Thursday, June 14, 2012

Zip Sees Something Snort-Worthy - Rural Thursday

The other day I noticed that Zip was acting funny in the pasture.  He kept looking at something.  And snorting.  And prancing about.  Can you notice anything strange?

It took me a minute before I saw what had him all in a huff.
 Ten vultures on the fence.  No wonder he was worked up.  As I walked down to snap pictures, they began to fly away.
Zip then did a celebratory gallop about the pasture.  Birds beware.  This horse doesn't want you on his fenceline!

It's Rural Thursday and everyone is welcome to join in with Nancy from A Rural Journal and myself.  Just write a post about something rural (recipes, sewing, crafts, wilderness hikes - these all fit in perfectly) and add the button to your post by grabbing the code below and pasting it into your blog.  Then come back and link up your website.  Please remember to visit the blogs (and leave a comment) of 5 other participants.  Can't wait to read what you write!


Out on the prairie said...

Must have been something good to eat to gather that many birds.I enjoy seeing them, fun to see them in group like this.

BlueShell said...

Have I ever told you that I Love horses????

Thank you.

Vores have said...

Great pictures you show. Wishing you a great Thursday :) Hanne Bente

Anonymous said...

Great pics, Lisa, and I don't blame Zip for fussing about the vultures!!!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Poor Zip that would have frightened me too:) B

Anonymous said...

I don't blame him. That is a lot of vultures!

Anonymous said...

How funny that he was so observant and it got your attention. Go away you vultures! I really don't like it when they hang around either to be honest.

andy said...

Ptetty horse! !! Have a great day

carol l mckenna said...

Smart Horse ~ protecting the property ~ Lovely horse and great shots ~ thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

Claire Justine said...

Lovely pictures :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

"That's my fence, Birdie... YOU stay OFF of it."

Cute one, Lisa.

Andee said...

Then vultures is definately something to snort about!

Barbara said...

It took me a while to see them in that picture. How funny.

Nancy said...

Zip says I'm not ready to go yet! Lol. Great post, Lisa! xoxo

Jill said...

How dare those vultures harass beautiful, Zip! Glad you chased them off.

Tanya Breese said...

ha, i'm laughing at nancy's comment...i was thinking the same thing lol

Debbie said...

hmmmm, i wonder what those vultures were up to. something must have drawn them in!!

poor zip....i'd be huffin' & puffin' too!!

TexWisGirl said...

my horses don't mind them much, but my dogs HATE them. raise cain whenever they're perched around.

TexWisGirl said...

p.s. Zim says 'HI ZIP!'

Unknown said...

That's hilarious, horses are so sweet. Sometimes that get scared like a children from foreign things.

Eat To Live said...

Happy Thursday to you. LOL Zip is a little territorial ay?

Leovi said...

Great pictures. I like that horse.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

What a great story in photos! And no wonder he was all in a huff!

Jeanne said...

what a gorgeous "guard horse"!!

Amy Burzese said...

I don't blame him. I don't like them either.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Zip is a good watch horse--and beautiful!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Vultures hanging around would get me all worked up too!

Sandy said...

10 vultures! I am afraid that would have creeped me out also. Good for Zip for alerting you.

Ginny Hartzler said...

That is so sweet that you shooed them away and he danced around!!! I took a good look before I scrolled any further and did spot a vulture. Why would they even be there? Gives me the creeps.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

When I see vultures gathered, I always stop and count to see everyone is on their feet...or at least breathing!
Enjoyable post, Lisa.

Tina´s PicStory said...

pretty horse! :)

CameraCruise said...

Great shots.
He's a clever and beautiful horse.
Thanks for hosting.

EG CameraGirl said...

Zip knows what he likes and doesn't like. :)

Liam said...

what a beautiful setting and horse!

Anne Payne said...

10 vultures = creepy! I'm sure Zip was very appreciative of his mama running them off!

Anonymous said...

Jojo says Zip is a pretty horse!

Anonymous said...

Zip doesn't want those strangers hanging around!

Candy C. said...

TEN vultures...just keep moving Zip and they won't come for you!! ;-)

Michelle said...

10 vultures?! That is quite a lot! No wonder he was in a huff!

Carletta said...

I don't blame Zip for snorting. I get a little creeped out when I see more than one or two at a time. :)

Gail Dixon said...

Zip is very observant! You can hardly seem the vultures in the first pic. Very pretty horse you have there!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Those big birds do look kinda scary sometimes! And noisy!

Katie said...

I'd be snorting and prancing to fend off vultures like Zip! Great captures. I love Rural Thursdays despite my slow ability to link up. Thanks for hosting Lisa!

Grandma Bonnie said...

No wonder he was all stirred up. I don't like those birds my self. I am sure they had a meal around the area.

Angela said...

That's funny! I'm sure my dogs would had been barking their little heads off if those were in our yard.

Kim said...

Poor Zip, it would have given me the creeps too!