Monday, March 11, 2013

Teaching My 3 Year Old to Write His Name....FAIL

A few months ago I picked up some wipe erase boards in the Target dollar bins to start the twins working on writing their names.  The erase boards already have the lines neatly done on one side (and the other side is blank). 

Usually I will make a bunch of dotted C's and R's for Cort and Reid to practice on.  Sometimes I will just do the full names in dots for them to trace.  On this particular day, apparently Cort decided to boycott the name writing and go straight for portraiture.

 I was surprised to see that Cort had drawn the whole family (except himself).  Far left is me (note my long hair) then Paul, Reid, and Pierce is the small red character riding our dog Scooter.  I'm not quite sure why Pierce is riding our dog, as I've never seen him do that in real life.

Cort then erased his picture and said he would work on his name.  Only when I looked over next, I saw he was back to drawing.
I asked who the two figures were, guessing maybe it was a picture of Paul and Cort.  His response surprised me.  "It's God and Jesus".  How can you not smile over that one?


Nancy said...

Meh -- I'd choose drawing over name-writing any day! Cute post Lisa.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh this made me smile I think Cort is going to be one of those famous artist fellows. So cute thanks for sharing Lisa. B

Cat said...

Melt my heart, Mr. Cort :-)
Who cares if he can write his name.

andy said...

What a awesome answer ! Brownie point for today ! Have a great Monday Lisa

Anonymous said...

What wonderful drawings! I love this last one. He did come up with a good answer!

Eat To Live said...

What a sweetheart!! One day he will surprise you and write his name.

Barbara said...

He is quite the artist. I had to giggle at the end. How can you argue with that indeed.

Heather said...

That is so adorable! My kids are big on the drawing, not as much on the writing :-)

Jori said...

Cuties! Those are some sweet drawings.

My daughter is a lefty and it has been murder trying to write her name. She keeps writing everything backward.

Liz Mays said...

Awwwww, it sure made me smile. :) And their drawings in general were darling.

Gail Dixon said...

That is so incredibly sweet! He's learning the important stuff, clearly. :)

Elizabeth Edwards said...

precious. so cute. kids say the cutest things ever. aww!! ( :

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

This made me smile--I enjoyed it so much. You have a budding artist and a sweet boy. He will learn to write his name--probably already can! :-)

Anonymous said...

When the time comes will you teach them cursive writing? I know some schools now think it's a thing of the past but I think it's beautiful. :)

I Am Woody said...

Art is way better than words! ;)

Sally said...

Oh my, how precious!! I love this, Lisa. :)

TexWisGirl said...

how cute!!! :)

camp and cottage living said...

Aw, kids say the darnest things.
Cort is a real budding artist, I think!
You really do have long, flowing hair.....

Ginny Hartzler said...

Did you ask him which one was Jesus, the little one or the big one? I love you with the long hair!!!! He has made you into Crystal Gayle!!! I love the dry erase boards and have many for the girls. Ella is in the hospital and I will bring her a purple one tomorrow. I also adore the Target dollar aisles.

Anonymous said...

I know learning to write their names is important, but this is awesome. He is truly a talented artist at such a young age. And I really enjoyed the God and Jesus picture as well. Don't ever stifle the creativity!


Valerie Boersma said...

This made my day, and totally made me smile! And that long, long, long hair you have-my but I'm jealous;)

Too cute, Lisa!!

An Apel a Day said...

He's so cute!

He's got pretty good drawing skills for that age.

I taught both of my kids by just guiding their arms in writing. It is a hard task.

Chatty Crone said...

The boys are soooooooooooooooo cute!
Love their drawings. sandie

Anonymous said...

I <3 that--and I've always been a fond of drawings of HUGE bodies with faces attached;)

Jill said...

Bless his beautiful (and wise) heart!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is so darn cute!

Angela said...

It won't be long before you'll be doing a post about Cort's artwork making it to the county museum with a big ribbon on it! Glad you asked who the two were in the last picture! That was just too sweet!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Oh how cute! Sounds like he has a mind of his own :)

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

LOL! My grandson is 3. A few months ago I spent a small fortune on a book in Target that was Trace and Erace etc activities and the special pens were erasable. He TASTED the pen and told me it was yucky and wanted nothing more to do with the project.

I put it away for awhile, ha ha

Your post reminds me that I have it stashed somewhere and its several months later / I should try again

Melodie said...

What a sweet moment that was!

born imaginative. said...

Love love love this!

Too bad erasable...portraits you'd want to frame! At least you got pictures.

Michelle said...

He IS quite the artist! Nice family portrait!

Lin said...

Awwww. That was SWEET!

Try drawing a big letter "C" or "R" on the board and let them make a picture out of the letter. That might get them interested in writing letters.

Unknown said...

Super cute! That's a story for the memory book.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

OH---what a neat answer!!!! Cort is one smart little guy... Funny though that he had Pierce riding the dog!

Thanks for sharing.

Marie said...

Maybe an artist in the family. :)

NaNa said...

Oh my gosh that is such a sweet and adorable answer! xoxo

Anonymous said...

He is precious...and very talented I might add!

Linda said...

Aww, he's talented and so sweet!

Myya said...

I haven't tried teaching Aliya yet...i should probably get on that! Love the pics too cute & DEFINITELY smile worthy on the God & Jesus!!! :)