Monday, October 22, 2012

I Couldn't Resist the Pug Flag

I've always meant to link up with Barn Charm at some point.  I'm often driving by wonderful old barns in the country, but I never seem to have the time to stop to take pictures (or else I don't have my camera).  But when we were in Harpers Ferry walking past some of the historic houses, and I saw this little barn in the midst of a residential area, I had to take a picture.  I think it was the Halloween Pug Flag that drew me in.  Who can resist a pug flag?
So help me, I need a flag of a pug wearing a pirate hat and sitting on a pumpkin.  Even though I don't actually have a pug right now.  I've had a pug in the past.  That should count, right?


Buttons Thoughts said...

Lisa I love this little barn and you are right the flag is definitely cute. You should find one. B

Barbara said...

The barn is adorable! I really hope you end up finding this flag - it is perfect for Halloween. I wonder if they make the different seasonal ones, you know like him dressed up as Santa for Christmas.

andy said...

Perfect size! !! Love the barn! Have a great day

Anonymous said...

What a cute flag! Yes, you do need one.

Nancy said...

Love this photo, Lisa -- the lighting and that flag are perfect! xo

Jill said...

I LOVE this barn! The flag is certainly an adorable addition!

Karen said...

What a cute barn! And in my dog rescue efforts we sometimes come across the most adorable pugs looking for homes.. I'll let you know next time there's one coming up from down south!

I Am Woody said...

It's hard to beat a dog in a pirate costume. I used to dress my boxer as a pirate for Halloween. She had little frayed pants with a hole for her nub tail to stick out! :)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

The barn and flag are adorable! Great photo.

Andrea said...

Cute! AT first I thought it was like a store and you bought a pug flag. Whoops. :>

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Now that is one CUTE barn! I've never seen one so cute! And that pug flag makes it even better.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Awesome!! What a cool barn.

Sharon Wagner said...

It reminds me of my, "Pumpkin Pup" illustration. And who could resist a pumpkin Pug?

TexWisGirl said...

too funny. :) i like that rain fountain on the corner, myself!

Liz Mays said...

LOL that certainly adds a certain je ne sais quoi to the barn charm!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Interesting pug flag! I really like that barn. And your photo is great! Like you, I see a lot of cool barns on my drive home but I can't stop to get photos of them. Someday I'll have to make a special trip to get pictures of all the great barns.

Gail Dixon said...

What a cute little barn! I finally got to participate in Barn Charm too! Love the pug flag!

Kerri Farley said...

OH I LOVE it!!!

Out on the prairie said...

Fun what catches our eye in beauty. You gave me a good giggle.

Debbie said...

Michaele said...

I just love everything about this photo. Really good angle for the shot also.

Grandma Bonnie said...

That is a cute little barn. The pug flag is adorable.

An Apel a Day said...

I love that little barn!!!

Valerie Boersma said...

It counts!

What a great flag, and a great picture too!

Tiggeriffic said...

That flag is so cute and I just love it~! I like the barn too..not too many barns left here in Iowa..The actual old barns.. I'm going to make me a barn quilt to hang on my shed but haven't seen the right pattern that I like or the colors..
Have a Booiffic Day~! ta ta for now from Iowa:)

The Cranky said...

It totally counts that you had a pug in the past......they are adorable! So are the barn and pug flag; great shot!

Eat To Live said...

That little barn is so cute. I too have ment to link up to barn charm. I just haven't yet.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The flag is really cute but I am so in love with that little barn.
I'm living the wrong life, I want the barn life!!!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Having a pug in the past counts, you bet it counts! The flag is fabulous, pugs are so cute.

Jori said...

SO cute! I had a pug growing up! It was the cutest dog ever. His name was Mowgli. :)

Chatty Crone said...

Yes and your friends love pugs too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michelle said...

I love the pug flag!

Lin said...

That's adorable! It's not everyday that you find a pug flag.

Angela said...

That is a very cute barn and I love that flag too!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute little flag on that barn. We saw lots of Quilt Barns while traveling through Kentucky this past week.

Hope you have had a wonderful week.

Mary said...

Cute seasonal pug-iday

Haddock said...

I like that barn.
I can see a chimney too. Was it inhabited?

Jan n Jer said...

That is the cutest little barn...being in Harpers Ferry..I assume it's a gift shop. Love the pug flag too!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love pugs. harpers ferry... i love west va. great barn. glad you got the chance to finally link up. such fun it is. big hugs. (:

Anonymous said...

Charming little barn!

Rose said...

Of course it counts that you had a pug before...and I sure can see why you had to photograph this little barn. It is a beauty.

Unknown said...

I have a friend who just adopted a Greyhound. Pugs are personable and like people. I've always wanted a Lab! :)

Anonymous said...

The pug flag is definitely cute, but mercy sakes alive, I love the weather barn wood! What a beauty!
Love the cupola, love the windows, love it all! Oh & the doors, too WoW!

Thank you a bunch for joining =)

genie said...

The barn is a wonderful find with or without the pug Halloween flag....but it does add lots of personality to the building. Just for curiosity I typed in "pug halloween flag" and a bunch of them came up. Checked some of them out, but I did not find this particular flag. At least I tried. Hope you have success. genie

Carletta said...

Oh my gosh, wouldn't that make the cutest little studio! I want it!
Charming find Lisa!

Anonymous said...

That is such a cute little barn!