Friday, March 22, 2013


Random Friday:

1.  I guess ya'll wanted to see my haircut or something.  I'm happy with the layering, but she took off more length than I wanted.  I was thinking an inch to an inch in a half.  This is more like 3 inches.  Which means it will take me another year of growing before I can donate it - I'd hoped to be able to donate at the end of the summer.  Oh well.

2.  I planted some early seeds. Cabbage, kale, lettuce, peas, and carrots.  My garlic I planted last year is up.  And my rhubarb is just peeping through the soil.  Fingers crossed my asparagus will return as well.  Exciting stuff.

3.  I have been eating atomic fireballs lately.  I hadn't had them since I was a kid.  For some reason, I've rediscovered them.

4.  It takes me a ridiculously long amount of time to think up 5 random things I want to tell you.  Sometimes it seems harder to write little tidbits about myself than to write a blog post about a single subject.

5.  I'm thinking if I don't bring up selling our house and Paul doesn't bring up selling our house, we just WON'T sell our house.  So far, this tactic seems to be working for us. 

Linked with Random Friday on A Rural Journal. 


Eat To Live said...

How cute your hair is. I too just got my hair cut yesterday. It has been about 2 years to get it professionally cut. I have been whaking it myself because the last time I went,... they butched me and I was so mad that I refused to ever get my hair cut by someone again.

The Cranky said...

You look gorgeous but darn having to wait even longer to donate!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Lisa LOVE the haircut it must be in the air I went and had my cut yesterday too.
What is a fireball?
I cannot believe you can plant I see nothing but white out my window. Have a nice weekend. B

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i have not had an atomic fireballs in years. yummy good. loved them as a kid.

love the new do. cute! ( :

Nancy said...

Beautiful hair style Lisa -- love it!

I actually find it easier to post 5 random things than to write a blog post on one subject. Hmmm.

And if neither of you want to move, and can handle what you've got -- stay! Moving sucks anyways. :)

Unknown said...

I LOVE your hair! It is so cute. And I'm jealous you've been able to get your early seeds planted!

andy said...

Looks great ! Hope you have a great weekend

Mona's Picturesque said...

Loved reading your random 5 Lisa!
your hair is perfect :)
Have a great weekend ♥

Anonymous said...

Your hair looks great! I love your house is so cool! I can understand not wanting to see it.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I like your haircut- cute! Get some Biotin and it will grow enough to donate by summer's end.

Gone Country said...

Love the haircut... very pretty!

I know what you mean about coming up with five random facts. Even though random stuff is happening all the time I just don't think to share it. Guess that's why I haven't linked up to the Random 5 :)!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, Lisa!

I like your layers! I am going in for a trim this afternoon.

Hope you have good luck with your early seeds. We are a long way off from planting a garden up here. We got snow last night!

Have a great weekend!


Sally said...

You look BEAUTIFUL!!!!


Out on the prairie said...

Been a few years, but i used to keep a big jar of fireballs in my classroom.They were always a good reward.

Karen said...

Are you really thinking of selling your house? Where to next?

Andrea said...

You look beautiful!!

I totally misunderstood, though, and thought you were doing the donation chop THIS time. So I lost ya for a few minutes and was like, wait, wha? :P

Random posts when you have a set # of things "required" throw me. But give me free reign and I'm all over the place!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Your haircut looks great! You look so pretty.

I ate atomic fireballs when I was a kid, too. They were almost too hot for me. I was always glad when they turned more mellow.

Anonymous said...

Well, denial is ONE way to make decisions;)
Cute hair. I bet it feels great to have it trimmed up like that.

Kerri Farley said...

Looks great! Love it!

Unknown said...

Love your usual you have been a busy bee!

Kim said...

You are a real beauty Lisa! Love the cut.

TexWisGirl said...

your hair is beautiful. #4 is definitely something i can relate to - i just don't want to share anything these days except pics! :)

#5 made me laugh.

Scrapatches said...

New hair cut is lovely. Hope the house thing works out for your two and the garden grows well ... :) Pat

Unknown said...

I am loving your Haircut. Looks great. I am such a bad a writing so it doesn't matter weather its a regular blog post or little snippets here and there, I have a hard time either way.
I am thinking I should just to a picture blog. LOL..

Sarah said...

I've NEVER been able to handle atomic fireballs! :)

Maggid said...

I have No Idea what an atomic fireball is . . . i imagine you gather your super-hero strength to conquer your day by eating Atomic Fireballs for breakfast.

It sounds as if you do not want to sell your home . . . If that's the case - I hope the thought disappears - so it is never spoken again - AND - Something amazing takes the place of that idea . . . This should be simple for a lady with your kind of breakfast (grin)
love & love,

ps - happy 5 day!

Gail Dixon said...

Your hair looks fantastic! Sorry about not being happy with the length, but you look great. I like your strategy on the house issue. :)

Marie said...

Your hair looks great! I like the color a lot!
I can't wait to have a garden. :)

Mary Ann said...

Your hair is gorgeous...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love the haircut! You don't really want to sell your lovely home? Have a nice weekend.

Angela said...

I love your new haircut! I really need to go get mine cut. I'm with you about not bringing up the selling of your house and just keep it! If you really think about it I think it would cost more to move to another house in the city. If you are like we are you have your free well water and free septic. You probably could burn your trash or take it to the dump on free trash day. We have the free gas so it would cost us way more to live in a house in the city. Our taxes would be higher also. And the boys wouldn't have a big yard to explore. And don't forget about the garden that saves you money. I could go on!

Anne Payne said...

Beautiful haircut! It's very flattering and doesn't look hard to take care of.

IanH said...

At least 2 months away from planting anything. Hair cut is great. In other words, " Lookin' good!"

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Your hair looks so great! I really love the length and the layering. It looks so pretty :)

Congrats on the garden success so far. How exciting!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

The haircut is definitely a keeper on you, Baby Girl..looks awesome!

Irish Italian Blessings said...

LOVE the hair! Looks beautiful, sorry she cut it too short to donate though, that stinks. I missed why you would be selling your house since I've been gone forever but I hope that whatever works best for you guys is what happens!

Valerie Boersma said...

Your haircut is pretty-and so are you, my friend!

I checked on my rhubarb yesterday, and all three plants are starting to come up-even bigger than last year! I'm so happy!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for your asparagus too!

A Colorful World said...

Hi! Nice to meet you! You have a great start on your garden! What will happen if you sell your the plants, I mean? Love your haircut too. How nice that you donate your hair!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh Lisa, you are gorgeous!!!! And I really hope you do not have to sell your beautiful home, it is so full of baby memories and fun. And it is a wonderful place to grow up. But you will make a great home wherever you live. You need to keep your hair like this forever!!!!!

Lin said...

You look great! :) I like the hair cut.

I've been hooked on lemon balls lately. Someone at work brought them in and now I'm hooked.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

I love your haircut! It looks great. So maybe you won't have enough to donate by the end of the summer. Maybe you'll have enough by the end of the fall?

Garlic . . . mmmmm.

And separately, rhurbarb, mmmmm. Makes me think of strawberry rhubarb pie.

Anonymous said...

You look lovely with the new haircut. I remember buying those fire balls at the local grocery. I wonder if they would taste as hot to me today in my old age??

mail4rosey said...

They always take more than you tell them... always. Why is that? It's still nice and long though and looks great!

Mary said...

I think your hair and you look fabulous! :)

And mmmmm, rhubarb. I love it. Now i'm craving strawberry rhubarb pie. Peas! Love those right out of the pod. What a divine snack!

OneMommy said...

I love the haircut!

I haven't had atomic fireballs in forever...or lemon heads. Oh, I used to love those!

Are We There Yet! said...

I think the haircut makes you look much, much younger.... not that you are old. LOL... I better quit while I am ahead.

Rambling said...

Your hair looks lovely. Have a great weekend, and don't think about selling your house! Too stressful.

Greg said...

Having a haircut is a good excuse to use a picture where you look smokin'!!

Hopefully this is an acceptable blogging comment :)

Anonymous said...

Pretty lady!

I used to love those Atomic Fireballs, now I'm craving them. haha

Jill said...

Oh Lisa! I LOVE your new haircut! You're stunning!

Unknown said...

Well hi buddy... I think the hair cut is cute. My daughter is donating her hair soon. Good luck selling the house! Have a great weekend

Liz Mays said...

You're clearly not ready to sell yet! Until you are, stay put.

Your hair looks cute!

Angie said...

Your hair looks great!
I haven't had a fireball in years either. I had forgotten about them actually :)

Nina said...

Your hair with the layers is beautiful ... I've experienced also that the hairdressers talks about one inch but in the end the scissors have chopped much more. Sorry you have to wait for the donation ... In the summer everything grows fast, hopefully you hair as well :)
The tactic on the house is working effectively: Not choosing is also a choice. Letting go off a home is a big decision, so time is needed to weight the pro's and cones ... And in the meantime listening to ones feelings may do the decision for you.
Enjoy the spring with seeds and plants,

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

So pretty...makes me wanna get a haircut
It is hard to come up with 5 random things but you do well with it

Arti said...

Your hair is just gorgeous! It looks so natural and so very well cut.
Have a lovely weekend Lisa :)

@Dayngr said...

Looks great!!

Karen Lakis said...

LOVE your haircut! Atomic fireballs? That's a blast from the past, I forgot they even existed.

Anonymous said...

Love your haircut! And I know what you mean about thinking of random things to write!

Unknown said...

Your hair looks fantastic!!

As for the house, that sounds like a good tactic. :-)

Michaele said...

The cut really looks good on you. I guess I missed that you were wanting to sell the house. But now I guess I mean - not wanting too?

Willow said...

Lisa your hair looks fabulous. ATOMIC FIREBALLS ...Ha ha It has been ions since I ha one. Now I will have to get to the penny store.

Linda said...

Your hair looks so pretty! Mine has been flying all over with the air so dry. It'll improve when (if?) winter ends, and soon I'll be pulling it into a pony tail for hot weather.

Debbie said...

You look gorgeous Lisa, I think it is perfect!!

Chatty Crone said...

You look beautiful! sandie

An Apel a Day said...

Your hair looks great!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Your hair looks great!!!

warren said...

Fireballs are awesome and they come in bulk at Sam's!!!

Good hair-do too!

Sandy said...

Love the haircut and I haven't had an Atomic Fireball in years! I didn't even know you could still get them. I need to keep an eye out for them.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Great hair cut. I never did like Atomic Fireballs. I would be too nervous selling our house. I hope you have a great week.

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Muito fotogénica...Espectacular....