Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Royal Icing and Basket Weaving - Cake Decorating Level 2

Recently I finished my Level 2 Cake Decorating class.  In this class, we covered royal icing, which I didn't like much.  I missed the creamier (and tastier) buttercream.  We did a bit with fondant and gum paste, and I really didn't like it either!  I guess I'm just a simple person when it comes to cake making.  I was happy with how my final cake turned out though.
I did a two layer strawberry cake with a layer of homemade rhubarb jam in the center.  I used buttercream frosting on the outside and on the basket weaving.  I liked learning how to do the basket weaving - it was kind of repetitious and relaxing.  The lilies are made from royal icing - which, while edible, isn't so tasty.  They are pretty to look at though.  Kind of looks like an Easter cake to me. 

I decided not to take levels 3 and 4 of cake decorating.  They focus exclusively on fondant and gum paste, and that just isn't really my thing.  For the most part, though, I've learned what I wanted to and hope to keep practicing my techniques regularly.  After all, I was able to create these fun Valentines cupcakes for Pierce's school party last week:
If you have the right tips, these are actually super easy to make, and I thought they did turn out quite cute.  I hope the afternoon wasn't too rough on Pierce's teacher - with 20 kids hopped up on all this sugar! 


Nancy said...

That cake is gorgeous -- I do like royal icing for sugar cookies.

Vision By Mila said...

I'm not into decorating, maybe if it's super easy.. but eating decorated cakes, well for that I'm in!

Cat said...

Hahaha. If a person can't handle 20 kids hopped up on sugar, then they shouldn't be a kindergarten teacher :-)
I love how creative you are with your cakes. They look so professional.
I also can't believe that conversation heart candy now says "email me". They used to say "write me".

andy said...

Wow those look good !!! Way to go

Jill said...

You are quite talented, Lisa! I'm with you...I'll stick with the buttercream!

Out on the prairie said...

Sounds like a good home business possibly.

Tiggeriffic said...

I have a freind that lives in Ohio and she started out making cakes and candies.. She then decided to be able to make the real big money was to sell the supplies that people buy ; like molds, cake decorating supplies, ect. She now has 3 businesses, two in Ohio, and one in California. She sells these supplies all over the world.. Interesting how a in home business grew to be a huge business...
Have fun making all those goodies.. You are very good and it all looks tasty..
ta ta for now from Iowa:)

Sally said...

The cake is gorgeous! You're doing really well, Lisa. Proud of you. :)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

You did a gorgeous job on that cake! Those lilies are beautiful! It does look like an Easter cake. The cupcakes look delicious, too--now I want to eat sugar! :-)

Anonymous said...

This all look wonderful. I love butter cream too.

Buttons Thoughts said...

WOW Lisa that cake is awesome and those cupcakes. I am impressed with your talent and now I am hungry. Great job Congrats you do nice work. B

Kerri Farley said...

Oh that Cake is Just gorgeous....and so are the cupcakes!!

Gail Dixon said...

It does remind me of an Easter cake. You did a beautiful job. Really quite impressive.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty!

I Am Woody said...

Beautiful! I'm more of a buttercream girl myself :)

Grandma Bonnie said...

You cake turned out beautiful. I like royal icing for decorations but not eating. Butter cream is my favorite for family cakes. When i make cakes for others I do fondant because of the smoothness. I use a marshmallow fondant with butter cream underneath.

TexWisGirl said...

the weaving pattern is great, but those lilies are awesome!

Michaele said...

Love those flowers! I have never seen that on a cake before. I am with you on sticking to the first two levels.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Great job, you cake looks awesome.
I agree with you. I like a whipped cream frosting personally but buttercream would be my next choice!

Karen Lakis said...

Strawberry cake with rhubarb filling? - get out! That sounds sooooo delicious, and I never ever would have thought of it. I like butter cream frosting best, also, The decorations with the other frostings are really pretty, though.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

How pretty! I love the basket weaving. I bet it is calming and relaxing :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your cake and cupcakes are beautiful!!! And I love the basket weaving, you did a really good job for the first time. Now you need to tell me how the royal icing is different. When I was a child, my mother made a white frosting that you was called 7 minute frosting. It was heavenly, tasted like nothing else. It had a rather hard top on it, like breaking through snow that has hardened, but was so creamy underneath.

Eat To Live said...

Whoa!! You are getting very good at this. Soon you will be opening up your own bakery

An Apel a Day said...

That is pretty! I haven't messed with fondant. My sister has though. She makes her own and it actually tastes good. I know what you mean, usually it's yucky.

An Apel a Day said...

Your cakes are pretty!!!

Sandy said...

Great job on the cake Lisa. You made cupcakes for Pierce to take to school?!?!? LOL

Elizabeth Edwards said...

so cute. i will take one, please? ( :

Ellie said...

Your cake looks really lovely I agree though butter icing is nicer, especially on a lovely cupcake. :))

Myya said...

I took cake decorating in high school. So much fun! I hardly ever do it anymore though. Love all the fun things you can create! Those cupcakes look super yummy & your cake TOTALLY looks like an Easter cake... Easter is right around the corner :)

Michelle said...

I like the lilies on your cake. I think they turned out great!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

You did a splendid job!

born imaginative. said...

I smiled when reading this. I, too, took cake decorating. I was so pumped to take it. But, after all that work decorating and then consuming the frostings that I don't even really like....I decided I am not cut to be a cake decorator. I prefer to be a cake eater...make and eat what tastes the best...rather than a cake decorator...making things look fancy. For the record, yours came out nice! :)

Linda said...

Lovely work! Congratulations.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Two of my friends at the gym were just telling me how yucky that icing tastes...I'm making my first cake for class tomorrow!!...:)JP

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Lisa, You did GREAT in your cake-decorating class. I love the basket weaving along the sides... WOW!!!!! And your lilies.... SO pretty...

Love the cupcakes also...I laughed at the writing on those little candy hearts. Years ago when my sons were little---they never said such things as "Email me" or "Text me"... ha ha


Valerie Boersma said...

Lisa, Great work! It looks like a pro frosted that cake and those cupcakes!! I wish I was hopped up on sugar right now:)

Unknown said...

Wow! Your cake looks amazing - and rhubarb jam filling? Wonderful idea!

Chatty Crone said...

That cake was beautiful Lisa. Just gorgeous. sandie

GardenOfDaisies said...

Looks like you have had a lot os fun with the classes! I like Buttercream best, too, although if truth be told, probably enjoy my cake best with no icing at all. (But it isn't quite as pretty that way.)