Friday, May 10, 2013

Bouncy House Dilemmas and Such

1.  I'm going to miss having preschool mornings to go for a run this summer, when the boys are out of school.  I hope I can manage to wake up super early most mornings, like I did last year, to run and shower before Paul leaves for work.

2.  Say you were at an event with your kid waiting in line for the bouncy house.  The girl in front of you, about 7 years old, climbs through the entrance and you notice that she has completely peed in her pants.  You know that there is a big slide at the end that will likely be coated with her urine by the time your kid goes down.  Do you:
a.) alert the bouncy house worker and have the girl pulled out
b.) tell your child that he/she can't do the bouncy house today after all
c.) let your child go, but afterwards completely disinfect him/her with wipes
d.) ah, what's a little pee amongst kids?  have at it!


4.  I took this photo at the duck pond. I now think ducks may be my favorite animal to photograph.  They're fun.  And dramatic.  I like a little drama in my animals.  Snails?  Maybe not as fun to photograph.

5.  It's yard sale season and I am loving that! 

Stay tuned for my answer to question #2 next week.  Linked today with Nancy from A Rural Journal.


Elizabeth Edwards said...

one reason why i don't like bouncy houses ... gross!! yuck!! nasty!!

i wonder why the rain keeps doing what it is doing ... rain. sun. rain. sun ... so wild!

i love duck ... are you thinking them all or just a certain type?( :

andy said...

I'm sick of the rain too ! Hope you have a fantastic weekend Lisa !!!

Nancy said...

In regards to the pee at the bouncy house -- I really wouldn't worry about it and let the kids be kids. :)

Have fun at your yard sales -- I need to declutter, so no yard sales for me!

Buttons Thoughts said...

IHi Lisa I think many a kid has slid through someone else's pee and survived it was better if you did not know and just smelled something funky in your car or house later:) Can't wait to hear what you did.
Yard sales are almost as much fun as auctions YEAH:)
Have a nice Mother's Day Lisa and happy runs:) B

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Ok, now I am going to be wondering what you did about the pee pants issue. HA HA !

Heather said...

The bouncy house issue is not one I had thought about before...thanks! :-) I tend to give my kids a thorough cleaning when they are done using fair type rides, but I let them have at it while we are there.

Anonymous said...

I love your duck picture. I think I would have worried about the pee.

Anonymous said...

I hope you find the time to get in your run. I am an avid walker and love a good walk to clear my mind and recharge.

Bev said...

I dislike ALL in store play areas... yucky

mail4rosey said...

I tell the child's mom so she can pull her out of line. Mom probably doesn't have a clue.

Then I cross my fingers and hope mom does the right thing. ;)

TexWisGirl said...

not a yard sale person. i always feel like i'm judging folks' tastes or something. :)

Monkeywrangler said...

Please, send more rain to us here in all of Texas, and to Kansas as they need it badly too. We had rain this week and I was loving it!


I Am Woody said...

If you like ducks, you should photographs some swans some time. Talk about divas!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, well, since I would not want my children to reek of urine in the SUV as I drive them home, I would alert the management while holding my child's hand and explain to them what happened. Why not just be honest about it? Nope... would not let my children get someone else's pee all over them. That's just nasty!

Sharon Wagner said...

That is a beautiful photo. I'll be waiting for an answer to the pee problem...

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

I'd probably "disinfect" Livie with wipes afterwards and put her in the tub as soon as we get home. Can't make 'em miss all the jumpy house fun so a and b aren't options.

Ducks! Livie and I love them!

Gail Dixon said...

Since I'm a bit of a germaphobe I would have made an excuse and put my kids in the car to go straight home. I'll be interested to hear how you handled it.

Kim said...

That is a dilemma about the peed bouncy house!

I have to get up very early a few mornings a week to get my run in before showering and getting to work. I know you of all people can do it!

Shell said...

What a great pic!

Ew on the bouncy house. I don't know- I probably would have let mine go so I didn't have to deal with them getting upset about it- but I'd wonder where her mom was and why she didn't see it.

Mary said...

Yard sales are awesome! :). I love duckies too. So much fun. And i like the way they talk.

Lynn said...

we've 8 ducklings across the road from us, they are little devils to photograph. You young Mom's are incredible, imagine getting up earlier to jog, beautiful photo.

Unknown said...

Hey Lisa,
lol this post was super funny.
I do not like bouncy houses myself.
Most of the time I just go to the private parties where the people have rented one.
Cause hey, you know them right?
Still... when those houses arrive, I have noticed myself they are never super clean when they set them up.
They are just "gross" period.
I think the tubes at the fast food places are worse... since kids leave food in them.
I myself try not to think about it too much. It just adds stress.
Kids get dirty. Period.
But when I can see the dirty-ness and such I am the type to try to explain that maybe this time we should skip the house. Luckily my kids are pretty good at excepting things the way they are.

Can't wait to read you answer to it though. It will probably make me laugh all over again.

Aaaah kids.

Have a lovely weekend.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I am the wrong person to ask about the bouncy house/pee issue. You know I would have a hard time being there in the first place! :-) But if I were a mom, I would have to change my way of thinking, I'm sure.

I hope you do get time to take your runs this summer. Kudos to you for being able to get up so early to do it!

I'm tired of the heavy rains, too. We need the water, but when it starts flooding--too much!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm looking forward to your answer. We didn't have bouncy houses when my children were growing up. I'm leaning towards (a) because the other choice don't sit well with me.


Vision By Mila said...

I don't have kids, but I think I'd let him or her just slide down and clean thoroughly afterwards..

Our Neck of the Woods said...

I think I'd go with "d" on your #2. I'm not a parent yet, but I hope I wouldn't freak out too much about it! I'd be sure to give them a bath when we got home though :)

I love yard sales, too!

Hope you have a great mother's day weekend!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Letter C definitely!!! The girl should not be embarrassed and the boy should not be disappointed. What did you DO?? A long time ago, I read a medical book that said that urine is sterile, and I have been much happier dealing with these situations ever since! Otherwise I would be freaking out. Nevertheless, a good bath when you both get home.

Sally said...

The thing is these days, alerting a parent to the pee issue; you never know how they'll respond. More than likely, had the mom known it, she decided the heck with it. I have a feeling you let the boys go anyway. So, I'll be anxious for your answer.

That's a great photo, Lisa. We've had enough rain here for a while also.

Happy Mother's Day weekend to you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I do NOT miss little kid messes...
Enjoy your weekend!

Michelle said...

Interesting post! lol We had "bouncy house day" sponsored by our PTO at 3 of our district schools this week. What to do about that issue?! I almost photographed a snail this week. Seriously. We have been on the same wavelength!

Eat To Live said...

Rain, rain go away..... as I am saying that... we are getting a huge downpour.

Linda said...

Love the duck! As for the bouncy house, I'd go with "d." Urine is not a health threat! It's said to be pretty much sterile.

I'd worry more about a kid with a cold.

Willow said...

HI Lisa
yay Yard sale season! !! Phewwie pee pee boucies. I love darling ducks myself. Mountain man wants to get another pet Musquovey Duck (prob spelt that wrong) we had one for many years she was such a sweetie. How is your pony doing ... any pics? ?

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

Try to find mom or dad of the peed in pants child?

Can't wait for the ending to this story, ha ha ....

Love your photo!

Pouring down rain here in Western PA right now.

One more sentence and it'll be a random five comment! :)

Valerie Boersma said...

Loving yard sales, and ducks too! Pee soaked pants, not so much. Where were the parents, I wonder? Still, I guess there are worse things in life than a little urine;)

Have a gorgeous weekend, Lisa! xx

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I love ducks too....bouncy house??

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Lisa, We too have had SO much rain --but that makes flowers bloom. Our Irises, Azaleas and Rhododendrons are blooming now. Gorgeous!!!

I would choose "D" on question Number 2... No worries!!! Kids are gonna get into all kinds of things in their lives. We can't protect them from everything.

We just got home from a week at Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina. Had a fabulous time....

Happy Mother's Day.

born imaginative. said...

I'd get the kid out of there! She shouldn't ruin everyone's fun!

Grandma Bonnie said...

Pee a big no no. I would alert the management.
I love yardsales.

Michaele said...

All you need to do is, let a couple more kids go ahead of yours right?

Liz Mays said...

I would do a AND b, I think. Yikers!

An Apel a Day said...

I'm thinking I'd tell the bouncy house worker to take them out.

Lin said...

Those bouncy houses, plastic ball pits, and tube mazes are filled with germs and other assorted disgusting things. I'd try to avoid all that stuff if possible, but if your kids are hell-bent on going, I'd just make sure you wash their hands well and make sure they get a good scrubbing at the end of the day. Life is dirty and goodness knows we don't know what we are encountering out there in the world.

Have you noticed a plethora of self-serve food places now? That makes me sick just thinking about it and all the germy folks in front of me. Blech. I avoid those places like the plague.