Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Summer is for Root Beer Floats #MyPlatinum #sponsored

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Cascade.  I received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

This is my final post in my series on Cascade Platinum.  I have continued to enjoy testing out the product in my dishwasher.  This past week, I put in a casserole dish that had contained homemade baked macaroni and cheese, and was pleasantly surprised when it came out clean and sparkling.  My dishwasher is so clean after running a load of dishes, thanks to the special triple action recipe in each Platinum Pac. 

This week, Cascade has a "My Platinum Clink" contest - just upload an image of your favorite drinks served in shining glasses to Instagram to enter.  You could win a new dishwasher or even a Platinum kitchen makeover! 

My glasses have looked incredibly clean and shiny since I started using Cascade Platinum, so I had fun making a few special drinks.  First, I treated the twins to a root beer float.  They had never had one before, and were delighted.  It was the perfect summer treat.

And then then I made a adult version special drink treat - mimosas.  I don't drink often, but I do love a mimosa on a special occasion.  I have to admit - my wineglasses have never looked better! 
I will continue to use Cascade Platinum in my dishwasher, as it truly has performed up to expectations.  Readers, I hope you'll give it a try in your own dishwasher, if you have one!  Do you have a favorite drink for special occasions?


Elizabeth Edwards said...

usually depends on the cost & if i have a coupon?! ( :

Cat said...

I'm glad you have posted about Cascade platinum. Etching is such a problem with my glassware and the inside of my dishwasher is dull and dingy looking. I found a coupon in the paper for this product and plan to buy some today and give it a try.

Anonymous said...

Not to be a Negative Nellie, but I stopped using Cascade products when it etched all of my glass glasses and Cascade refused to take responsibility for it. I switched brands because of that a couple of years ago. Sorry, Cascade. :(

Anonymous said...

What fun! I love root beer floats too.

I had forgotten about Type A! It was so much fun!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Darn I am my dishwasher:)
That root beer float brings back a lot of memories. MMMM B

Jill said...

It sure sounds like a great product. I'm going to check it out.

I love your photos! The boys are so cute sharing their float. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm a mimosa gal too. My friend makes them the best so I always drink them at their pool parties in the summertime. I should learn to make them too.. can't be too hard.

Monkeywrangler said...

I bought a small bag of Platinum packets. It seems to perform better than the cheap stuff I have used for years. Not sure it performs well enough to justify the cost, but maybe... Glasses are looking less hazy, and the inside of the DW does look cleaner though.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Love the photo of the kids sharing the float--they look so serious about it!

That mimosa looks so refreshing. For special occasions, I love Kahlua and creme.

Mary said...

Root beer floats are so wonderful, and just shout 'happy summertime!'. :)

Angela said...

I have never tried a root beer float. The thoughts of it just don't sound good to me for some strange reason. lol I love root beer and I love ice cream but to mix them I just can't do that! lol

Marie said...

When my son was much younger her loved root beer floats!
I love sweet iced tea and back in the day I loved long island iced teas. :)

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Those drinks look yummy! I'm all about minty sweet tea right now :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, your plan has worked! You have me concentrating on the GLASSES instead of the cute boys with their first float! That is an awesome picture! Phil likes Root Beer. I have never tasted it, because I don't like the smell, but maybe I should reconsider. Also is it made from roots? Go ahead and yuk it up, but I don't have a clue...

Willow said...

Mountain man is the dishwasher here ... but if we had a mechanical dishwasher, your review would have me trying Cascade :)

Eat To Live said...

That rootbeer float makes me think of my childhood summers. Your glasses are looking very spiffy...

Nancy said...

The float looks awesome -- the boys seem to agree. :)

Vision By Mila said...

That drink looks so good! I should check the recipe.. and the kids seem to enjoy it so much! How is the horsey?

Liz Mays said...

it does make the dishwasher clean too. Nice perk! I haven't had a rootbeer float in years either. How fun for the boys!

An Apel a Day said...

Rootbeer Floats are goooooood!!!