

He does look great with that hair!! And so cool!

Myya said...

I love dress up days too. I can't wait to do them with my girls. My class always won spirit week. Fun stuff to look forward too :)