Monday, June 10, 2013

Strawberry Picking

Strawberries came in late this year.  The extended cold temperatures this spring left us picking berries several weeks later than normal.  Nevertheless, when we arrived at the patch the berries looked ripe and ready for picking.

Of course before any berries could go in the bucket, there was some sampling to be done.

The berries met with the approval of all three boys.

Finally they got down to work.  They were competitive this year.  Each one wanted to be the one to pick the most berries.

Hard at work.

Hard at work?  Or just stuffing the face?

That night, I made lemon pound cake, and we all stuffed ourselves silly after dinner. 
Strawberry season is always one of the best delights of Spring.


Anonymous said...

They are so good! And even better when you get to wear those cool hats while picking them! Great post, Lisa. xox

Raining here AGAIN.... never ending it would seem.

Eat To Live said...

Fresh picked sure beat those things we get in the supermarkets in the winter. Your strawberry short cake looks yummy.

andy said...

Got to love strawberry picking !!!!!

Heather said...

We have another couple of weeks to wait, but soon! And I am very excited. I hope that we will get a good year this year, the past couple haven't been great. What kind of hats are the kids wearing? I think I need to get something for my littles for when we are outside.

Anonymous said...

It looks like they had a wonderful time. I love their hats!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

They will remember picking those berries for many years!

Maggid said...

Strawberries. . . Yum!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Ok, I'm hungry for strawberry shortcake now...hmmm. I want one of those would sure keep the sun off of my neck while I am mowing.

Gail Dixon said...

Leave it to little boys to make it a competition. They are so cute. Must keep you smiling all day.

Jill said...

I love the shot if the boys. They are so cute...working or stuffing...I just love 'em!

I Am Woody said...

Yum! The strawberry fields (that produced year-round!) was one of the things that I loved about the place we lived in California. Ah, the smell!!

Anonymous said...

Ours will be ready in another week or two--can't wait!

Kim said...

That cake looks divine! We haven't done any picking yet. Looks like so much fun. Love that they were competing:)

Sharon Wagner said...

Strawberries are so behind here this year. Along with everything else. I can't wait.

Monkeywrangler said...

Yum! I wish there was a strawberry place around here.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Lisa I wished I had the great help you have. I love picking/testing strawberries and the boys know how to do both:) B

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Your boys are so cute--and helpful! When I picked strawberries, I had to taste-test, too--it's a requirement! :-)

Sandra said...

Strawberries, YUM.
Picking is always a great family activity!

TexWisGirl said...

your boys in their caps are so adorable!

Marie said...

Such cute berry pickers! Love the taste test pics. :)

mail4rosey said...

Those look like really big berries! I love strawberry picking season. :) The pics are great.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

That lemon pound cake looks to die for! I am a bit obsessed with strawberries right now. I can't get enough!

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a wonderful, wonderful day! And I am loving the pictures! Especially 4 and 5, though the cake is awesome! How many times do you go in a season? Then do you make jams and such and freeze or can them? Who won the picking contest? It may remain a mystery as quite a bit of them were eaten!

Sally said...

Oh, this post brings back so many memories, Lisa. It was a family tradition to go strawberry picking. Even when my daughter was crawling; my mom would just let her go. LOL

Your boys look very happy! :)


Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Yummo! I'm sure your boys loved that outing!

I wish I could find a you-pick-it strawberry place near my house.

born imaginative. said...

I cannot wait until ours come in! We wait forever in Maine. I'm soooo jealous of that shortcake.

Nancy said...

That strawberry dessert looks so good and I bet it tasted even better with fresh strawberries. :)

Liz Mays said...

Your last sentence is so, so true. Plus, local strawberries tend to be so much sweeter and juicier than the ones that are flown in from elsewhere to stores.

Michelle said...

Nothing like fresh strawberries.

Chatty Crone said...

They are so incredible cute - and eating along the way! sandie

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I am so yearning for some good, fresh strawberries. Have not seen any around here yet... Hope they are just late. BUT--there's been so much rain this year that we may not get any.. Yours looks wonderful...

Cute little boys. Love those hats.


Vision By Mila said...

How cute they are, the little workers! I should make a strawberry mousse.. yum.. pancakes with strawberry mousse..

Valerie Boersma said...

Strawberry season is late here too! I can't wait-and I want to make jam. Sadly, my rhubarb is just about done for the year.

Nell at njschout said...

Yum, strawberries!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Fun times and I love their hats!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

LOVE the pictures! What a fun day!
We just went yesterday, and the kids had a lot of fun!