Friday, May 24, 2013

Teacher Gifts and Recurring Dreams

It's Random Friday, so here are a few things on my mind this week.
1.  For Teacher Appreciation Day, I made little felt purses for each of the boys' teachers.  I tucked a gift card to a local cupcakery inside, and accompanied by a few chocolate chip oatmeal cookies, I felt like they were a fun little way to celebrate.  The boys certainly loved presenting them to their beloved teachers. 

2.  I have a recurring dream about tsunamis.  It's creepy.  I wonder if I have it when I'm feeling overwhelmed in my life?

3.  I love to watch documentaries.  Recently we checked one out of the library called Pressure Cooker.  It follows some inner city Philadelphia high school students as they compete for culinary scholarships.  It was such an inspiring film. 

4.  Our hermit crab, Misty, died a few months ago when trying to molt.  So when I stopped in a local pet store that was going out of business, and had everything 75% off, I picked up three new hermit crabs.   One for each boy.  The twins are quite pleased to have their own hermit crabs, however they do tend to sneakily overfeed them.  I'll go in to check the water and find piles of food as big as the hermit crabs in the sand.

5.  I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day!  Readers, are you doing anything exciting?

This post linked to Random Friday at A Rural Journal


The Cranky said...

Those are adorable little gifts Lisa and I'm sure the teachers were as delighted to receive them as the boys were to present them.

Recurring dreams can be creepy but I suspect you're spot on with your interpretation.

Have a great holiday! The kidling will be coming over and the three of us will hang out, cook together, and just enjoy one another's company.

Anonymous said...

I think my guy would over feed his crab if he had one too. I think he might get fed whatever JDaniel is snacking on.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Three new crabs living in your house, huh? Those men in your life are blessed to have YOU! When our creeks overflowed the year we moved in, I was afraid the mountain would slide on the house!!!! But you're on a hill as are we now so no worries Baby Girl!...:)JP. Oh, Memorial Day heading to my SILs.

Kerri Farley said...

What sweet gifts for the teachers!!! You are so crafty!

Nancy said...

Those little purses are super cute. What a novel idea Lisa.

I had a dream that I was being questioned by the FBI for something I can't remember doing... let's not dissect that dream.

No special events planned this weekend. Supposed to be rainy anyway. Have a great one, Lisa.

Alica said...

What a nice teacher gift idea. I'm sure they'll love them! Memorial Day this year will probably be spent baling hay. Have a great weekend!

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

those little purses are just adorable! that is such a cute gift idea !!

Anonymous said...


Your teacher gifts are darling! Yay for you on the hermit crab score. I have had a few Beta Fish over the years. They are easy and fun.

No Memorial Day or weekend plans. We have all the cattle out to grass and am ready to relax for a few days.


Lynn said...

oh my goodness when does a busy Mom of three have the time to do up these delicious little cookie bags, what lucky teachers. Your dream may just be one of those 'universal' angst dreams, the tornado, the over flooding etc..I think everyone is quite effected everywhere by all of the natural disasters, I dream we are swept into the Mediterranean Sea (we are miles from it).. weekend is a holiday here but we are going to Beaucaire to visit a castle...then to Arles for an art exposition.

Anonymous said...

I'll just bet your boys beamed with pride when they gave those purses to their teachers. Would have been such a great thing to have on video, wouldn't it?

My only recurring dream is one where I float/fly over the neighborhood I grew up in but I haven't had it in years.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

You are so talented! Those purses are super cute. I especially like the one with the cat (of course).

Your interpretation of your dream sounds right. I have a recurring dream where I'm in college and have not attended a class all semester, or I can't find the buildings where my classes are.

I'm sorry about Misty. I understand the boys overfeeding. I tend to overtreat the kitties sometimes.

No great plans for this weekend, but I am on vacation from work next week--yay!!

Bev said...

Love those teacher gifts...what a neat idea!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

I need to put that documentary on my Netflix queue.

If you enjoy documentaries, you should watch "Mad Hot Ballroom" which documents kids in NYC's public schools as they learn how to ballroom dance and compete in a city-wide competition. I think you'll enjoy it.

Those little purses are so cute!! What a cute gift.

I have a recurring dream about tall bridges and I'm just about to be blown off by high winds . . . I don't have it too often, but it sure isn't a fun dream.

TexWisGirl said...

LOVE those cute gifts! so cute!

good luck with the new crop o' crabs! :)

Mary said...

What a beautiful idea to make those purses! :). Lucky boys, lucky teachers, and very talented you.

Karen Lakis said...

The teacher's gifts are sweet! Recurring dreams fascinate me - I have a few myself. I'm not sure what they mean, but it's surprising how common some themes are in dreams. We're just taking it easy this weekend - probably hit a farmer's market. Have a nice weekend!

Tami Von Zalez said...

I enjoy watching documentaries too!

Popped by from Random 5 Friday.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your gifts for the teachers are brilliant, and three gifts in one. I think no one else will out-do you. How long do the tiny crabs live? You are talking about those real tiny cute ones, right? They have them in our Pet Smart, one day when we were there with Ella, she spent forever watching some people choose and buy one. I felt sorry for her, her mom won't allow any pets. Anyway, have the boys named them?

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Cute purses- I imagine the teachers will love them!
Have a fun-filled holiday weekend with your family!

Eat To Live said...

You are so talented Lisa. Those purses are adoreable.

Valerie Boersma said...

Lisa-I am deathly afraid of tsunamis!! And I want to live near the water, too...

Those little purses are adorable!! Lucky teachers:)

Have a great weekend with your family!

Latane Barton said...

This is just my thought. Do you suppose you dream about tsumanis when really should be getting up and going to the bathroom. Like I say.... my thought.

Willow said...

You are the sweetest. I use to love it when I brought gifts for he teacher when I was a kid.
Hermit crabs are so interesting. In their own shelled up way lol

Maggid said...

These are the best teacher gifts EVER!!!

Chatty Crone said...

I love those little bags you made - plus the cupcake coupons and cookies - that would have been a great idea for Andy's. sandie

Michaele said...

I always love your Friday posts. You crack me up.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Those teachers gifts are adorable. Have you seen The Impossible. I actually bought it today so I can take it for my dad to watch. So sorry about your crab and I'm sure the boys are happy to have the new ones. That is funny about them sneaking them food. You have a nice weekend too. No plans but we bought some steaks to grill. My husband has some required painting on the front of the house. A few things have faded and must be touched up!

Shine Kids Crafts said...

We do not have teacher appreciation day in Hong Kong. I think we should have one. That is so meaningful!

Anonymous said...

Fun post, Lisa. You did a great job on the teacher's gifts. We will stay at home over the long weekend. The weather is expected to be perfect. Hope you all enjoy your time together.

Linda said...

What cute purses!
It does sound like you might feel overwhelmed. Don't we all?

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Lisa, Love the Teacher Appreciation Gifts... Awesome!!!

I love documentaries also... Usually they are very inspiring.

Bet the boys will love their new hermit crabs.

Hope you have a great weekend. Happy Memorial Day --and don't forget to thank God for our service men and women who do/did so much for us to keep us safe.


Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Nice to appreciate teachers! I dont know anything about hermit crabs...but you have boys. I hope your dreams get better

Leave It To Davis said...

I'd be willing to bet the teachers in your school hope for your boys to be in their room each year. What a thoughtful person you are! And what thoughtfulness you are teaching your sons! Bravo for you!

I love documentaries, too. They have some really good ones on Netflix, streaming.

Anonymous said...

What a great teacher's gift idea! Lucky teachers!

Marie said...

Such thoughtful gifts! Glad the boys got more crabs. :)
My mom's birthday is Sunday so, we'll be celebrating! :)

Jill said...

Those are the cutest and most perfect teachers gifts ever!!

Grandma Bonnie said...

Nice teachers gifts! Happy Memorial Day to you also. Have a great weekend.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We LOVE those little purses!

Arti said...

I am sure the teachers loved their gifts! They are so creative and so very beautiful too! And I wonder what the hidden message is behind your tsunami dreams! Have a lovely day Lisa :)

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Those little felt purses are too cute! You did a great job on them. I bet the teachers really appreciated the thought!

born imaginative. said...

Those little gift card holders are soooooo cute!

Vision By Mila said...

Loving nr. 1!

Anonymous said...

What is it with little kids and FEEDING creatures. They can never get enough of that, I swear!

warren said...

Great teacher gifts...we usually give a nice potted flower from the farmers' market. I think teachers like cool gifts that mean something