Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Learning to Skate

Can you remember learning to skate?

Easier said than done.  Pierce got a pair of rollerskates for Christmas.  He's been wearing them all over the house for days.  We finally got out on some pavement.

He still needs some practice.  But eventually there was less of that and more of this: 

He's getting there!
Yes, he's wearing a swimsuit.  Paul had them out playing in the creek that morning.  In March.  Must've been some cold water! 


Anonymous said...

Awesome skater boy!! I never did learn very well... those skates always seemed to get away from me and I ended up on my tushie.

The Cranky said...

He looks like he's having a grand time! Swimming in March? I can only wish!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i need some of those - i have never learned how to skate - always ended up on my bottom.

can i borrow them to try them out?

my hubby skates fabulously. ha. ha!! ( :

Anonymous said...

I am so impressed. I would have spent most of my skating time on the ground.

mail4rosey said...

I remember skating, and I wish I'd have had knee pads, that's for sure.

He looks like he's having a blast. :)

Cat said...

you need to bring him to Adventure World when they do the homeschool skate. The twins could play in the bounce house with me and you could skate with P.

Monkeywrangler said...

Too much fun! I was never good at skating (pavement or ice). My ankles are just too sloppy I think.

Glad your little guy is having a good time.

andy said...

We went skating acouple of weeks ago and my oldest ( 12 years ) is awesome but me and the little one I think made 2 laps in 45 min lol !!!!!

Eat To Live said...

Once he gets his balance, there is going to be no stopping him!!

Unknown said...

Yeah! Need to get him a hockey stick and put him in the rink!

Nancy said...

I lived on my skates (those old metal ones with the key!) when I was his age. I hope he has many enjoyable hours on them as I did.

Sally said...

He's doing GREAT!! Way to go, Pierce! xoxo

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

He really picked up on it fast! Skating will provide so much enjoyment for him. I never learned to skate very well. When I was little, we would periodically go to a roller skating rink, and just as I got semi-OK (I could stay upright most of the time), it would be time to go.

Anonymous said...

I think it's great your country boy is learning to skate! Mine only have done so at a rink, but I grew up skating on sidewalks.

Unknown said...

When I saw this I thought of my boys...first skaters. He seems to be doing well and boy is he dressed for the first, right! Happy Wednesday!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

Maybe I could have learned to skate if I had some pavement and pads but back in the day it was skinned knees.
Pierce was in a reading class that my wife was working yesterday, she says that he is a hoot.

TexWisGirl said...

good going, pierce! learn while you're little!

Gail Dixon said...

I tried roller blading once and could never completely stand upright. Pierce is doing great! That skeleton shirt paired with the primary colors on the skates is quite comical. Cute. :)

LisaS said...

Oh this looks like so much fun!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

He did awesome, Baby Girl but I'm surprised Cort and Reid weren't out there!...:)JP

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Before you know it, he's going to be speeding past you like a hockey player!

Valerie Boersma said...

Oh do I ever remember learning to roller skate! Let's just say I'm thankful for the helmets and pads that kids wear now.

Pierce looks like a pro, and he's so stylishly attired in his swimsuit, too! ;)

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Aww how cute! I like how he is all nice and protected so he won't get hurt if he falls :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love this, Lisa! The look on his face in the second picture! And how funny that he has been wearing them around the house. Do all skates look like this now? When I was a kid, there were four wheels, two in the front and two in the back. They were mainly platforms with wheels under them, and you had to have a skate key to tighten them to your shoes, which had to be saddle shoes. You ALWAYS wore your skate key around your neck on a piece of rope. I was the best skater...we lived on a hill and I would walk to the top, then go all the way down, gathering speed with my pigtails flying. It scared my mom to death. And for SOME reason, they taught me in the basement on the linoleum!

troutbirder said...

What fun and he is doing it. Neat!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cutie... Cannot believe it's been warm enough to be outside without a heavy coat... We need some of that weather.

He's a cutie... Looks really comfortable on his skates... I used to love to roller skate (back then we had roller rinks to go to) --but never ever tried ice skating.


Angie said...

I never could skate. Good for him for not giving up. Practice makes perfect!

I wish it was warm enough here to play in water. It's still freezing :(

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Those pictures are adorable. I love all the protective gear....we didn't have that growing up!

Jill said...

Good job, Pierce!

Anne Payne said...

Cute! I remember learning to skate. It was quite painful :)

Grandma Bonnie said...

It looks like he is getting the hang of those skates. I remember learning to ice-skate but not roller skate.

Out on the prairie said...

The falls are all part of the learning experience.Equally hard on parents as the kids.LOL

An Apel a Day said...

That's so cute and funny!

True story: My Dad took us skating when I was in 6th grade; my sister was in 1st grade. It was for the school he taught at. A student bumped into him hardcore. He landed on both elbows. Both of them were broken. He insisted on driving home. He yelled cuss words on every turn. I will never forget that story.

Sandy said...

Holy Cow! Maybe all that protective gear is throwing his center of balance off.;)

Linda said...

Way to go, Pierce!

Great set of pictures.