Friday, April 12, 2013

Bonsais on Friday

Here are my random thoughts this Friday:

1.  Last week on Spring Break I took the boys to visit somewhere new for them and me.  It was much cooler than I expected.  Here's a sneak peek:
 2.  Remember last week when I said something about the last snow?  I'm never saying anything about that again.  Because the same day that post went up, we got an unexpected snow.  In April.  I had to drive home in it and saw several nasty wrecks.  I was glad to make it home safely.

3.  Some of the bulbs I planted last fall are coming up.  This makes me happy.

4.  I will be busy today and tomorrow with a yard sale/fundraiser that the parents of multiples club does twice a year.  The boys are excited because I always get them each a new toy.
5.  I bet at least one of my readers knows exactly where this picture was taken!

Linked today with Nancy from A Rural Journal.


Anonymous said...

Cute pic of the boys! GA is famous for having April ice storms. I hope your weather warms up soon. That's great about your bulbs! Enjoy the weekend.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I love reading about your adventures with the daughter in law has three of my four grandsons and they have such fun together. I don't know where the photos were taken, but I love that last one- pretty cool!

Nancy said...

Love those bonsais! Did you get one? Thanks for joining in at R5F Lisa. xo

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I LOVE the photo of the boys it tugs at my heart it is so cute.
I heard your weather was nasty glad you made it home.
Love to see what the boys come home with. Have a nice time. B

Barbara said...

We've been getting nasty weather around here too. Yuck!

Anne Payne said...

Snow in April is not fun. I don't know where that photo was taken but think it's neat that the fingertips are green :)

Karen Lakis said...

The photo of your boys is adorable. I'm hoping we're done with snow, but fingers crossed on that one. The place you visited looks like a lot of fun. :-)

Anonymous said...

I love the last picture! I don't know where it is, but the trees are really cool.

Maggid said...

What is Mother Nature Thinking???
Our weather is certainly full of surprises.
Bonsai Trees? Do you have one? I keep thinking i could give it a try.

Where IS that picture - that looks like a Garden of hands . . ???

Happy 5 Day!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I have always loved bonsais but could never grow one. So cute of the boys....funny about the weather

An Apel a Day said...

I bought one of my nephew's a bonsai tree for a Christmas present last year. They are so cool!

I'm hoping the weather warms up for the weekend. It's supposed to.

Anonymous said...

Do bonsais do well in Virginia? Might be neat to have one. xox Enjoy the fundraiser!!

Monkeywrangler said...

I don't know where you went, but the boys look like they had fun!

Betty Manousos said...

love, love love the photo of your adorable boys!

those bonsai are so beautiful

have a great weekend and keep warm!:)

plus: i linked to you today!

mail4rosey said...

So many people are getting unexpected snow, it's crazy. It's cold here again so finding it would not surprise me, luckily today we are snow free.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I love the photo of the boys. They walk with such purpose! The April snow was incredible, wasn't it? But this week it has gotten too hot for me already.

I don't know where that photo was taken, but it's very interesting!

Angie said...

I sure hope Winter is finally over for all of us! The pic of the boys is too cute!

Gail Dixon said...

I hope your fundraiser is a success! Cute pic of the boys running. That last pic has me curious... :)

TexWisGirl said...

love the pic of the boys!

Karen said...

I have no idea where that picture was taken but it's one funky ...sculpture?

Elizabeth Edwards said...

bonsai trees always make me think of Mr. Miyagi from the Karate Kid. working on his little tree throughout the movie.

love the shot of your sons (boys). cute. ( :

Valerie Boersma said...

Good luck and have fun at the yard sale! I hope the weather will be perfect!

Will you get me a new toy too?

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Looks like a bonsai farm. They are so amazing. I have always loved mini things. Just look at that trunk!

Eat To Live said...

I might have to get myself a bonsai tree. I have always liked them, just never got one.

Hopefully the snow is over for the year!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

WHERE, WHERE????? I want to GO! It does look a bit like Louis Ginter, but I don't think you would have driven to Richmond...I LOVE this, are you going to keep us waiting all weekend to see the rest? Good grief, are these really TREES?? Tree art?

Sally said...

Whoa, so glad you made it home. Hopefully, the weather will get better very soon.

Love the pics as I always do.


The Cranky said...

Wonderful photos, my daughter loves bonsai!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

More snow?! Ugh! Love the shot of the boys :)

Mary said...

Yay for your bulbs coming up! And i'm glad you made it home safely in that bad weather.. geez. I've heard about all the snow back east. I hope it ends soon!

And i don't know where the last pic was taken, but it's very cool. :)

Tiggeriffic said...

Love those Bonsai's.. They look like they are hands waving.. Bet they wouldn't grow in Iowa.. I would love to have them planted next to the fence by my driveway.. I would paint faces on them ...
I don't think I have ever seen these plants.. they look so cool..
Your boys are growing up so fast.. i love to take pictures of my family walking or running away from the camera..
Have a great day~! You are such a great mom...ta ta for now from Iowa:)

Angela said...

Snow is a 4 letter word in April! lol Glad you made it home safe! Love the picture of the boys running! Too cute!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh I love the photo of the boys- they are so cute!

Out on the prairie said...

Happy pics to see, a nice selection

Are We There Yet! said...

only 41 degrees here today and it feels like it could snow. I want spring!!

Grandma Bonnie said...

Love the bonsais. The boys look like they were having fun. I sure hope the snow is gone for now!

Marie said...

the photo of the boys is so sweet!

Willow said...

Looks like you and the boys have really enjoyed Spring break. I know what you mean about announcing "Spring, no more snow " too soon lol

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Snow in April is just wrong!

Sandy said...

Quite a few places back east got a late snow this year. Bummer!