Thursday, April 4, 2013

Birds My Cat Hasn't Eaten Yet

At the end of March we got a surprise snow of 5 inches.  It was very pretty, but made me a little grumpy, since I was ready for spring.  I blogged recently about how Willie was snooping around the blue bird house.  Well, when it snows he doesn't like to go outside.  Instead, he holed up in the top bunk of the twins' bed.

While he was busy napping, I saw many little birds out in the snow.  They could rest easy, knowing that Willie was taking a day off.  I suppose they were as baffled by snow in March as I was.

Look at this one, all puffed up.  Must have been cold out there with all those white flakes tumbling down. 

At this point, I'm hopeful that there will be no more surprise snows.  Surely not, right?


Steve Surratt said...

I remember my cat Sparky used to bring me rabbits from the field behind our house. He was the sweetest cat; unless you were a rabbit. He was our benevolent monster.

Eat To Live said...

Even the birds are wishing for spring.

Poor birds having to get away from the cat... but then we are so happy when the cat gets mice. Cats just have no idea how wrong we think it is to eat birds.

Rebecca said...

Cute photos! -I think Willie might be dreaming of bird hunts :) I agree - I'm ready for spring too...

Unknown said...

I really hope we're done with the snow...I'm ready for Spring weather!

Anonymous said...

We would have loved to have had a little snow. Your pictures are gorgeous.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Great photos, Lisa! Willie looks like he's in dreamland. Our cat Thunder Cat used to sleep like that, on his back with his paws up.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Willie looks so very comfy! We're getting weird "spring" weather in Iowa, too. We'll just have to wait and see what Mother Nature has in store for us, right?

GardenOfDaisies said...

Willie is a smart kitty! He knows where the cozy sleeping places are.

Rob-bear said...

Song birds are the reason I dislike cats. I do love the picture of the birds (the bottom one looks like a Song Sparrow). I hope your snow is gone soon, and you don't have too much snirt. (See my blog for explanation.)

I hope you have a great day, Lisa.

Blessings and Bear hugs!
Bears Noting

Sally said...

Willie looks so cute, but I'm glad he was inside. Hope no more snow for you guys. :)


Liz Mays said...

With Spring, one never knows, do they?

Karen said...

RIGHT!!! still cold here, but no snow. *sigh*

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Lucky birds! That picture of him sleeping is adorable.

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Olá Lisa; excelentes fotografias....

Marie said...

Snow now? Wow! Your kitty looks quite comfy. :) The little birds are adorable! My kitty will always be indoors and harassed by three pups. :)

TexWisGirl said...

sweet little song sparrow.

Sandy said...

Willie looks downright cuddly in that picture. I would think that is the last snow of winter for you, but I guess you never know.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You caught him in such a cute post!!! And I do not know what you did to these pictures, but they are so artistic! I love the last one of the puffed up bird, so glad kitty was asleep!

Irish Italian Blessings said...

Um that picture could not be any more adorable!

Are We There Yet! said...

I had a couple of little birds outside eating some toast I threw out.... Then the big crows came and chased the little one away. I guess the crows have to eat too.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Lazy kitty!!!! ha ha (I feel just the same way at times!!!)

I hope we don't have any more bad weather this spring... We have rain here today --and it's still quite cool. BUT--the forecasters say that it's going to warm up this weekend --and be warm all next week... HOPE SO...


jp@A Green Ridge said...

Willie is too cute...methinks he will be a housecoat VERY soon!!...:)JP

andy said...

It's pouring sleet and snow all day ! Ok enough is enough !!!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Willie is so cute! I bet the birds were glad to get a break. Can't believe you got more snow! Ugh!

Gail Dixon said...

Glad the cat is safe and tucked away from the birds. I often wonder how the little birds survive snow and cold. Don't get mad, but we are in the low 50s today and it feels really cold. Maybe because the wind is blowing from the north. I'm ready for spring, too. Winter doesn't want to let go its grip.

Anonymous said...

We are having one of those surprise snows right now.. ugh. Will winter NEVER go away??

Chatty Crone said...

I love that little bird all puffed out. So sweet. sandie

mail4rosey said...

No more snow! And I love the pictures. :)

Michelle said...

Surely no more snow. We haven't received much snow this year, but a serious lack of sun. Cloudy, cold days have been the rule. No fun.

Angie said...

Ha Ha- I don't blame him. I don't like the snow either!

Jill said...

Oh. My. Gosh. I LOVE that shot of Willie!

Linda said...

Some parts of Virginia got snow again today! We didn't but it was very cold this morning.

Valerie Boersma said...

I'm with you-no more snow! And the song bird predators in our yard are Starlings! What a nuisance they are, harassing the other birds to the point of not letting them get to their nests. I need to borrow Willie for a while...

Grandma Bonnie said...

I sure hope that snow is finished for now. Glad the birdies got a little rest.