Tuesday, April 16, 2013

North Carolina Arboretum

On the way home from our Spring Break trip we took a slight detour through Asheville to meet my uncle for lunch.  We got there a bit early so we could take a tour of the NC Arboretum, which is right by my uncle's workplace.
 It was neat going through the greenhouses and seeing all of the different plants and flowers. 
 I'm not so good with plants or flowers, so other than saying that we saw tons and tons of bonsai, I can't give you specific names of things.

But I suspect I have quite a few plant-savvy readers who would know the names of every plant on here, including this cool swirly leafed thing:

I thought this bonsai looked like people wrapped up in an embrace.  What do you see?

You wouldn't think this would be very interesting for kids, but actually the boys really seemed to enjoy it.

They liked this wooly looking plant especially.

And the boys always enjoy seeing flowers.

We also toured an art exhibit in one of the buildings.  

And saw many more bonsai.

I never knew there were so many different types.

When we first entered the park, we were told we should make a trip to the ecolab. So we finally tracked it down and went down to see a few snakes and turtles.  And then Cort and Reid said, "But Mom, where are the EAGLES?"  Apparently they misheard and thought it was an eagle lab.  Must've been a bit of a disappointment for them....

I loved this little "green" shed - see the lady on top - there were so many herbs growing on the roof!

This is about how I felt visiting this beautiful place:

The boys had fun jumping in a drained fountain.

Lastly, we walked through a very zen bonsai garden area.

What a wonderful place.  We definitely need to return when we have longer than 90 minutes to spend!  


andy said...

Wow seems like a great place !!! Hope you have a wonderful Tuesday !
Your boys looked like they were very interested as well !

Eat To Live said...

I would have thought like you... that the kids wouldn't enjoy it much. Just goes to show how wrong we were. I know I would have enjoyed it.

Anonymous said...

This looks like a wonderful place to explore. I am not great with flowers either.

Nancy said...

I love how you expose your boys to such a variety of places and things. It will go far to make them well-rounded adults years from now. xo

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh too bad about the Eagles but your boys seem to enjoy everywhere they go that is fantastic it says much about their upbringing.
Love the Bonsia's and the art.. B

Anonymous said...

Love the photo of your boys admiring the artwork... LOL Something they will never forget. xox

Sally said...

Another great excursion. You find the best places! I hope someone will know the name of the small pink flowers; I think that's the one I've been trying to find. (I had a huge tub of them on the patio, and can't remember the name.)


Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Another great adventure with your boys! I love that your family goes to such fun, interesting places.

I really like that red "Hawaiian" flower.

Aww, too bad they thought it was an "eagle" lab. They still had fun, though. Right?

Liz Mays said...

What a fantastic and unusual assortment of vegetation you managed to find. Must say that's awfully neat to see the lady with herbs up top too!

GardenOfDaisies said...

I LOVE that living roof!

TexWisGirl said...

the bonsais just fascinate me! the roof garden? um, no thank you! :)

Anonymous said...

WOW! That place looks amazing.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Bonsais are fascinating. You took some great photos! Thanks for taking us along on the tour. Your boys are getting a wonderful education!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I was off yesterday, so I've just now caught up on yesterday and today. I love the shots at the children's museum. Never seen a glass slide like that! Too funny that he thought you were bringing his groceries home...but that is what is always done with groceries! The Bonsais are awesome. I never knew there were different kinds either!!! I love the shot you got from behind as the boys are sitting in a row. And the "embraceable" bonsai. And the woman on the herb roof, THAT is quite something else!! I have never heard of this! You really know how to make a fun spring break.

Out on the prairie said...

Pig tailed Begonia is the swirled leaf, a fun plant I have grown.A beauty of a place to visit.

Gail Dixon said...

That rooftop herb garden is so awesome. Don't think I've ever seen anything like it! The entire place is a feast for the eyes. The boys pointing at the paintings is a cute pic.

Valerie Boersma said...

Lisa-I've always loved the photographs you post along with your words, but lately your pictures are so amazing! (I don't want that to sound like I didn't think they were good before, though-they were!)

You have some serious talent, my friend, and a great "eye" for composing your photos too. Oh, and you're an awesome mom for taking your boys to such wonderful places-even if there aren't any eagles;)

The Cranky said...

You take the boys such wonderfully diverse places! Perhaps you could adopt me? I'm ready for my second childhood now!

Angie said...

What a neat place! It's amazing how kids pretty much enjoy anything. It's like the make the best of everywhere!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

How fun! I don't know the names of those plants either, but they are really neat :) I'm glad the boys had a good time.

Grandma Bonnie said...

What a beautiful place. Very educational for the boys. I know my grandsons would be interested in all the plants. I don't think my granddaughters would be very entertained though. Happy Tuesday!

Jill said...

I love that you take your boys on so many wonderful adventures.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Now that is something that I would definitely enjoy doing. Glad you got a chance to visit.

Chatty Crone said...

You know - I don't know the names of them either - but they are beautiful and unusual.Loved the boys looking at the paintings. sandie

Lin said...

I think kids like to learn about anything new. I'm sure they liked to see all the different exotic plants--I know I would! What a fun trip! You are a great mom taking them on such adventures.

A Colorful World said...

What an amazing place to visit! I particularly loved the bonsai! That one that looks like an embrace looks like an old woman's face to me, except her nose is a little off-center. Loved all the great photos of the different plants, and loved the statue and the kids looking at the artwork. Wow!

Linda said...

Great plant pictures! And I love the sculpture!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

What a fun place to visit! I love the pics!