Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Twins Return to Preschool

Last week the twins had their first day of preschool.  They will be attending Monday, Wednesday and Friday each week, from 9-12.  They were so excited to start back in the 3s classroom this year.
Last year they cried during drop off for the first month or so, but this year there were no tears.  They were so excited after the end of their first day, and jabbered about all the fun they had the whole drive home.  Last year they couldn't converse so much.  It's amazing how much they grow from year to year. 

They have a really cool new classroom.  It has all these small rooms off the main room, and each cubby room has a theme to it.  There's a transportation room, a room with kitchen supplies, a reading room, etc.  I know they're going to have so much fun this year.  And I'll enjoy having free time again to get my runs in, especially now that it's too dark in the early mornings! 


Anonymous said...

What a great photo of their first day back to school. Such big smiles!

Barbara said...

How great that they loved it! It really is amazing the difference that a year can make.

The Cranky said...

How exciting for both them and you! Enjoy your runs Mom!

Heather said...

What a fun time for them! All the kids are back to school around here now as well. It doesn't seem possible that it is fall again! OK so technically it is still summer, but it certainly feels like fall up here :-)

Ellie said...

I love this picture of your twins - they look soooo happy to be back at school. A years makes a big difference at that age :))

Anonymous said...

Wow! The boys classroom sounds really wonderful. I am so glad they like school this year.

Anonymous said...

My granddaughter started pre-school last week and she just could not have looked any cuter wearing a backpack. LOL

Jill said...

They look so happy and so adorable!

Betty Manousos said...

oh my gosh!
these are the cutest little ones ever!!
love the photo:)


Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I remember those days barely:)
They look so happy and do enjoy your free time. B

Sunnybrook Farm said...

A good pre-school really helps them get a head start on entering school. They pick up a lot of social skills as well as reading. You will eventually get used to the quiet though.

mail4rosey said...

Congrats to the little ones, and enjoy your running! :)

Grandma Bonnie said...

I sure do bet it is so awesome to have a few minutes to your self. I remember the feeling when I got all for children off to school at the same time. I was so lost. Thats when I decided to go back into teaching. I hope you have a great day.

Sandy said...

They are just adorable. I am sure you will take full advantage of the extra time you will have. It won't be long before they are in school full won't know what to do with yourself

An Apel a Day said...

That's great they love school. My boys are the same way.

They have each other, which makes them feel a little more secure I'm sure. My boys have gone to preschool with their cousins that are the same ages as they are.

Anonymous said...

I bet it felt great to watch them confidently begin their new school year.

TexWisGirl said...

glad they're excited! and yay for some free time for you!!!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

So tears does mean they are growing up!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Such a sweet picture of the boys with their smiles and backpacks! Their classroom sounds cool and fun.

Enjoy your free time!

Sally said...

Awww, those little cuties! How sweet.

Does Pierce go the same school?

Unknown said...

Look at those big smiles! Their classroom sounds amazing!

Mary said...

That's great they don't cry this year! They grow up so fast in a year.

Hope they have a great year :)

Gail Dixon said...

They're adorable!

renae said...

I am glad they are having an awesome experience at the start. Ya for some free time for you, too! Win Win!

Valerie Boersma said...

What a couple of cutie pies!! The ironic thing about kids is that the older they are on the first day of school, the less they cry but the more the parents do:) I can't believe Amy only has this year and then next and then she's college bound. I'll need tons of kleenex!

Marie said...

So glad there was no tears! It's great that you will have some time for you. My son loved preschool, probably because he's an only child and loved socializing. :) Adorable picture!

Out on the prairie said...

Fun times, it sounds as if they matured a lot from last year.Tough to let the go I bet, but nice to have some time for yourself.

Liz Mays said...

Yay for happy beginnings, and it does sound like a wonderful place where they attend!

Anonymous said...

awww hope they had a great day!

Unknown said...

Oh Lisa, they are so cute! I am so happy for you and them! They really grew up quickly! You must be so proud Mom!

Don said...

It's funny how quickly they get adjusted to their new adventures. Glad to see they're enjoying it. Hopefully the smiles will keep coming.

Michelle said...

Yea for them AND for you! A little free time for the mom is always nice.

Tiggeriffic said...

They have grown up so big.. So glad they are happily going to pre-school this year with no tears.. Less stress for you.
The free time you will be having well be a blessing for you.. Do whatever your heart desires..
Have fun~! ta ta for now from Iowa:)

Mary said...

They are so lucky to have a great little fun!

Eat To Live said...

They sure do look excited don't they. Very cute Lisa!!

Irish Italian Blessings said...

Aww love this photo!! THey are seriously too cute.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness the boys are so cute - good luck in school!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

It is so nice to know there's no tears at drop makes for a more pleasant tiem for YOU!...:)JP

Unknown said...

So fun! I can't wait for thos days! Have a wonderful weekend!

Becky Jane said...

Sounds like they go to a really fun preschool. Time for mama is so precious!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is so good for them. They look so cute. I have laugh at my blogging friends children because they always have the biggest cheesy grins on their faces!