Monday, April 22, 2013

It's a Zoo in There!

It's been a while since I've posted any playful lunches for the boys.  I think I'm overdue.  Pierce loves when I send notes to school in his lunchbox, so I started off his bento with a little note.

This may seem like a large lunch, but it's actually lunch and a snack for him, as they have snack time each day.  I liked the theme of the zoo, since we just visited the Greenville Zoo over Spring Break. So in the bento I packed an open faced cheese sandwich bear in a pretzel rod cage with a yellow tomato ball for playing.  There is also a lion tortilla sandwich filled with refried beans and accented with a carrot mane.  The lion is standing in the tall grass of roasted seaweed and carrots.    On the side, there is a surprised monkey egg and a bento elephant filled with dark chocolate raisins for dessert.  You may notice another nosy animal in the bottom right corner checking out the lunch.  I didn't pack him, but I do think the lunch met with his approval. 

Also included was a banana and a Kidz Zone bar.  You know ZonePerfect bars?  Well they've started making kid bars now!  Pierce was so eager to try the yellow cupcake flavor.  He reported it was delicious!  Even better - the bars feature 23 vitamins and minerals, 5 grams of protein, and 3 grams of fiber.  Perfect for my active little boy.  They also offer flavors in caramel crunch and peanut butter chocolate chip.
 I didn't tell Pierce what was in his lunch ahead of time, so that he could be surprised.  He can't wait for me to pack him another in the near future.  Nutrition can be so fun!
Disclaimer:  I received some products from Zone Perfect, along with an invitation to blog about them to be entered to win Kidz ZonePerfect bars and goodies for Pierce's classroom at school (wish us luck!).  The opinions above are my own. 


Nancy said...

Love his smile -- and your note. xo

andy said...

Those are cool lunch bags !!!

Anonymous said...

I love your lunch! The lion behind bars is adorable!

Jill said...

The other kids must be so jealous of Pierce's lunches. I can just hear the other kids begging their Moms for fun lunches!

By the way, how, oh how do you eat seaweed! I tried it after reading about it here and thought I would die! Ack! hehehe!

Eat To Live said...

Pierce is so adoreable Lisa!! Cute lunch too!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Lisa you are the best I could see Pierces face when he opened up his lunch in school and all the kids wishing you were their Mom too. You are so clever and fun. B

Liz Mays said...

Your little note about the wild animal was too cute. I'll bet his eyes just light up when he finds your fun lunches!

Sally said...

That is just so sweet; look at the smile on Pierces' face! :)

So clever, you!!


Gail Dixon said...

Awww, you are such a good mom. You're lucky that he likes to try different foods. My kids were so picky.

TexWisGirl said...

very cute lunch - and i like your inspector.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Pierce's smile is so happy and sweet! The lunch looks delicious. The mane on the lion is so cute! I think the kitty wanted to be packed up and sent along with Pierce, so he could enjoy some of that lunch!

Sharon Wagner said...

Food worthy of a fun zoo day. Very cute.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You have really outdone yourself today!!! This is awesome, and SOOO cute!!! My friend eats the Zone bars for her breakfast and I pick some up for her periodically, she loves them.

Valerie Boersma said...

What a totally fun lunch! And I remember the days when I wrote notes to put in Amy's lunch:)

I couldn't help smile at Mr. curious kitty too! He's so cute!!

mail4rosey said...

That is an awesome lunch and he's adorable. :)

Our Neck of the Woods said...

You are such a fun mom! I bet the meal tastes so much better when it is delivered like that :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

This may be the best lunch Pierce has ever taken... You did a fabulous job. Love the ZOO theme... CUTE......

It's great to hear that they make good bars for kids now--with the necessary vitamins and minerals... Awesome...

Congrats. I'm sure that Pierce loved THAT lunch.


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Now that is one awesome lunch!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

What a great lunch for a great little guy!!!...:)JP

Deidre said...

This is just the sweetest lunch box EVER.

Linda said...

You did a great job! No wonder he's smiling!