Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Pineapple Pretzel Fluff

I'm not normally a big fan of anything labeled 'fluff'.  I don't like congealed salads or salads with fruit and marshmallows and such.  But I had this recently at a potluck and fell in love.  So much, that I had to make it at home, too.  It's got that whole salty/sweet thing going on in the most excellent way.
For crust:
1 1/2 cups coarsely crushed pretzel sticks
3/4 cup butter, melted
3/4 cup sugar

Mix together crust ingredients and press into 9x13 inch pan, bake at 400* for 7 minutes.

8 oz. cream cheese
12 ounces Cool Whip
1/2 cup sugar
20 oz. crushed pineapple, drained

Whip cream cheese and sugar until smooth.  Fold in Cool Whip and pineapple.  Layer on top of (cooled) pretzel crust, and refrigerate.

I used reduced fat cream cheese on this and fat free Cool Whip, and it turned out great.  Enjoy!


Vision By Mila said...

I really need to get back to cooking more, I've been so lazy lately.. and also my husband cooks better than me :D But I'd make some really tasty salads, I have to check recipes..

Nancy said...

You just never know what's going to evolve into a favorite treat. :)

Melanie said...

Sounds yummy!! I make a similar one and it is good too. Being southern, I grew up eating congelaed salads and anything with cream cheese in it sounds good to me!

Eat To Live said...

Lisa!!!! That sounds so good. Almost good enough to make me want to eat sugar again.....

Sandy said...

I am not usually a "fluff" fan either, but this does sound good.

Anonymous said...

This sounds wonderful! I love pretzels.

Heather said...

This sounds good to me! I am huge into the salty/sweet mixture of flavors. I would love for you to share this at what i am eating http://www.townsend-house.com/2013/03/what-i-am-eating_15.html

Barbara said...

Yum, this looks delicious and easy. A winning combination in my book. ;)

Michaele said...

Yum! Awesome combination!

GardenOfDaisies said...

Ooh, that does sound yummy! You had me at cream cheese!

Gail Dixon said...

Looks delicious! And easy to make, too. Thanks!

Liz Mays said...

I believe I've had something similar at potlucks a few times and I loved it too!

Sally said...

Oh my gosh, I have GOT to make some of that. Looks and sounds so good.

Unknown said...

I don't usually like "fluff" either, but sweet and salty is an irresistible combination.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Lisa, That dish looks awesome. I too would use the low-fat or no-fat ingredients --and I'd use splenda instead of sugar. Thanks for the recipe. I may just have to try that little dish... THANKS!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Divine! It does kind of look like the food of angels! I bet the boys loved it.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

I do love the whole salty/sweet thing. Sounds yummy!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Oh, yum. I love the salty/sweet combination. This looks delish!

Debbie said...

fat free?? really??

i would like to see a picture of it all done ;)))

camp and cottage living said...

Oh, I love fluff!
This sounds so easy and deliscious!
I use the lighter stuff too, it makes me feel like it's not so bad for me:-)

Chatty Crone said...

That is easy - bet the kids loved that. sandie

Jill said...

Oh. My. Gosh. This sounds great!

Michelle said...

This is some of my favorite stuff!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

This sounds so refreshing! Thanks for the recipe.

Anonymous said...

I would love this!

Grandma Bonnie said...

I will have to try this with my family and see if it goes over. It sounds good but different. Anything with cream cheese has got to be worth a try.