Friday, September 14, 2012

Clif Kid ZFruit Ropes Giveaway!

I've been eating products made by Clif for years now.  Originally I started eating them because of my running - I enjoyed the Clif Shot Gels on my long runs.  Then I found Luna bars, and I really loved the chocolate peppermint stick and the lemon zest bars.  Next thing I knew, they came out with Clif Kid products, and I was excited to try them with Pierce (the twins weren't born yet).  I love that their snacks are portable, nutritious, and organic.  And on top of that, they taste amazing! 

Clif Kid sent us some ZFruit Ropes for the boys to try.  They've had them before, but have never had a chance to try every flavor.  They were excited to pick from the assortment.
 Each fruit rope contains one serving of real fruit, and is gluten free.  The boys gravitated toward the red colored fruit ropes first. 
Pierce said, "YUM! It tastes like strawberries!"
Reid said, "It's pink and I like it and stuff!"
Cort said, "I ate it all gone!  And I liked it!"

There you have it.  100% approval of the Clif ZFruit ropes in our house!  Want to win some for your own family?  Clif Kid has been generous enough to offer to send an assortment of 12 ZFruit to one lucky winner!  Click on "Read More" below my signature to enter!

Disclaimer:  I was provided with an assortment of Clif ZFruit for review purposes.  I was not compensated in any other way, and the opinions stated above are my own.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


The Cranky said...

They look yummy!

Anonymous said...

We love these too.

Cat said...

I want to try the lemon zest bars. Anything lemon is so good!

Eat To Live said...

The Builders Protein Bar sounds good

w said...

they all sound great! probably my girls would love strawberry the best. thanks for the giveaway!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I just saw these in the store and wondered if they were good. Thanks for telling us about them. Your boys' comments were so cute!

Betty Manousos said...

yum, yum!

they all look yummy and sound great!

happy weekend!

Grandma Bonnie said...

I would liket to try the organic fruit and nut bar.

Valerie Boersma said...

I love the way kids have of describing things! Your boys should be in a commercial! They are so cute!!

Sally said...

Such an adorable photo. When they're sitting like that, they all look the same age! :)

Enjoy the weekend, Lisa.


Anonymous said...

The boys are so cute enjoying the treat! Hope you all enjoy the weekend.

Jessica Peeling said...

I'd love to try the Kit's Organic berry almond bar!

EG CameraGirl said...

Three out of three happy eaters. Can't beat 100%!

Unknown said...

Oh, those things are so good! Yum!

ufg8trj said...

I would like the kids cliff bars in honey graham
ufg8trj at yahoo

Meredith said...

Love clif bars, but I'd like to try the kids bars!

Chicken Wrangler said...

Interesting. I've never heard of them.

Nancy said...

So cute posing for mommy's blog giveaway! :)

Mary said...

Sweet, fruity treats sound good to me.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to try the Peanut Butter Pretzel Clif mojo bars.

danw78704 said...

twitted this today, 15/9

SnowflakeDay (Audra) said...

I'd also like to try their Mojo Bar that sweet & salty. That sounds good!
-Audra Weathers

Susie Chadwick said...

We haven't tried the zfruit ropes yet, my kids would love them.

Anne D. said...

luna bars is what id like to try

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh they sound so very tasty!!!

Unknown said...

Would live to try clif z bar in peanut butter!

Darlene said...

Chocolate chip crunch bar.

[Whatever U are, be a good one!] said...

I would love to try the Chocolate Almond Coconut!
Thank You!
Fiona N

Unknown said...

My kids would like to try the kids z bar

mama2kaylabug at gmail dot com

Nancy said...

I'd like to try the Builder's Protein Bar in Chocolate Peanut Butter.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Abby said...

I'd love to try the Mojo...I'm a sucker for sweet and salty!

Andrea said...

I love their Luna bars, but I'd like to try the fruit and nut bar!

Kelly said...

Lemon Zest bars! I love lemon.

Unknown said...

The kids chocolate chip Z bar

Unknown said...

I would love to try the organic berry and almond!

aperry said...

z bar oatmeal

An Apel a Day said...

I'd like to try their Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Crunch Energy Bar.

A.Carmody said...

Chocolate Dipped Coconut Luna Bar

A.Carmody said...

Chocolate Dipped Coconut Luna Bar

Laurie said...

Peanut Butter Pretzel Clif mojo bars

Darlene said...

I would love the Peanut Butter Pretzel Clif mojo bars.

Jennifer Young said...

I'd love to try the chocolate chip crunch granola bar!

Unknown said...

Clif Bars are so delicious! I'd love to try these and so would my 2 neices. Thanks for the yummy giveaway! :)

Kristie said...

I would like to try the Chocolate Raspberry Luna Bar. Yum! kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

Teresa Thompson said...

Almond bar.

Diana said...

I would like the almond bar

Colleen Maurina said...

I would also like to try their Clif Kid Zbar in Peanut Butter flavor.

colljerr at comcast dot net

Heathcliff Combustible Huxtible said...

I'd like to try the Peanut Butter Pretzel MoJo Bar. Yum!
Allison Marie
my3kids2008 at yahoo dot com

danw78704 said...

twitted this today, 20/9

Sue Bunting said...

suebunting1977at(gmail)dot(com)what product I'd like to try is Chocolate Dipped Coconut Luna Bar

annemarie562000 said...

I would love to try Kit's Bar Fruit & Nut Bar in Berry Almond!


Mommy Minded said...

The PB Clif Bar!