Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Art of Washing Dishes #MyPlatinum #sponsored

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Cascade. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.”

I have a lot of thoughts about washing dishes, especially since I generally make all of our meals from scratch.  For a family of five, that adds up to a lot of dishes, and I'm running the dishwasher daily!  Prior to living in our current house, I did a seven year stint with no dishwasher, and I particularly loathed the winter months when the pipes would freeze and dirty dishes would pile up in the sink.  I sure am glad those days are past. 

Over the next four weeks, I'm going to be blogging weekly about our dishwashing routine, as I've been selected in an Ambassador program for Cascade Platinum!  I will also be sharing information about the "My Platinum" Instagram contest and Cascade's partnership with Top Chef Judge, Gail Simmons.  Cascade has been a frequent product in our household, as I've bought the Cascade Complete Action Pacs in bulk for years.  I've found them to perform well in our dishwasher, and I don't even tend to pre-rinse, as you can see below (yuck, lasagna buildup):

I have never tried Cascade Platinum though.  In the coming weeks, I'll be putting Cascade Platinum to the test, and I'm eager to see how it will handle load after load of messy dishes.  I'm especially interested to see how it handles our glassware - in the picture above you can see that the dishwasher is mostly loaded with plastic kiddie plates and lunch tupperwares.  But we do have glassware and I want to see how clean my wineglasses and plates can be.  Cascade Platinum is supposed to leave dishware spot-free and prevent buildup on dishwasher walls - all while providing the most powerful clean Cascade has to offer. 

For information on Cascade Platinum, visit out their Facebook page!  Readers, how often are you washing your dishes? 


Anne Payne said...

A little dishwasher jealousy going on here. Mine died about 7 years ago, and crazy me thought What the heck? I don't need a new one. Boy, do I regret that thought coming out of my mouth! I wash a lot of dishes, especially now that my oldest son cooks. My husband said last night he thought the boy used every pot & pan we own when he cooks! Yep. I think so, too. I look forward to seeing how you like the Cascade Platinum. I used Cascade...way back when...big sigh... :)

Anonymous said...

This sounds great! I look forward to hearing what you think about it.

Rob-bear said...

When we sold our house and moved to this apartment, we could not bring our automatic dishwasher with us. So I became a dishwasher. Between the two of us, we do dishes a couple of times a day, occasionally more.

I don't mind doing dishes. It is mainly a mindless activity, and some of my better blog posts come together when I'm doing dishes.

Blessings and Bear hugs!
Bears Noting
Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

Nancy said...

I sometimes wash dishes twice a day -- no auto dishwasher here. :)

Eat To Live said...

I have never tried Cascade Platinum, but then I quit using my dish washer because all the dish washing liquids and powders I used seemed to scratch my dishes eventually and make them look old and ugly.

I am going to keep checking and see how you are doing with this.

born imaginative. said...

I couldn't live without my dishwasher. Oh yeah...I did. For 6 months with a newborn. That was not fun.

Jeanne said...

Have fun, and good luck with your dishes!

Valerie Boersma said...

I'll be interested too! Having a dishwasher is such a time saver-though I don't mind washing dishes by hand either. Ours is old, though, and will probably croak soon... ;)

Monkeywrangler said...

Hmm, I tend to use the cheap dish cleaner in our old washer. It does a poor job, but I don't think the expensive stuff would do any better. We sadly just need to budget in a new dishwasher...

Sally said...

I've mostly always used Cascade. Since moving here though, nothing seems to help my dishes. There's sulfur water here, and my glasses especially are looking all "smeared" up. I'll have to try the platinum; maybe that will make a different. :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

My situation is so different now from yours ---but I do remember those days when we had kids in the house...

Now--I seldom use the dishwasher --but prefer to wash them by hand. I wash my dishes as I go --and George dries them. SO--we seldom have ALOT of dishes to wash at one time. IF we have company or a big meal (like Thanksgiving) --I definitely use the dishwasher.


mail4rosey said...

Congrats on the ambassadorship! :)

Frozen pipes and no dishes does sound outrageously obnoxious. Glad that's over for ya!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Congrats on being selected to be in the program! How exciting! I do use the dishwasher quite a bit as well since I cook from scratch. I run it at least every other day. Can't wait to hear your opinion on the products!

Anonymous said...

We probably run our dishwasher every other day. I like a powdered detergent.

Ginny Hartzler said...

We have seen Gail Simmons a lot because we never miss an episode of Top Chef. I just came from a friend's blog where she just ate at the restaurant of a Top Chef winner. How exciting for you!!! We have never had a dishwasher in 43 years of marriage. Everywhere we lived, did not have one! But of course it is just the two of us...

Jill said...

I'll look forward to hearing about your results!

Karen thisoldhouse2.com said...

We have a full dishwasher every day too.. and I know I'm spoiled to say this, because I grew up in a house without a dishwasher, but I don't know how you did seven years without one!... I hope I never know that woe again!

An Apel a Day said...

I'm going to try making my own dishwasher soap after I run out of the tons of Costco pellets I got. They get stuck in the little dish soap door. It happens too frequently.

Marie said...

We have a dishwasher, but we don't use it often. Hubby and I wash and dry together. I will use the dishwasher if we have company.:) And we do cook every night, but not everything from scratch. lol

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

With just two of us, and not a lot of cooking going on (:-() we run the dishwasher once or twice a week. But we don't put the kitty bowls in it to preserve the rubber around the edges. So we handwash those. Not my favorite thing to do.

Grandma Bonnie said...

We have never owned a dishwasher. I would like to get one but now the kids are all gone but one I don't see the need. I do wash dishes about three times a day.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Interesting...can't wait to see how it works!...:)JP

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Our old farm house does not have a dishwasher either,. We wash dishes once a day.

CailinMarie said...

i have 6 kids. We wash a *lot* of dishes. We use a biodegradable dish washing fluid from Costco - Kirkland brand.
All I know about dishes and dishwashing is that back in the day when I worked at Colonial WIlliamsburg's retail shops, the rep from silverware company told us to tell clients not to use lemon scented dishwashing detergent. It pits the stainless steel in the blade of the knives. Also - never wash real silver and stainless in the dishwasher together. I never wash real silver in the dishwasher anyway, but supposedly you can, just not with the stainless.
That is about all I know about dishes!