Thursday, December 13, 2012

Lime Bread Recipe

What do you do when you buy limes in bulk, and have a bunch leftover to use up?  Well, you make my aunt Carolyn's wonderful lime bread recipe!  It's delicious!
3 cups flour
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 tsp. salt
1 1/2 cups milk
1/4 cup vegetable oil
3 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. baking soda
1 beaten egg
1/4 cup fresh lime juice
2 tsp. grated lime peel

Combine ingredients.  Stir until moistened.  Bake in greased loaf pan at 350* for 1 hour 10 minutes or until done.  Cool.  Prepare glaze and drizzle over top.

4 tbsp powdered sugar
1 tbsp. fresh lime juice

Hope you enjoy this as much as we do!  Do you have any recipes passed down from family that you love?


Anonymous said...

I've never tasted lime bread but it looks/sounds delicious!

The Cranky said...

Oh this is brilliant; we love limes here!

Hmmm, passed down Dad's beef and noodles, it was his favourite and it's always a hit.

Anonymous said...

I bet this is delicious! We so need to live closer so I can do taste tests of your amazing baked goods.

andy said...

Lisa that looks delicious !!! Happy eating

Heather said...

I have never heard of lime bread, but it sounds really good. And passed down recipes...I have quite a few, especially this time of year! But one of my favorites is kugel, which is a sweet noodle/cheese dish, and we have it every year on Christmas Eve. Yum!

Kerri Farley said...

Oh My .... this looks so yummy!! My hubby is in the process of re-creating a recipe that his mother made - beef barley soup. Once he gets it perfected we'll send his siblings the recipe and maybe we'll keep the tradition going.

Michaele said...

I will eat lime anything. This sounds interesting. A shot of tequila on the side maybe?

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh now this sounds good I was going to make lemon but I think I will give it a twist:) B

Are We There Yet! said...

Never heard of lime bread but it sounds wonderful. I bet it smelled great baking.

Barbara said...

Yum! I'll have to try this. I make a lot of lemon desserts for the same reason! ;)

Sally said...

Wow! Not only does this sound good, it looks delish!!

Have a great day, Lisa! I hope it's not as gloomy there as here. :)

Eat To Live said...

That sounds so good. I would have to substitute the sugar and use different flour... I bet it tastes great.

Liz Mays said...

I'm sure I would like it since I love citrus flavors!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh, I have never heard of lime bread! And easy! Now I am going to buy some limes and make it! One thing, I do not have a loaf pan! And don't want to buy one just for this. What do you think about a 9X9 or something? Of course then it would look more like cornbread, but as long as it tastes just as good...!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

I've never heard of lime bread before, but it sounds delicious! I am so intrigued! Next time I have extra limes on hand I'm trying this out.

I just tried and posted about an easy cobbler recipe my grandma passed down to me. It is really yummy! I love old recipes :)

Susan Evans said...

That bread looks delicious! :)

Mary said...

That bread sounds good. My favorite is a sugar cookie recipe that you do not roll out..just drop style and frost after.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

That sounds interesting, I would have never thought of using them in something like that but it should work!

Michelle said...

Can't say that I have any passed down recipes, but the lime bread does sound interesting.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

This sounds good. I've never heard of lime bread, but I bet it's got an interesting flavor.

Gail Dixon said...

That looks so fresh and delicious! Thanks for sharing. I think I might try it!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

How unique. It sounds so good, and looks pretty. We think we can smell it cooking.

Nancy said...

Pass the cream cheese~

Cuby said...

This bread sounds lovely but we never get limes offered in bulk buys here sadly.

An Apel a Day said...

Sounds yummy!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I've never heard of Lime Bread. I will have to try this one. Thank you for the recipe.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh I pinned this - lime bread. I love that. sandie

Debbie said...

Lime bread, now that's a new one for me! I must admit it does sound yummy!

Unknown said...

Oh, man! This sounds amazingly delicious!!

Sandy said...

Not sure about lime bread, but it might be worth a try. I love limes.