Tuesday, April 2, 2013

What is Healthing and How Do I Prevent Germs?

In the month of March, we had more sickness than usual in our house.  Pierce came down with strep throat, and Reid got a really nasty stomach bug.  One of my main concerns in illness is prevention, of course, but after that, trying to control contamination so the other kids don't catch it.  I have the kids frequently wash their hands (as I do as well) and use Lysol disinfecting wipes to wipe down surfaces that might be prone to germs - I even wipe down our leather couches with them!  I love Lysol wipes because they clean AND disinfect (99.9% of germs).  In addition I will scrub the bathroom, launder all bed linens, and sometimes throw away toothbrushes and replace them with new ones if a virus is particularly bad.  Did you know that Lysol has a new campaign out called Healthing - which incorporates health into every aspect of daily living - from healthy eating to cleaning and eradicating germs in your house. 

It's a great idea, because germs are rampant.  Let's examine a typical germ fest exposure.  I never make the boys skip fun community events just because they could catch illnesses there - I just try to take proactive steps as much as I can.  We took the boys to an Easter egg hunt at a small local church recently.  We brought our own baskets, but the eggs in the hunt had likely been handled by many others, and potentially had germs.

Then, there was a wonderful snack prepared for all the children.  Of course, other kids went first through line, and several times I saw children touch snacks that they didn't actually take.  More germs!

Now what do you think Reid is going to do after eating this cupcake?  Lick little chocolately fingers of course.  Good thing we cleaned them before eating our snack.

The grand finale of the Easter hunt was a chick pinata.  The kids all loved beating the little chick with a stick, but the stick was passed from child to child.  By the end, that piece of wood had to be loaded with a wide variety of contaminates!
We made sure that we cleaned off hands before allowing candy to be eaten on the car ride home.  The boys had a wonderful time, and I felt better knowing that we had taken extra steps to minimize germ exposure.  I do think the little things we do each day to stay healthy can make a big difference, and we've had enough sickies in our house lately!  This Spring, Lysol is promoting healthing by visiting YMCAs and teaching people how to improve hygiene habits in their homes.  Visit Lysol for more ideas on how to look beyond cleaning for a healthier lifestyle or to read their guidebook

Disclaimer:  I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for LYSOL®. I received a promotional item to thank me for participating.”. 


Angelwithatwist said...

While my house is never spotless, because we have our pets and our people I do try to keep it as germ free as possible. I do believe we can overkill though, making us more susceptible to germs our bodies would normally fight off. I insist the kids wash their hands and wipe down the sink. I keep toothbrushes covered and sanitize them in peroxide or by heating once a week. Thanks to the weather that can't make up it's mind I have caught a cold.. thanks allergies.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

We had a particularly nasty flu season here. For the first time in my life I was wiping shopping cart handles and carrying hand sanitizer in my purse every where I went. Even to church for the inevitable hugs and hand shakes. Lysol wipes are great. I use all of their products.

Anne Payne said...

We use disinfecting wipes regularly, and especially when the germs seem to be passing around to each of us. It helps when the weather gets warmer and the windows can be opened!

andy said...

He looks like he is enjoying that cupcake buddy !!!! Lol have a wonderful day

Unknown said...

Lysol is great, but it takes pure bleach to kill a lot of those pesky non-enveloped viruses.

Laura @ Green Legacy Farm said...

My kids are taking Nature's Way Primadophilus 3x/day. Though there was some sickness this winter, Akea fought off a cold twice, which is a big deal for her. You just have to make sure it was refrigerated on the way to the store, and stays in the fridge at home.

gin said...

i can't live without lysol wipes. So convenient. Wipe and toss. your church Easter egg hunt looked fun!

Nancy said...

Knock on wood -- we were very fortunate so far this year regarding illness. With little ones, though, I can only imagine the battle you wage on germs. xo

Eat To Live said...

I don't use the lysol wipes... maybe I need to start.

Gail Dixon said...

Sounds like you're doing everything possible to keep your kids healthy. Sometimes I wonder if we go overboard on the germ thing. After all, some germ exposure will help our immune systems grow stronger. Or so I've heard.

Out on the prairie said...

I think we need some exposure to build resistance. I'll have another cupcake, hopefully untouched by little hands.LOL

Sandy said...

Kids are always exposed to germs and I think that is just part of it. You can only do so much to protect them.

On another note, I have been experimenting with other readers for my blogs. I now have numerous accounts...lol. But I have found that I prefer Feedly over all the others. I imagine you are looking for another reader also so I though I would share.

TexWisGirl said...

love the shot of the chocolate cupcake being devoured! :)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I think you're doing a great job to help prevent illness. The boys aren't missing out on any fun, and you're keeping them as well as possible. Preventive actions like you're taken really do cut down on illnesses.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

I bet it's so hard to keep germs away from your kids when they are always touching things and putting them in their mouths! Seems like the wipes would be a great way to get rid of germs and keep your kids healthy.

Valerie Boersma said...

Amy's been sick more than usual this season too-in fact she missed school again last week! Hand washing is essential, and so is wishing that other sick people would stay home and not infect the rest of us! I'll have to give these Lysol wipes a try.

Stephanie said...

It does seem as if germs and colds have been worse this year. I blame the strange weather! One thing I learned the hard way...if you spray too much lysol in yuor house, your carbon monoxide dectors will go off! LOL Hope everyone is healthy now!

A Colorful World said...

I'm kind've a germ-o-phobe myself. But, I do know too that unless children are exposed to germs and viruses at an early age they don't develop the proper immunity to them. We tend to think we should keep their environments as sterile as possible, but they've shown that kids in daycare actually end up more healthy than kids who stayed home all the time as toddlers. Not that I like daycare as an option, but it makes sense. Taking them to events like you are is great. They are so cute, by the way! I bet they had fun!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Don't get me started on wipes! We have tons of different ones! For cleaning surfaces and the kitchen we use these Lysol ones, they have a scrubby side and a smooth side, which I love. Then for little one's hands we use Sani-Hands or Wet Ones. We have to be extremely vigilant with Ella because of her C.F. And her immune system. I always carry several in my purse, my pockets ares stuffed with them, and so is the glove compartment!! So if we run out in one place there are always other places. I also use them to wipe down the shopping cart handles. Did you know that shopping cart handles are one of the most germ laden places ever.

Sally said...

You're doing a great job, Lisa. I like Lysol wipes also, and use them a lot especially in the kitchen. I'm not a germ a phobic, but washing my hands constantly. And, yes the tooth brushes need to be replaced frequently. I also like that the grocery stores have wipes to use on the cart handles.

Great post!

Jill said...

Great shots of your cuties!

Linda said...

I do believe in frequent hand washing, but unless there's a serious illness around I generally avoid most chemicals. On the other hand, there are sources of bacteria that people don't think about, like reusable cloth bags, refillable water bottles, and water filters that are past their recommended use date.

Your kids always look so cute!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

hi- its me tweedles.
i would like a bite of that cupcake please
nitey nite

Marie said...

I use the same wipes. You're doing a great job, mommy! :) Cute photos!

Rambling said...

I think your kids are at the age where it's hard to avoid germs ... do your best, take vitamins and trust that their immune systems will develop and become strong.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It certainly isn't easy. Raising my children 34 years ago we didn't seem to focus on this like today and also we didn't have the available products that you have today. I myself am very careful because of my lungs. I carry spray and wipes. Wipe everything down. I think my husband was embarrassed when I wiped down the arm rests in the show. Oh well! I ended up getting sick anyway. I won't shop where they don't have wipes for me to wipe down the carts.

Vision By Mila said...

I've been sick during March as well, both flu and stomach bug, thank God it's all gone now.. I wash my hands thousand times a day.. no OCD though :D

Anonymous said...

We have gone through several containers of them this spring. Thankfully we have stayed healthy too.