Friday, July 6, 2012

Room For Sale

"Hey Pierce.  How come there's a sign that says For Sale by your room?"

"My room's for sale"

"Really?  Where are you going to live if it sells?"
"It's only for sale for a little while."

"Okay, well you might want to clean it up before you put it on the market."

Disclosure:  Should you be interested in my 5 year old's room, you should know that it currently, still, has no power.  Maybe we'll get lucky today?


Vision By Mila said...

so funny! I take it one of your sons wants to sell?

Anonymous said...

He is quite an entrepreneur!

Cat said...

Maybe Pierce has a bright future in real estate :-)

Buttons Thoughts said...

Thank you this made me laugh out loud Lisa we all need laughter in these times.
You have a upcoming comedian in the family.
I hope you get power soon. B

Anonymous said...

How much is he selling it for? This could be quite profitable, Mama. LOL

Barbara said...

That is too funny. I hope you get power back soon!

Sally said...

HAHAHa!! Love it. And, also hope you get power TODAY!

Jill said...

Ever hear the song "Brother for Sale, .50?" I guess it could be worse. So funny!

Bless your heart for still surviving with no electricty. You are one tough Mama!

andy said...

Oh still no power!!!!! Oh lisa i hope you get it back soon. Hope you TRY to have a good day

Valerie Boersma said...

Still no power! You poor things!! Hopefully SOON!

Pierce is so cute! He is quite the little business man:) Once, some friends of mine visited with their 3 boys, and the oldest was busy planning which room he and his brothers would get if they moved into our house-which he apparently had taken a fancy to. I asked him where the three of us would live then. And he said "Oh! I forgot about you guys!" Kids;)

TexWisGirl said...

he's creative. gotta give him that!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

What an imaginative entreprenuer he is turning out to be!

Maybe today the power will be up . . . I'll hope for you!

Out on the prairie said...

rough this time of year.I would be melting here, it is suppse to be 103 today.

Gail Dixon said...

Oh no! Hope y'all get power back today. Sheesh. Your five year old is too cute. Out of all my kids no one ever tried that one. :) What a creative mind.

Bengts fotoblogg said...

Lovely shot, very funny.

EG CameraGirl said...

I wonder where he got the idea to sell his room! Fascinating. Hope you have power now!

Michaele said...

I must have missed something about no power - in only one room? Love the sign. When I was little, the first word I learned to spell was allowed.
As in "No one allowed". It was a perpetual sign on my door. Guess I was an introvert back then too : )

Grandma Bonnie said...

Boys can be so dear. I hope your power returns soon. It has been a while.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Haha! Has he had any offers?

I sure hope you get power soon! That must be miserable in the heat.

my little cottage said...

nice post thanks for sharing...looking for to visit more blessings

renae said...

ok, I thought that was some line from the tv show M.A.S.H. when I read Pierce. hahaha. nice name.

Anonymous said...

Wow, still??? I hope you get it back soon!

Lin said...

Does it come with maid service and meals??? I might consider it.....

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Hope your power comes back soon- I remember the freeze of 2001- we were without for ten was awful.

The Cranky said...

Too cute! It reminds of the time my daughter wanted to rent out one of her dolls...but only for 5 minutes!

I hope you get power soon *hugs*

Andrea said...

That is hilarious! I love the 'do not go in' part!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

What a cute mind he has!
Hope your power is back soon

Jeremi said...

oh no on the power -- SO funny with the note!! nice writing too : )

Linda O'Connell said...

having taught preschoolers for 36 years, this post mademe laugh out loud. I;m back from vacation and blog hopping. Please stop by my blog for a visit.

Debbie said...

haha...i would sell it too. no power, tell him he may have to discount it!!

sometimes they are too cute for words!!

Eat To Live said...

This has been going on for a little to long now. I bet you are fit to be tied... Hope it comes on soon

renae said...

oh yay! I love when I find others that eat similarly or the same as my tastes... yay! Let's do lunch at the next convention.

Angela said...

Oh my gosh Lisa that is hilarious! The things boys do and say just crack me up! How much is he asking for the room? lol

Marie said...

gotta love it! :)

Clint Baker said...

ROFLOL! That is too funny! I remember doing things like that when I was little!

Roan said...

LOL! Too funny! Where do kids come up with this stuff anyway. Loved your come back.

Emily said...

That cracks me up! My older daughter is going through a big 'selling things' phase too. Yesterday afternoon she was trying to sell cups of mud for $10.25 each. I tried to convince her to sell lemonade instead, but she was pretty sure what people REALLY want is sludge.

I hope your power comes back on soon!

Liz Mays said...

I'm hoping that two days after that you DO have power. Goodness!

Nancy said...

That's the cutest thing ever. A budding real estate mogul! :)

Michelle said...

Lol. Bummer about not having power though. I hope it'll be restored soon.

Sandy said...

He is just so darn cute. He could come live with me....well for a couple of hours

Unknown said...

so funny! Minus the no power part of course.

An Apel a Day said...

That's so funny. I love how little minds work.

When I was little I was going to run away. I packed up a ton of my things, walked down the hill and came right back.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's a new one!

Chicken Wrangler said...

What a funny post! It sure made me smile!!! **hugs**

Kim said...

I love these first displays of literacy!