Friday, July 19, 2013

Flowers on Friday

1.  We recently had some of our neighbors over for lunch, and they brought us a beautiful bouquet of flowers from their garden.  Perhaps JP from A Quiet Corner will recognize them, and be happy to see her flowers are growing well in her absence.

2.  It rained so much, for so many days, and so hard, that we now have algae growing on our driveway.  #truestory

3.  I got my ears pierced when I was 7.  I had to work on my mom for a while before she would take me.  I still remember it very clearly, even the little gold stud earrings I picked out.

4.  When I was in my freshman year of college, I got a few extra piercings in one ear, plus a piercing in my belly button.  Later, I let those grow out, as I grew up. 

5.  I play the lottery.  I have always been a dreamer.

What about you, readers?  Do you play the lottery ever? 

Linked with Nancy, from A Rural Journal, for Random Friday. 


Anonymous said...

Beautiful flower bouquet!

I remember having my ears pierced when I was around 9.

I've never played the lottery!

Wishing you and your family a nice weekend, Lisa.

Anonymous said...

We have weeds growing out of the cracks in our driveway. There has been way too much rain.

Nancy said...

No lottery tickets here. Have never been much of a gambler. :)

I had several ear piercings and a naval piercing, but have let them all close up now.

Beautiful flowers from JP's garden!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh they are lovely flowers Lisa. You rebel you with all these piercings:)
Lottery tickets not my thing I am a dreamer but I guess not about money yet still a dreamer. Good luck on that Lisa you could do great things with that win I am sure.
Take care. Hug B

I Am Woody said...

One of our favorite pastimes on long drives is to play "If I Hit The Powerball" game. If I hit, I will have a lazy river like at waterparks around my property and will have slides as well as stairs to get from floor to floor inside :)

Melanie said...

The flowers are lovely! We are having algae and mildew problems from the rain, I empathize!

Anonymous said...


Pretty flowers! I can see why they make you smile.

Send your exrta rain my way. We could use a good soaker.

I think I was 8-10 when I got my ears pierced. I also have extra ear pearcings ... 8 in all. 3 in the left ear, 5 on the right. Funny, I know. One piercing in the left ear just kept getting infected and after 3 years I gave up and let the hole close.

I am a daydreamer, but not a lottery player. When the money gets really big the Hubby will buy a few tickets.

Anonymous said...

Never played the lottery, but I still have my original piercings from age 8!

Lynn said...

once in blue moon for the lotto tickets, an uncle once won 6 figures, my mom's cousin a million, you'd think I be encouraged, lol. I had my ears pierced when I was 15, came home and my Dad fainted, true story! (only child over protective man). Once thought of the BB but was too chicken...beautiful bouquet of mixed flowers.

Maggid said...

It's funny that you would ask - because lately i have been thinking i should learn about buying a lottery ticket. Haven't tried, yet.

Beautiful flowers.
Beautiful YOU!!!


Sally said...

Love the flowers, and such a nice gift.

Yes, I played the lottery when it first came out here. I played Cash 3 for a week using my birth date. Then I played my granddaughters birth date and won 290.00. I was SO excited and called everyone I knew "I won the lottery!!!!" So, with that I bought a washing machine. I know, but I needed one. LOL

Anonymous said...

I think you should have kept the belly button piercing. How fun!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Lovely flowers! I was almost 12 when I got my ears pierced. I had to ask my dad for permission, which meant it was a big deal. I had a second hole put in when I was in my 20s but let those close up. Larry buys a couple of lottery tickets a week. Still waiting to win! :-)

Mary said...

Gorgeous flowers!

Nope, no lottery for me, but my husband plays. :)

No rain here in Oregon. Weird.

TexWisGirl said...

#1 made me smile and go 'awwwww!!!'

it has been years since i've played the lottery. years.

Leave It To Davis said...

I used to play the lottery in Texas when it first began, but then I thought "I'm spending my children's food money on this..." and I stopped. Never bought another one, even though my kids are grown now. It's addicting...and I never won anything.

Ginny Hartzler said...

We never do the Lottery, but my mom always did and had big dreams of winning. I don't have any piercings anywhere because I get hurt so much unintentionally, that's enough for me! Plus, my hair always covers my ears, else I might have done my ears. We have green algae on our front stoop, have for over 25 years. If you find a good way to get rid of it, let us know! It never gets any sun there. Your flowers are beautiful! I see cone flowers, daisies, and hydrangea?

Jill said...

Beautiful blooms! How sweet!

I was in college when I got my ears pierced. lol!

I rarely play the lottery but it's fun when I do!

Snap said...

The bouquet is lovely -- the hydrangeas gorgeous. I used to play the lottery. As *they* say ... if you don't play you can't win! I'll take your rain -- we need more. I was in college when I got my ears pierced and I did them myself! Ouch!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the flowers. We play the lottery each week. You can't win if you don't play! Enjoy your weekend.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Nice bouquet! I do not play lottery. But I do remember in Jr. High hiding in the girls bathroom with a friend and letting her pierce my ears.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Those flowers are so pretty! What a lovely bouquet. My husband buys a couple lottery tickets whenever he remembers to do so. He bought some yesterday actually!

Chatty Crone said...

I play the lottery a little. And you had a stomach ring - I would never have guessed that. sandie

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

I'm not a gambler. Hubby won $1,000. with a scratch ticket years ago. We decided to quit while we were ahead, so have not been playing since.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

the flowers are very beautiful!
My moms sometimes buy a ticket- but they never win anything!

Eat To Live said...

I have some alge growing on my back porch and the garden is so full of weeds that I can't keep up. Oh well... tomorrows another day and it is suppose to rain all night tonight.

Lin said...

I love flowers from the garden! I just gave a bouquet to a co-worker who was leaving. I think it's like giving a piece of your heart.

We play the lottery when it's a big pot. I like to dream too.

Latane Barton said...

When we first moved to Virginia I played the lottery. It was new to me (they don't have it in Alabama) but now the thrill of 'never winning' has taken over and I just don't do it.

mail4rosey said...

I do play once in awhile.

My daughter wants a ring in her lip, uh... no. She can wait until college (and hopefully by then she'll have outgrown it). eesh

Alica said...

I didn't get my ears pierced until I was an adult...and my Dad still wasn't happy with me! Thankfully he doesn't care anymore. I've though about getting another in one of my ears, but my daughter (14) would disown me if I did! :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Awwwwww...those gardens were always so took years and I'm sure they are enjoying each and every plant...I certainly hope so because there's nothing like leaving a legacy behind when you move on!...:)JP

Jeanne said...

I always THINK of playing the lottery! Does that count? I am also a dreamer.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Lisa, Your hydrangeas are gorgeous.... Nice arrangement.

I can't remember when I got my ears pierced --but I was probably in college --or maybe older. Back then, it was fairly new!!!! See how old I am.... ha

I have never EVER bought a lottery ticket. Just can't do it... I'll never win this way though, will I??? ha


Marie said...

We play the lotto every week.:)
Just about all the teen girls in this area have a belly piercing. I have two piercings in each ear and that's all for me. lol
Those flowers are so pretty!
Enjoy your Sunday!

Unknown said...

My late father used to say "Play it with a dollar a week--no more--just in case". Last year when it was at $10 million, I spent $10. (I didn't win). :)

Arti said...

I have never played lottery but I have my ears pierced too but then that is very common for us Indians! And it rained pretty heavily here in Mumbai too last week, the streets were flooded!! Have a nice day Lisa :)

Valerie Boersma said...

I've never played the lottery, but I got tipsy on champagne when I was 21 and tried to pierce a second hole in my ear with an ice cube and a darning needle. Oh the stupid things we do when we are young;)

Those flowers are gorgeous!

Linda said...

I never play the lottery. Never got my ears pierced either. Must be some attitudes I got from my Mennonite ancestors!

born imaginative. said...

I've never played the lottery. I got a couple scratch tickets from a family friend, but that's been it. If you never play, you won't win. YOur chance are better than mine.