Monday, April 23, 2012

Spring Flowers on Muffin Tin Monday

Are you seeing many spring flowers at your house?  The twins and Pierce love to go on walks and look for flowers.  They are so sweet as they often bring me dandelions. 

I decided to do a spring flower theme for Muffin Tin Monday for the boys.
The blue tins are roses, and the pink tin (Pierce's) has assorted flower shapes.  The boys had some Asian style grass fed beef, beef seasoned rice, edamame, strawberries, the last of our pickled beets that I canned last summer, and a coconut brownie.  The coconut brownie is a recipe I created to use coconut oil, and you can find the recipe here.  They're pretty tasty!

For more fun ideas of cooking with kids, check out Muffin Tin Mom. 


Nancy said...

Very cute for spring! The strawberries look yummy! :)

Anonymous said...

looks delicious

J@ckie said...

Thank you! I love it!

Jill said...

Everything looks so fun and tasty!

andy said...

You are definitely creative lunch maker. I hope you have a great monday

Anonymous said...

I would love this for lunch or dinner! Yum!

Melodie said...

You all are ready for spring!

Andrea said...

Happy MTM, Lisa! Love the flowers. :) Hope you're all doing well!

TexWisGirl said...

i bet you love their little dandelion gifts. :)

Slamdunk said...

A+ for that spring design Lisa. Nicely done.

I Am Woody said...

Love edamame! Yum!!

Liz Mays said...

Perfectly timed for Spring! :)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Such a balanced meal, and pretty to look at too!

Sally said...

You always come up with the cutest and healthy tins for the boys! Love this one. :)

V and A said...

what a cute idea. I bet they loved that.

Jill said...

Well, we were seeing flowers...until this last bit of cold hit. Now just snow and wind...Your muffin tins are adorable. I hope that the weather is not too cold there and your other flowers continue to bloom!

Valerie Boersma said...

These lunches do look yummy!

I can't wait for our strawberries to be ready-I think like tomatoes, home grown strawberries are so flavorful! I will definitely check out those brownies too!

Ginny Hartzler said...

So pretty, and healthy. They are finding out that coconut oil works wonders for Alzheimer's.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

You always come up with cute, tasty lunches for them!

kewkew said...

Sounds great and I love your flower tins.
Last week we were enjoying the flowers, this week, not so much. At least today. I look out my window and see a few inches of snow plus more coming down.

Tracy said...

What a great son never liked any of his food touching on his plate (and still doesn't) so he wouldhave loved that idea!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Still working on finding tins for the kids...plates/cups...I found! Keep giving me ideas!...:)JP

Angela said...

I've got some daisies my son picked me the other day in the window in a vase! lol Us mommas love our boys!

Cute muffin tins!

Michelle said...

It looks AND sounds good. Love those pickled beets!

Chatty Crone said...

Delicious! sandie

Emily said...

We've been finding flowers everywhere lately! We've been picking them by handfuls, and weaving dandelion chains at the park, etc., so this lunch seems perfect. Muffin Tin Mondays are always fun!

Unknown said...

What a fun way to have a meal!!!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Those coconut brownies sound sooo yummmy!

Eat To Live said...

I love the spring flower theme, very cute.

Our spring flowers have had a really hard time this year, it would get warm and then cold. A lot of my flowers froze right after blooming for a day.

Sandy said...

You are now making these for the twins?! Yay! Pierce needs a color other than

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

YOur flower tins are so cute! Those brownies look delicious!