Thursday, January 31, 2013

Conversations after 16+ Years of Marriage

Do you think the quality of conversation deteriorates over the course of a marriage?  Especially after kids are added to the mix?  I don't know that it deteriorates, but we don't seem to spend much time these days discussing the philosophy of life.  The other night Paul and I were side by side in bed, me reading a novel called The Illuminator and him reading the day's newspaper. Baxter is settled on my stomach, happily purring. I turned to Paul,

"Hey, did you know that Baxter has an extra nipple?  Right in the middle of his chest?"

"WHY would I know this?" Paul replied.

"I don't know.  I guess you know now."

"Great," (insert sarcastic tone)

Shhhhh, readers.  I'm not sure Baxter would be happy if he knew I let the cat out of the bag with his little secret.


Anonymous said...

I think newlyweds eventually take each other for granted and as age overtakes us, we just say things that we would never have said as newlyweds.

Melanie said...

I will laugh about this all day, but please don't tell Baxter, he might feel embarassed! Thanks for the morning smile, what a great way to start a day!!

Yes, the conversation does change over time. Guess that it is part of a growing process for a relationship and a reminder to find humor in all types of places.

andy said...

Lisa that's my laugh for the day

Buttons Thoughts said...

Well Lisa you sure did crack me up today:) Hug B

Anonymous said...

My husband would be so into reading the paper that he might miss what I was saying.

Anonymous said...

Our conversations have gotten better... not really deep and meaningful, but he talks more now that retirement is here. I think the stress of his day job always filled his brain and there just wasn't much room for anything else in that noggin of his.

OOh, extra nip. I wonder if it ever comes in handy.

Karen said...

LOL... TMI!!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

guess it keeps the conversation interesting. ha. ha!! ( :

Nancy said...

Wasn't it Chandler on Friends that had the extra nipple? But I digress...

Ginny Hartzler said...

Funny! One of my friends has an extra one!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Baxter is so pretty, and it's so sweet that he was purring on your stomach. I will keep his secret.

I think as marriage goes along, we can become so comfortable with each other that we say things we wouldn't have said in the beginning of the relationship. That's a good thing, usually, but sometimes I tell my husband he has given me TMI! :-)

Valerie Boersma said...

Conversation? What's that? ;)

And Baxter's secret is safe with me:)

TexWisGirl said...

ha ha.

renae said...

Are you sure? That high up? And how did you discover this extra nip? Lisa? hahahahaha.

Gail Dixon said...

Ha, funny. Yes, I find that hubby and I have less to discuss after 22 years. Especially since he works from home and I am home all day. I used to feel sorry for couples that sat in silence while out dining but now we are doing the same!

Anonymous said...

That cracks me up. We've been married 30 years - I'm lucky if he even hears me!

Karen Lakis said...

Hahaha!! at least he was listening to you, so all is good.

Grandma Bonnie said...

That is so funny. I do think as we grow old together we change the way we talk and think. After 32 yrs we almost read each others thoughts. We just seem to know what each other is thinking.

Myya said...

Haaa haaa that is funny. I haven't been married for that long, but I've been with my hubs for over 20 years & we talk random stuff that most would probably think is weird but I think it's a testiment of the comfort level you feel with someone when you can say whatever comes to mind even if it is a bit crazy. LOL

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Too funny! We've only been married for 6 years and sometimes I can't believe the things we say to each other. I won't out my husband here though haha.

Anonymous said...

Insert a *snort-laugh* here.


Terry and I will celebrate 21 years in May, it does seem like 'life' sort of gets in the way of actually having the conversations we used to have. I see some improvements though as our children grow older. We even joke about how that when our kids leave the nest, we would like to buy an RV and travel out west, just to see the U.S. :)

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Dave and I didn't have children but we also never ran out of interesting conversation.

Sally said...

Lorda mercy, that IS funny! :)

Eat To Live said...

Men!! They just don't appreciate good converstaion do they?

Wendy Annabeth said...

haha...we both read our ipads in bed lol

warren said...

We do all sorts of things now we would never have done when we were first married. I'll spare you all of the details but it is so funny how times changed us!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Hahaha! What a great post.

Out on the prairie said...

Exmnine your life and enjoy.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

That's hilarious!
My husband and I have been married for almost 13 years and we have the stupidest conversations at times!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

You mean I am supposed to talk to her? ha ha ha
Her birthday is tomorrow so I will have to I guess along with baking her a cake!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Well, at least he still answers...mine just nods. But after 36 years, I take what I can get..HA HA

Lin said...

I think conversation gets shorter and less complicated when you are raising little ones. It gets better as they start going out on their own or are off at sports or things where you don't go with them. This is when your marriage either makes it or it doesn't--you look across the table from each other and hope you still have something to say.

My kids laugh now because we sit and talk about the dumbest of things. And we go on and on about nothing. But hey, when you haven't really "talked" for all those years, you have to catch up, you know??? :)

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I will keep it a secret Baxter!

Arti said...

Funny, how things change with time! :)

Barbara said...

This post was hysterical! Too funny.

Anonymous said...

Really? An extra one?
D and I have always had good conversations. I guess we're awfully lucky that way.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Oh yes the conversations deteriorate....just wait until your 60!

Angela said...

I have to agree with you about the conversation changing over the years. I can remember talking about how we wanted to build a house and how we wanted to do this and that. Then we had kids! So now we talk about the kids but can't really talk about them in front of them! lol My husband is the type that leaves work at work so that doesn't give him much to talk about.

That's funny about your cat! lol I thought maybe you thought it was his belly button that was his extra nip! lol

Chatty Crone said...

Okay - wait until 39 years of marriage. Yes it changes.

An Apel a Day said...

Ha ha! That sounds like my husband and my conversations. Yes kids take a toll. Every time I try to talk to him, a kid interrupts. We're working on that.