Monday, December 10, 2012

Taco Night - Muffin Tin Monday

I haven't done Muffin Tin Monday in quite some time.  But it seemed a shame not to feature these cute little penguin plates and forks that my mom got for the boys last year on Christmas clearance.
I hadn't done taco night in ages, and this time it went over really well with the boys.  Or maybe it was because of the penguin plates?  They had grass-fed beef tacos with cheddar, Mexican style rice in present shaped muffin cups (with a snowman pick), and steamed broccoli with salsa in a present shaped muffin cup with a gingerbread man pick.  Everybody earned dessert this night, and I'm thinking I should have taco night again soon!


Kerri Farley said...

Taco night at my house is a big hit too :)
Those are so cute!

Anonymous said...

Looks so festive and delicious! Enjoy your day.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Now that looks like a fun meal. Maybe the penguins but I am thinking it makes me hungry:) B

Heather said...

My kids love mexican! We don't often do tacos, but we do bean burritos a lot and chili. I never thought to put salsa and broccoli together though, so I will have to try that!

Anonymous said...

So cute! JDaniel was sitting with me when I looked at this meal. He loved it too.

Eat To Live said...

Very cute Lisa!! Love the penguin plate and fork, very cute.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Gosh, baby Girl, I wish I was there fro that, love, love Tacos..but the Pres NOPE!...:)JP

Ducky said...

Why have I never thought to put salsa on broccoli? Great idea!

Sally said...

How cute!! Taco's are something I forget to make for a while, so it's about time to do it! :)

Have a great day, Lisa!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Looks so fun! That's a good idea to use salsa with broccoli--I'll have to remember that.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

We had taco night last week, they didn't last long as we hadn't had them in awhile.
Of course mind weren't as neat as your tacos but my girls don't look at them long anyway!

Liz Mays said...

Really cute, and I'm glad it was a hit with them this time!

TexWisGirl said...

that fork is too cute!

Sharon Wagner said...

Taco night is a favorite at our house. But instead of ginger bread, margaritas are our reward.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have said it before, but you have got to have the healthiest boys around!!! You are always so very mindful of lots of varied and healthful food, at the same time making it such fun!!! Here, I especially like the fork.

Angela said...

Too cute Lisa! Don't you love it when the kids start eating the foods we like so we don't have to cook special foods for them and something for us! I still can't get Jarod to eat tacos....

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Oooh, now I'm thinking taco night! Haha. It's always such a big hit. Whenever we have family over, I usually do tacos. Such a crowd pleaser! Those plates are adorable, too :)

Are We There Yet! said...

You are making me hungry for tacos... Love the penguin plates.

Sandy said...

Very cute. But I am not so sure about salsa on broccoli.

Michaele said...

You have given me a great idea for dinner :)

An Apel a Day said...

Those little dishes are so cute!

Valerie Boersma said...

I would earn dessert with that dinner too! :) Yum!!

Grandma Bonnie said...

Wow, taco night would be a hit with my grandchildren. I love the plates.

Michelle said...

Taco night sounds, and looks, good!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

i just know that food is so tasty!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

You find the cutest dinner ware for kiddos!

Marie said...

The fork is so cute! The taco looks yummy!!!

renae said...

Lisa! hey! is swear i would gobble all of that food up in a heart beat if i were your guys. yummmmmmmm

Sandy said...

Taco night is my kids' favorite!

Barbara said...

That looks like such a cute meal! now I'm craving tacos! ;)

kewkew said...

We haven't had tacos in a while. Thanks for the suggestion.
I don't think we have ever done it with muffin tins though. There's a thought.
Love the penguin plate and the cups and picks.

Nancy said...

So cute and looks yummy~